I was amusing myself the other day by finding various mindless diversions on the ‘net (see? I don’t browse porn all the time) and ran across OKCupid!’s Tits, Ass & Cuteness Quiz. Although I consider such things to be utter rubbish, governed by the mass media perception of feminine beauty rather than what real men think, I decided to give it a go. My results were as follows…
Raw score: 96% Big Breasts, 40% Big Ass, and 40% Cute!
Thanks for taking the T and A and C test! Based on your selections, the results are clear: you show an attraction to larger breasts, smaller asses, and sexier composures than others who’ve taken the test.
Note that you like women thin and top-heavy. This is best achieved with plastic surgery, but some specimens do exist in nature.
My third variable, “cuteness” is a mostly objective measure of how innocent a given model looked. It’s determined by a combination of a lot of factors: lack of dark eye makeup, facial expression, posture, etc. If you scored high on that variable, you are either really nice OR you’re into deflowering teens. If you scored low, you are attracted to raunchier, sexier, women. In your case, your lower than average score suggests you appreciate a sluttier look. Kudos!
Recommended Celebrity: Angelina Jolie, Pamela Anderson.
Avoid: Oprah. Actually, that’s good advice for everyone.
…the fact that I was attracted to big breasts (well, duh!) and a more slutty appearance came as no surprise, but the assertion that I preferred thin women with small asses did (granted, said quiz was devoid of any genuinely voluptuous examples of womanhood). I’m not really bothered about the small ass thing, as I don’t particularly pay much attention to the aft assets, but I do like some curves on my women (i.e. full hips and even a bit of a belly to balance out the bountiful bosom is just lovely).
It was then that I remembered 32HH Ashley from Dream of Ashley and how I’d remarked in my young girls with naturally large breasts blog that she was “on the verge of voluptuous”. If she’d been in the quiz, that would’ve moreso captured the essence of my feminine idea. I suppose there are a few correlations with my results: Ashley is definitely top-heavy with her beautiful HH-cup breasts and does seem to have a relatively petite yet curvy ass.
I wouldn’t necessarily call her thin, though, instead feeling that she borders on the pleasingly plump in figure, especially where young girls are concerned. And as for being a slut, no way; our sweet & innocent teen Ashley has all the hallmarks of a good girl (though I realise that some might consider the fact that she gets her tits out on the ‘net contrary to this – however, I wouldn’t expect that such Puritans would be visiting MyBoobSite, either!).
But all of this whittering on about the wonder of 18-year-old busty blonde Ashley would be pointless if I didn’t have more photos to share. And so, I chose a gallery which capitalises upon her innocence (actually, I’m just really fond of this photo, wherein Ashley is either giving us a classic coyly seductive come-hither look, or instead quietly thinking “Are you staring down my cleavage?!”). Here’s 32HH Ashley from DreamOfAshley.com…

…sweet innocence aside, the videos on DreamOfAshley seem to portray an air or abject horniness that lingers just below the surface of our new teen boobie queen, bubbling to the surface as she runs her hands over that sensually curvaceous body. I still wouldn’t say she’s slutty, though – not in the least – just “sexually responsive” to her own touch. Oh, how I’d love to bury my face in that little plump belly whilst reaching up to fondle her ample breasts for a bit before slowly tracing my tongue from her navel to her hips and undoing the strings on her bikini bottoms with my teeth then removing them to reveal… nah, best just have a cuddle. Alas, here are some video clips of 32HH Ashley from DreamOfAshley.com:

Ashley is an awesomely “dreamy” sweet piece o’ meat!
Ashley is really a beauty overall and I also took that little test (mostly I think those tests are amusing and the percentages aren’t even that far off the truth :)
Raw score: 77% Big Breasts, 81% Big Ass, and 28% Cute!
Thanks for taking the T and A and C test! Based on your selections, the results are clear: you show an attraction to larger breasts, larger asses, and sexier composures than others who’ve taken the test.
Note that you like women overall curvier than average.
My third variable, “cuteness” is a mostly objective measure of how innocent a given model looked. It’s determined by a combination of a lot of factors: lack of dark eye makeup, facial expression, posture, etc. If you scored high on that variable, you are either really nice OR you’re into deflowering teens. If you scored low, you are attracted to raunchier, sexier, women. In your case, your lower than average score suggests you appreciate a sexier, naughtier look. Kudos!
Recommended Celebrities: Supermodel Laetitia Casta and Actress Angelina Jolie.
She looks much prettier in this set of photos I feel. Smile catches the attention more than the boobs!
The clips were nicer than the pix in my opinion, especially the third one. The music got old quick though. She looks a lot hotter in the clips, maybe she needs a new photographer.
I am going to have to agree with you that she has a fantastic smile! You do notice her smile and the way her face lights up the shot!
She is about 5 lbs of ass from perfect. Needs 5 that is.
Oh damn, with those new long nails she’s actually covered another fetish of mine…!! ;) Besides her awesome rack, that is…
I’ll bet she reminds you of a very young Vix.
HH?? No bigger than an F cup unless the photos are deceiving.
Nah, my Vix didn’t get her breasts until she was 32. ;~) Personally, I’ve always thought that Vix bore more of a resemblance to Xtacy (albeit quite a bit lighter), especially in this photo. I can see where you’re coming from, though…
~Reese! :~)
This was fun!! Thanks…Below are my results… :)
Thanks for taking the T and A and C test! Based on your selections, the results are clear: you show an attraction to larger breasts, larger asses, and sexier composures than others who’ve taken the test.
Note that you like women overall curvier than average.
My third variable, “cuteness” is a mostly objective measure of how innocent a given model looked. It’s determined by a combination of a lot of factors: lack of dark eye makeup, facial expression, posture, etc. If you scored high on that variable, you are either really nice OR you’re into deflowering teens. If you scored low, you are attracted to raunchier, sexier, women. In your case, your lower than average score suggests you appreciate a sexier, naughtier look. Kudos!
Recommended Celebrities: Supermodel Laetitia Casta and Actress Angelina Jolie.
Thanks again for posting her… she is SO damn cute, and has a fucking incredible body. I love how her tits look so much bigger when she is HOLDING them and playing with them. She is very cute, young looking, blonde, curvy, nice big tits… what more could a guy want?
Also, I have noticed that many of us who took that little online test are getting Leatitia Casta and Angelina Jolie as our recomendations. Odd, eh?
I would say …Ashley is one of the most beautiful women on the face of this planet. Does anybody here know if she does any private photoshots……i would not mind travelling from the North Americas to the UK just for this ……..good stuff girl and keep it going……..
WOW sooooooooo cute & sexy girl thnx alot
i luv it !!
My Beloved ASHLEY
I love you! Just writing that puts a smile on my face. You put a smile on my face.
I love you because of your sweetness, your kindness, your tenderness and your thoughtfulness.
All day & night my dream , my growing = ASHLEY
I love ashly vry much i love hre massive boob tis its very big i never seen bfore thas why i alwys wachting ashly her site…. her face is very beuty hope ashly come 2 the phillipne im one of her fan also his video samlpe… i think i wan touch her boobs very big booobsss i love u ashly…
evry night i dream ashly we suck its aother i bite her boobs a cute nipple pinkles… i love u ashly
i love you sooo much i just wish i could meet you in real life, that would be sweet. once again i love you and your work please keep it up
I want to squeez ur boobs while fucking.