Travesty in American higher education…

I was reading this article about an amateur “sociology project” being conducted at Arizona State University. It described a website called (Palm Walk being, allegedly, “the hottest place on Earth”), wherein the webmasters posted photos of over 200 college girls going to and from class and allowed visitors to rate them based on a scale from 1 to 10. The fact that these girls were photographed unawares and then subject to purely sexist evaluation based solely upon their physical appearance was not my chief concern, however. No…it was the demographics that this “study” revealed.

Upon visiting the site myself, I discovered that all but one of the girls had rather small breasts and the majority were disturbingly thin. I’ve been to university – taught there, even – and I know for a fact that college girls, much like the public at large, come in all shapes and sizes. Thus, one can only assume that young women featured on the site reflect the personal bias of the surveyor. Even worse, while most of the girls had average scores ranging between 4.7 and 7.3, the only one I found to have what I would consider reasonable-sized breasts (shown below) suffered a humiliating rating of 1.7!

I gave her a 10, of course. What is wrong with the young people of today?!

4 thoughts on “Travesty in American higher education…”

  1. After seeing many of the pictures on this site myself, I totally agree with the biasedness of the photographer. Not only is he preferential to the really thin, flat girls but none of his subjects have any curves whatsoever (boobs, butt, accentuated hips) to write home about. And the one curvy girl on the website getting only a 1.7? What the heck is that all about?

    A pretty face can get a 6-7 score, but to get higher from me you need the other assets to complete the package!

  2. I was once a student there too. After going thru the rating of all girls and compare with the average scores, I couldn’t keep suspecting that something is wrong with myself. Typically thin and flat-chested girls with pretty faces earn the highest average scores. While my scores are mostly based on boob size. Am I so unique or other visitors are all flate women?

  3. No, I don’t think it’s just us. Curiously, I just encountered this article from ASU Web Devil which states: “ASU is notoriously breast-friendly. Between the loads of freshmen women flashing to get into frat parties and the half-dozen or so perky, post-op tube tops that I see walking to class every day, it’s pretty safe to assume that ASU doesn’t exactly hate them.” Seems to contradict the results of the Palm Walk poll, especially since the best-boobed girl there had the worst overall score! Alas, I guess it shall remain a mystery…

    ~Reese! :~)

    P.S. …just visited the site again and noticed that “our girl” was up to 2.5 – still the lowest score, but at least it’s a move in the right direction!

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