I was chatting with my mate Gustav the other day about our G-cup glamour queen Jana Defi (aka Princessa / Maria Swan). He’d sent me over a selection of photos and was wondering which website(s) they had from. It turned out that most of them were from Jana’s glamour modelling shoots (similar to these) and weren’t really from a particular site.
This got us on the subject of other more obscure sites Jana was appearing on, apart from the her usual work with MC-Nudes, PinUpFiles & Busty.pl. I couldn’t think of any others off-hand, so decided to embark upon a search, as I do like to keep on top of MyBoobSite’s models (although, when we’re talking Jana, I’d much rather have her on top!). ;~)
I finally found her on a site called JelenaJensen.com, a previously unknown outpost featuring all manner of busty beauties. At first I was thrilled to see Jana posing there with her twin sister (!), but my hopes were quickly dashed as I made my way through the photo series only to discover that it was a mirror. :~( Oh well, so much for the fantasy of a Jana sandwich.
Still, it is nice to see more of this gorgeous 32G girl splashed across the ‘net. Jana even lets loose and gets a bit silly in this shoot, which was a refreshing change from her habitual (albeit profoundly sexy) pouty professionalism. Here are a few sample shots of Jana and her equally-striking mirror-image from JelenaJensen.com:

They are not real but it is one of the finest tit jobs I’ve seen
What’s the secret of Jana’s attractiveness? She has those bright blue eyes, but her face isn’t especially beautiful. She has a trim body, sparse of fat although she’s a lot better than Anya/Merilyn, whose body looks boyish if you subtract the big boobs. Jana’s got jet black hair, which is usually considered not as attractive as blonde. Her boobs are exceptionally large, but her areolas aren’t very big, and her nipples look almost retracted in these pics. I guess part of the secret is that she likes to be photographed in the buff, and has a lot of pics out there, and of course the big tits are the other main reason. I like Jana, but I’d give two of her for one of Samantha, even though two of Jana would weigh about what Sam weighs! Well, maybe a little more…
she is the best! NEVER stop blogging her!!!!!!!!!!
Hollowleg said, “They are not real but it is one of the finest tit jobs I’ve seen”
Well, that’s what I said here in this blog a few months ago, and I gave a URL for the pic that led me to make that statement. But after that, the people that know her assured me that they _are_ real and she does _not_ have implants, and I take their word as the truth. I retracted the statement. And I suggest that you do the same if you don’t have proof. So, put up or shut up.
In the seventh picture (lower left corner), you can see a line indicative of impants – left boob in the mirror. If they are fake, they’re the best fakes I’ve ever seen, and I normally hate implants. Maybe she got a small job to lift them up – didn’t they used to hang a little lower?
This is all the proof I need. Look at her left breast.
there is no way in hell those tits are fake! I saw her and the tits in person, super close up, and they are totally, mind bogglingly real! I live in the land of fake tits, one easy way to always tell is that when fakies move they move all in one piece. Real ones jiggle and have waves that go through them. you can see in any of Jana’s videos, or in person if your’re lucky, her juggs bounce and jiggle and heave as home grown boobies only do. Besides, if you’ve ever seen a pic where she’s laying on her back, there is absolutely no signs of any implant, which is another true test! Now, be nice to my Jana!
Johnny H, you’re obviously not looking at the picture above that Hollowleg posted. You can clearly see an implant wrinkle on her left breast. You can also see where they sag in the bottom, then the skin comes up right before the nipple. Both are clear signs of implants. Sorry, I always thought they were real too, but they are very much fake :-(.
Johnny H says it all. All you have to do is view her videos to see that they are all natural, not implants.
Very Free said, “And I suggest that you do the same if you don’t have proof. So, put up or shut up.”
A bit testy today? Someone must have sat on a broken beer bottle.
Remember, that comment came from one who fatuously proclaims they would trade two of Jana for one Samantha. It must be very difficult to think straight after sitting down on a broken beer bottle. Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery and the return to good manners.
The overbearing post notwithstanding, keep up the good work lads.
johnny h said, “I saw her and the tits in person…”
Pray tell….details!!! Where, when, how.
