It was this photo that I’d first encountered of 36F Maggie Green on a site called “Rate Your Rack” several years ago, and fell in love instantly. I immediately embarked upon an intrepid search for more, finally finding her on the “Sports by Brooks” website…and, although there were no topless photos, it at least provided me with a name by which to search. That was all I needed to locate Maggie’s modelling home on
Of course, I blogged Maggie shortly after starting MyBoobSite back in September. Since then, she’s been joined by Jana Defi (aka Princessa / Maria Swan) on the site and begun doing videos in addition to her photo shoots. Still, I get the feeling that we don’t get to see enough of the stunning Maggie Green here, so I thought I’d grace these pages with a selection of photos from her latest series on the PinUpFiles website:

Wow. This is one site that I’ll never be featured on, that’s for sure!
To Candy: What’s that supposed to mean? If you mean you’re too small, well, there’s always implants. :-)
As for Maggie, I’d ‘rate her rack’ as very nice. It’d be even nicer if her areolas were fuller. Her boobs are nice ‘n big, but I would reserve judgment on whether or not they’re natural until I have seen a video of her manipulating them a bit.
I don’t think I have enough skin to even consider it! Besides, I’m not unhappy with what I got. :-)
Candy, don’t even consider implants. I admit to a big tit fetish, but believe me I would much rather have a woman with smaller real breasts than big fake ones. It’s the wonderful texture of a breast that I love most and it’s gone when you mess with mother nature. God, some of the impants look hard as a rock. I want to play with a nice soft tit not something hard…hell I might as well play with your elbow if I want hard.
Awww, Aryton, that’s not entirely true. I had the rare opportunity to most thoroughly enjoy a pair or natural 33-year-old G-cups, a pair of “enhanced” 35-year-old F-cups and a pair of natural 22-year-old D-cups simultaneously the other weekend…and I can honestly report that the F-cup “falsies” truly matched the texture and consistency of the young D-cups, whereas the G-cup boobs genuinely “felt their age”.
And, despite my arduous examination, I was unable to detect the presence of anything artificial in the F-cup silicone-filled breasts, which I believe was due to the implants having been inserted behind the muscle wall rather than in front of it (in fact, if I didn’t know, I’d have said they were natual as well).
Granted, there are a lot of bad boob jobs about; but, when they’re done right, it’s genuinely hard to make the distinction. If a girl’s truly content with what nature’s given her, that’s a wonderful thing…but for those who may desire more, or wish to replenish what they’ve lost post-pregnancy, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a little surgical enhancement. ;~)
~Reese! :~)
I liked that, Ayrton: “play with your elbow.” Shades of The Singing Detective. And Candy’s got a good attitude towards boobs. Stick with what works and be content with what’s normal. For “normal breasts”, check some of these pics out: Go to 007 Breasts and click on the normal breast pictures box.
One problem I’ve seen with the boob jobs that I’ve seen on sites such as is that they insert 400cc implants and fill them to 450cc. Well, no wonder they look like torpedoes or a pair of ’54 Cadillac bumpers! (I never could figure out what those were for! (See this URL for a pic.)
If the surgeons would insert 600cc implants and fill them to 400cc or whatever, I think they’d look and feel a lot more realistic. And don’t go crazy with the size, like so many ‘adult entertainers’ do – for example Chelsea Charms, with those awful tits that look like balloons pinned to her chest.
After reading Reese’s blog, I had a preconception of Maggie Green, with a name that’s so bloody English, as being from his side of the pond. But after hearing her voice on the short vid clip, I’d say she’s from about the farthest you could get from England and still be in the U.S. BRB… I checked her website and yep, I was right on.
Hey Reese, how can I get in your circle of friends? LOL I feel lucky to get one girl with nice tits. Anyway, I bow to your more experienced hands. I’m older than most you guys so maybe tit enhancement has made strides. I really do hate the obvious boob job though. I can see maybe a little help with firmness as a women ages.
Bea Flora videos! Check them out! They’re SHIT HOT!!!
They’re real, I know her. She’s a sweetheart.
holy shit how i would fuck her silly:-
Maggie I think I need to go back to school (A quote from Rod Stewart’s song) because Maggie can make you forget about time.
Those tits are real,i don t like silicons,and i smell it in miles….She is natural busty,for sure !Only naturals !
this is whack im a booty man myself
but respect to all the breastmen
big boos c has. i love those ones, its not possible, otherwise I wana hav those in my mouths..