No time to think about big tits today due to serious technical difficulties we’re experiencing elsewhere, but remember how excited I’d got when lovely busty voluptuous 34K Dors Feline went blonde a while back?..

…granted, it was just my gentlemen prefer blondes with big boobs bias coming out again, but I must say that this not-so-subtle change in hair length and colour had me seeing dairy-licious darling Dors in a whole new light; no longer the quirky sexy goth girl with dark hair short and sassy whom I viewed with ample admiration for sharing her massive K-cup breasts and most beautiful body of busty voluptuous loveliness with us boob lovers, but an intensely sexual being as a blonde with big tits transformed into something I would be carnally unable to resist if she shot me but one sexy stare from those gorgeous big brown eyes of hers as erotically exemplified in the thumbnail above. *sigh*
Wait, where was I? Lost in the moment, obviously. Anyway, the reason I popped onto the boob blog during this trying day was to say I’d just seen some big boobs blonde videos of Dors Feline in her follicly altered state of allure and, although her big tits tease bubbly personality we know and love hasn’t changed in the least, I still can’t get over the intensely erotic effect seeing extra busty and, now (for me), extra sexy Dors Feline with long blonde hair has upon me. So, whilst I go off to wallow in the shame of being so sexually shallow in my overtly hairist attitudes amidst attempting to address problems less pulchritudinous but more pressing in nature, here’s super-naturally well-endowed 34K Dors Feline as a blonde in videos from

Beautiful… I think the blonde looks suits her.
Are you DTF?
Agreed, she looks better than before. I am not generally much into blondes, but this suits her very well. Also, longer hair always looks good for me
Dors is my #2 girl… just spectacular. Looks like she maybe put on a few pounds in those videos and it looks FANTASTIC on her. This girl is insanely hot. Thanks!
Love the blonde hair, love the long hair… she’s gorgeous… wow… and the camera does love her.
I agree. She looks fantastic as a blonde!
uhuh! ditch that look,I like the original better with shorter hair
Heh, didn’t work for me when Bea Flora turned blonde and I must say I prefered Dors with darker hair aswell :(
Holy shit, she’s HOT! I love her breasts, and the colorful tats are great, too! they’re a nice change from the cliche tribal b-s. They fit her personality beautifully. Did I mention I love her AMAZING breasts? ;) Truly beautiful, regardless of hair color.
I don’t think I ever noticed how beautiful her face was until these vids and the hair change. She’s unbelievably gorgeous… and I am totally smitten with her at the moment. Can’t get enough. Why does Britain get all the best ones? HA HA! *jealous*
reminds me of in bed with faith when she was a bit bigger