Is she really 5’8″?
ok, so here’s they story about when i saw Jana/Maria swan/etc. in person:
a couple of months ago, i was eating lunch on Robertson blvd. in Los Angeles, which is ground zero for models/celebrities/beautiful people. I was just about to take a bite out of whatever i was eating, when around the corner towards my table came bouncing along the biggest, most perfect set of fucking tits i had ever seen. They were on full display in a tight, white, tank top, they looked so round and huge, and had that great bounce when she walked. I swear to you, my jaw almost hit the table while my cock strained at my zipper. Anyway, as she walked by i peeled my eyes away from the tits to get a look at her face, I couldn’t believe it, but she looked just like my new favorite internet model Maria Swan. I wanted to jump up from the table and follow her, I tried to think of any excuse i could to do so without pissing off my girlfriend (who i was eating with) but it wasn’t gonna happen. I sat there in a state of shock for the rest of the meal, wondering if it was really her and replaying those perfect massive juggs bouncing towards me over and over again. Afterwards, while we were waiting in the parking garage for the valet to bring our car, I was standing there staring in to space wishing I could see her again, when all of a sudden there she was – walking towards us! She stood right next to me in line for about 10 minutes, along with two guys that were definitely agent/producer types. I stared the whole time, at first to make sure it was her, which it was without a doubt, but also because I couldn’t peel my eyes away from those fucking tits. At one point I realized that.she was staring back at me, when we made eye contact she smiled. I don’t get embarrassed easily, but my face turned beet red and I started feeling all hot. Come on, I have jerked off to her so many times and there she was- smiling at me no less. I remember thinking, don’t grab her tits, don’t grab her tits, don’t grab her tits, but it was soooo hard not to because they are hypnotic in person, I’ve never seen anything like them. It was as if I was being drawn towards them like some kind of magnet, she is so skinny and they stick out so far it’s just, wow. I know she was digging me, If I wasn’t there with my girlfriend, I swear I could have gotten her number or something, but it wasn’t meant to be. Just knowing there was a slight possibility, however, was still soooo cool. In the car on the way home the first thing that my girlfriend said was “did you see the size of that girls boobs? Those were totally real too, what a freak. Isn’t that gross? “ I had to pretend like it was, but we all know the truth. When I got home I looked on one of Jana’s modeling websites, which says where she’s going to be traveling for bookings and stuff, and sure enough it said los angeles, so there you have it. That’s my story, I tell it often to those who can appreciate it because it really was fucking awesome and I wont soon forget it, especially what those bombs looked like up close.
VF: ¿Blue eyes?. I’ve seen pictures of facial close-ups of Jana and her eyes look green to me or ¿could she be one of those people whose eyes change from green to blue depending on the weather?, really don’t know( but i’m more than willingly to discover…) and about the issue of Jana’s atractiveness, i just guess (and it’s a very personal guess) that is because she is almost too perfect to be true. I mean, ¡¡look at the body on that woman for God’s sake!!, maybe, MAYBE, the only “down” point would be her face. There are LOTS of models out there who have better looks than her ( at least in the “face” department) but Jana’s real merit is that she overcomes all this (having boobs like those helps ^_^) and she really looks like she’s fun to be with. But the real reason i got into Jana was because she looks exactly like an ex-girlfriend of mine (sans the G-cup unfortunately) so she was like a reminder of that girl. And ¿you said you spoke with people that know her?¿how did you got to those sources?if you want to tell the tale of course….And another thing: ¿Anya/Merilyn boyish?,man, even without the BOOBS she has, she’s got some round butt and those lips looks like they could DEpaint a wall, add the BOOBS she has and man, it’s like too much to resist but it’s just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less
Jhonny H : If that story of yours is true,you have my most healthy envy my man!! and if it’s not,well at the very least you have a wild imagination (don’t we all?) :)
Watch her video where she comes out of the pink bra. Totally fake!!!! Anyone can see the lines and the sack in that video. They are totally gorgeous but are not real. you can never tell through a shirt. That is a pathetic story.
