Browsing one of the swingers’ forums that Vix & I frequent the other day, I was shocked to discover a post by a guy wondering how to locate the clitoris! I mean, apart from the breasts and, in some cases, the lips of the labia, isn’t it the most obvious of the female sexual organs?! It seemed evident to me that this bloke had never had sex, at least not with the lights on…but, even then, you’d think he’d certainly be able to feel it; especially if his partner was suitably aroused!
Sadly, the replies following his original inquiry indicated that he wasn’t the only one unaware of the fundamentals of female sexual anatomy. In fact, even some of the younger ladies there appeared (un)blissfully ignorant of the ins and outs of their own genitalia. Based upon the responses, it’s no wonder that the statistics on women faking orgasm are so high. How could these folks ever hope to pleasure their partners – or even themselves, in the case of the ladies – if they didn’t know the basics?
I was sorely tempted to send the lot of them over to for a refresher course, but then figured it might be more fun to answer the question with audio-visual assistance: I recalled seeing a video amongst the massive archive at Score’s XL Girls site wherein the beautiful, busty Brandy Taylor was receiving a delightfully thorough hands-on anatomy lesson on the female reproductive system. So, I downloaded the 13m20s video and cobbled together a selection of highly-educational clips… ;~)

…damn! I neglected to include the one where Brandy’s “tutor” gave such an enlightening (not to mention a rather intensely effective) demonstration of the simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris and the G-spot! ;~P
hey reese, i love the brandy taylor videos!!! I got a another girl you can bring to your site, dolly morgan! she seems very well endowed, i want to see more of her breasts and i’m sure many other guys as well.
Glad you enjoyed the videos! I agree that Dolly Morgan is rather impressively endowed, too (38J!), and shall have to find some of her pics and/or videos to feature here…
~Reese! :~)
Hi!. Ithought of other model you could show in your site : Yulia Nova. She seems to be busty enough to make it.
And i was wondering ¿is Merilyn married?, because i saw what looks like a wedding ring in her hand in qute a few pics ¿Do you know something about this?
Thanks for your time!!! =)
That Brandy sure is a good student! I admire her dedication to knowledge.
Gustave: I’ve not seen much of Yulia Nova around lately, but I’ll definitely keep an eye out for her with intent to blog! As for Busty Merilyn being married, I can’t seem to get a clear answer on that one. I suspect that, if she was, Score would want to keep that under wraps…as it would dash the dreams of the many “hopefuls” that visit her site. ;~)
Bibby: I “udderly” agree! :~D
Brandy Taylor sure is hot!!!, that face and those breasts of her are just too much!!!. And for Yulia Nova, try in the MediaPreview section in the “Bachelor” link. You should find something to catch your eye i hope!
I’ve always loved Brandy! I’ve been hoarding her photos since I was a member of This reminds me of two points I’ve wanted to make. I found this blog about four days ago. It’s hands down THE BEST IVE SEEN!!! Kudos to the Reese meister! Looks just like what I’ve had going on my hard drive for some time, but with commentary and superior content!
1) How come you avoid most content? This is such a great site, esp for the ‘larger’ bodied type you swear by. Over 40 great models there. I prefer the types like Brandy, Marilyn, Bea, and of course, the GGGreat….
2) You seem to have mentioned her, but avoided covering the Milena Velba phenomenon. Perfection on Earth in my book.
brandy taylor is the best>>>>>>
i love you brandy………………..
brandy es una de las mas hermosas pornostar,su cara es angelical y sus senos lafantasia ideal.
i love brandy taylor!!!!!
which of you can me say where i meet
how pretty brandy taylor
hey i am just starting out in porn and i have big tits and wanna be on this site please mail me with how i can be
hey brandy man u r so hot and ur ass is soo perfect it almost maked me get off in my pants
well…Brandy Taylor is quite revealing.I like her boobs and specially her tits they seem to be as solid as a champagne cork. i would really love to play with her. She charges me, everytime i see her i go wild, though i have sevral girlfriends but brandy Taylor makes me crazy, those tits and boobs are really an asset, not only do i love her boobs but she has such a cute and bubbly face and it looks even better when she takes all the cum on her beautiful and innocent face. She really does have an appealing body language, i hope to see more of her in the coming future, and i being a multi millionare do hope to make some movie with her, and i myself would play with her beautiful body. She enjoys every bit of being fuked, infact it seems that she has given all her life to serve the hunger of people like us.. everytime i see her vide i open my pants and start masturbating, i have loads of pics and photo copies of brandy Taylor i just look at those pics and cum on them, it really satisfies me………
estas re buena
i love her !!!!!
i would like to make … with her… ;-)
if someone could get this girl to lose like 30 pounds she would be a vivid girl faster than you can say, i’m spent
Absolutely Nick! Her pretty face huffing choad would bring the house down. But add to that jumbo tits, she would set em on fire!
brandy taylor is something else
check out daizie kellog, if you search around you can find some fuckin bangin pics from her heyday
probly my 2 fav women out there, i dont know what i’d do if i got them both in the same place at the same time… actually i do
Hey Girl! I am in your Class downstairs..I think your Hot! Wow! Thats awesome that your a porn star! Your like my idol ! Talk to me sometime!
Man I LOVE Brandy- amazing girl. Brandy Taylor sure is hot!!!
Brandy Taylor!!
She can de my Babe!!;)
And she is pryty she looks like an Angel!!
Brandy, I want to fuck every day of my live …
Can we regulate that … ?
Hey Brandy, I want to play with you in your next film.
Man I love Brandy’s Huge tits! that is the best thing about her and even better when she gets titty fucked
hey well well well miss taylor you are the best! all you guys would not belive how many times i have been told i look like miss taylor and i love love to do what she does well bye
Nah, Brandy Taylor doesn’t need to lose weight. They can’t all be skinny girls. Appreciate her for what she is – plump, cute, and oozing sex from every pore.
Hola Brandy. Soy tu admirador. Constantemente tengo fantasías contigo. Nada mejor que tus tetas y la cara que pones cuando estás follando. Busco casi a diario nuevos videos tuyos. Tienes con lo que se necesita para cumplir el sueño de cualquier hombre.
i agree with joe and mike she doesn’t need to lose weight.