Who doesn’t like Lara Croft? Who hasn’t searched the internet for pictures of the character with her tits out? I know I have.
Above, there is a pic of the evolution of the sexy CGI action hero.
She was the first female star of a game and that in itself was quite shocking. Women didn’t belong in games, unless they were whores, as a rule. They certainly were not the protagonist.
When I saw these photographs of Lana Kendrick I was smitten. She has managed to make herself look exactly how I pictured Lara Croft in the flesh.
Her big 32GG boobs are amazing (and occasionally oiled up). Her areolae are pale and her nipples beg to be sucked. In fact her lithe body is a dead ringer for the amazing avatar.
With the familiar outfit and poses, lovely Lana is certainly like lovely Lara.
With her nipples hidden by her suspenders and finally totally topless, these are the most wank-worthy images I have seen in a long time. They just totally float my boat!

Good golly.. Yeah she does it for me…
Hot chick! However, I must very nerdily correct you on something. Lara Croft is most certainly NOT the first female game protagonist as Samus Aran from the Metroid series predates her by a good ten years. Also let us not forget a little known yellow circle by the name of MRS. PAC-MAN!! There have been several others as well, yet the company that makes Tomb Raider have been going around saying for years that Lara was the first. Its not your fault, its an understandable mistake with so much misinformation out there.
Sorry for the nerd rant, but as a self-disrespecting geek I couldn’t let such a statement go uncorrected! (pushes glasses up on nose; adjusts pocket protector)
Haha, the first few lines of this blog made me laugh!
Guilty as charged.
There’s some good Lara Croft cartoon porn out there,
the best being the Clara Ravens series (look it up!)
I’m not proud, but those artists are creative.
And i like this “in the flesh” variation of Lara, as well.
woow, this is one the best blogs.. no doubt this girl is a perfect replica, but one thing, those boobs are even more beautiful than we used to dream seeing on Lara.
Samus from Metroid preceeded Lara Croft as the first female protaganist by about a decade.