Hollowleg: Let it go man, that topic is old, believe me. I myself threw the towel on that issue. Even if she HAS fake boobs,¿aren’t they the most beautiful you have seen?,as i said some time ago, if they really are fake boobs, her surgeon must be a genius but fake or not, she srely is something, don’t you agree?
Hey guys i know she admitted they were fake in a chat in pinupgirls.com. SHe is not pretty but still veru fuckable, i herad she was going to US to try to get contracts, hope she gets into hardcore just like faith
Hey mc, I have the complete transcript of that chat at pinupFILES.com (not pinupgirls.com).
There is no word about her having fake boobs. I can post the transcript for everyone if you want.
Yo, Alex.
Please if you can, post the complete transcript of the chat. You got my vote, man.
Please do. Maria Swan is a whole lotta sexy.
She has ripples clearly evident. It doesn’t matter if she admits it or not
These tits are fake. I’d still bust on her mouth.
Hi —
It’s David from PinupGlam here.
So we’ve finally responded to all the doubters and the “experts” who have made these preposterous claims that Jana has implants.
As we’ve gone on record saying numerous times before, Jana is and has always been 100% all-natural. Yet, despite this, there continues to be people out there who have something to say about it, most recently the blog at mafboobs.com that claimed to have “proof” that Jana was fake.
Anyway, to finally shut this debate up forever, we got Jana, two doctors (a plastic surgeon and a radiologist) and did a full, real-time, multi-level clinical examination of Jana for everyone to see.
We put up a blog page with vidcaps here:
And the full video is up at PinupGlam.Com in the members area.
Please feel free to pass this link around.
For all of those people who think her (Jana, Maria Swan, Princessa, whoever she is) breasts are fake, check this out:
I still debate weather these are fake..
look at the mc nude pictures of her, they look natural..
but these pictures make them look fake.
You wouldn’t know a breast if it hit you in the face!
“I still debate whether these are fake.”
UN-believeable. You get a doctor. A live exam. A live sonogram that’s irrefutable.
Yet the stupidity persists.
No way are those fakes! Anyone who has ever experienced both will tell you that instantly just by looking at them.
The FACT they are natural makes her even more fuckin sexy…and yup agreed- dunno what it is about her, but she has something special – without being a typical “stunning/beautiful” woman….
I’ll eat my hat if she does hardcore though…
They’re not fake. Here’s all the proof I need.
This is so not the site to say this on as you all obviously love big boobs! but…they are not that good! They sag cause they are too big I just don’t get it! I mean I like looking at tits myself even though I am a chick..but she is ugly and I am just not seeing what all the hype is about.
I am sure that she has very nice natural breasts
They descend a little because of something called gravity, but they don’t SAG. Like all natural big breasts, they have to descend to some degree. And she is not ugly. Look at other pictures of her before you judge her.
I instantly came when i was on a date whit my girlfriend because I was imaging this sluts tits.
Who cares if they are real or not!!!!!
And damn sexy boobs!!!!!!
Stop bitching about her boobs and enjoy them !!!!!!!!!!
Blue eyes?. I’ve seen pictures of facial close-ups of Jana and her eyes look green to me or ¿could she be one of those people whose eyes change from green to blue depending on the weather?, really don’t know( but i’m more than willingly to discover…) and about the issue of Jana’s atractiveness, i just guess (and it’s a very personal guess) that is because she is almost too perfect to be true. I mean, ¡¡look at the body on that woman for God’s sake!!, maybe, MAYBE, the only “down” point would be her face. There are LOTS of models out there who have better looks than her ( at least in the “face” department) but Jana’s real merit is that she overcomes all this (having boobs like those helps ^_^)
Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said overcomes all this (having boobs like those helps ^_^)
RE: Very Free Says:
June 2nd, 2006
Uh, have you ever given thought that Jana/Maria/Bert, whatever she calls herself..that her big tits are fake?! NO? Pity…look closer at them..i have…and they are silicon enhanced…
UH….Have you read the whole thread above?