Let me explain: I had a bit of a “to do” with the lovely Chessie Moore a few weeks ago, and felt a public apology might be in order (besides that, it gives me a nice opportunity to blog her again). You see, she’d posted a comment on my “Chessie Moore is back!” blog and, rather than approving it right away, I left it in the moderation queue and e-mailed her in an effort to prove her identity. Trouble is, I may have been just a wee bit harsh in what I’d said, as MyBoobSite is constantly bombarded with comments from people claiming to be the models appearing in my blogs. While a fair few of them have proven to be genuine, the vast majority are just attention-seeking tossers.
The very next day, I received an e-mail from her webmaster, who happens to be a good friend of mine that’s helped out immensely with MyBoobSite (thanks, CW!), and he confirmed that she was indeed the real deal. She’d e-mailed him with a transcript of our exchange and asked if he could help. He went on to say that Chessie is very involved with her website and her fans, and enjoys participating in and commenting upon anything involving her work. Thus, it’s no wonder she stumbled upon my blog. So, Chessie, I’m really sorry if I offended you. I just like to make sure it’s not some poser trying to impersonate you, as that would be unfair both to you and my readers.
Having got that off my chest, I’ll turn my attention to Chessie’s! Her massive 44H mammaries are truly a sight to behold, and I’ve been a major fan of hers for a very long time (which is why I’m so pleased she’s begun releasing tons of vintage material on her site as well!). I realise that some of you are put off by the tattoos on her beautiful breasts; but Chessie’s a biker chick, after all – just like my wife, Vix – so I know from experience that we should simply accept her tattoos as a genuine expression of who she is. If you don’t like it, fine, as that merely means there’s more of her for me (and I’d certainly jump at the opportunity to tease my tongue over that tattooed tit-flesh!)! ;~)
By now, I’m sure you’re all aware that I’m a sucker for voluptuous, big-titted blondes, rendering Chessie an ideal candidate for my amorous attentions. So what better way to atone for my error than to blog her in a rare non-blonde moment? Thus, I’ve found some photos of Chessie as a redhead – though I must admit that she’s still stunning as ever – from ChessieXXX.com…

…ah, but mere photos pale in comparison to seeing the sexual dynamo that is Chessie Moore in full-on hardcore XXX action. We already know that she’s the ultimate titfuck, but her torrid talents go far beyond the boundaries of boob sex. To this end, I’ve found a video which finds our Chessie engaging in all manner of erotic escapades; including a handjob, a blowjob, a footjob and, of course, the obligatory H-cup titfuck which she does oh-so-well (as proven by the cum dribbling down her cleavage in the 3rd video clip below). So here she is, from ChessieXXX.com:

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for showing more video of Chessie, our favorite Big Titted Mommy, suck-fucking, tit-fucking and foot-fucking one of her boys. The only thing that was missing was seeing her boy mount her from behind and ass-fuck her (wouldn’t want to get Mommy pregnant now, would we?)! Chessie, you are the best! You have the best breasts! And, like all good Mommies, you know what to do with them, to help your boys, those with you, and those just watching!
Chessie looks absolutely hot in the first few pictures, where there’s lots of teasing cleavage crammed into a tight top… and she gets bonus points for the red hair!
Reese: since you’ve got her email address, maybe you could ask her to do this. Take some heavy makeup and cover up her tattoos and take some pics with them that way. See how her fans like the difference. After all, she’s willing to change her hair color to please her fans, so a little makeup wouldn’t be a big thing. Personally I think she looks better as a blonde, but then I have a rather low opinion of her to begin with, as I’ve already mentioned. :-(
I found a few of your faves at bigbouncingboobies.com, such as Devyn, Marie Louise, and Kerry Marie, to name a few. However most of the others look flat-chested to me. I think it’s about time you blogged Kerry Marie again. She’s sooooo prolific! There must be a hundred thousand pics of her out there, each one a different pose!
Saw a couple big boob sightings today. Ahhhh, summer with all the babes with skimpy clothes… That’s the one thing that we have here in “the states” that they don’t have in the U.K., the Second Amendment! The Right to Bare Arms! Heheheh!
Reese, dagummit!! If the Duchess of Down and Dirty is trying to participate in the blog, then BY GOD GET HER ON HERE!! LOL. Hot Damn! She looks so good still. I’d like to work her over until that funky red hair is stuck to her forehead, glued down by my fluids. Baby, I hope she reads this too! I’ve liked her for a long time. I think back in 98 or so, soon after the internet made online clubs possible I think I sent in to order a big glossy of her taken after a sweaty sex session. Man I didn’t think a woman could look more sexy. She still has that beauty to her. She is as good as ever! What will she do next? Can’t wait to see what she has to say in this blog.
About the tatoos. I have only seen some photos of the tats. Great tat, but I didn’t like the location when I first saw it. I saw her wearin a biker top with cleavage showin. The screamin eagle thing was alls you could see. There was not much flesh on that cleavage shot. So at first I didn’t like it. But these photos show a different placement of the eagle. It’s not so high on her tit. It seems to be off to the side, right on the meaty part of the breast. (Can you imagine getting to be the tatoo artist?) Well anyhow I think it’s OK where it it. Let’s be blunt: if a woman is going to be titfucking and she has a tatoo place where I’m going to be squirting my hose, it’s going to be a huge turn off. However, off to the side, that tattoo is only going to be mauled and squeezed by hands as those breasts are pressed ever closer around a (my? oh say it will happen….) throbbing organ. So just fleshy cleavage will be seen during sex at the ‘cleavage target’ and the artful and beautiful tattoo will be seen socially where it seems to be on prominent display.
Great to know Chessie is on the blog!! Hello Duchess!!!!
I just looked again. Damn, I’d love to give Chessie a facial!! Reese, be sure she gets my email if she asks you for it!! ;)
Hey, guys~
I forgot to mention that Chessie had posted another comment in my first blog of her to say she’d be in Philly & Tampa later this month (which is a bugger, coz I’ll be in Florida mid-month, but departing back for the UK on the 20th…the day before she arrives). You can find her full travel schedule, as well as contact details, here.
~Reese! :~)
Chessie – love the red hair – VERY sexy. Love those amazing globes. GLORIOUS!
I’ve been a fan of Chessie’s for many years. I miss her younger, skinnier self, but those redhead pictures are absolutely the prettiest I’ve seen of her in ages!!
Turns my crank, she does.
A red-haired Chessie Moore…??? Thank you, god…now my dream has finally come true…!! I’m so happy I might even shed a tear or two…!!
She has some of the greatest tits ever, no doubt. However, didn’t she used to do some stuff with…umm… “Man’s Best Friend” a few years ago? I swear I remember seeing something about that long ago. If it’s true, I find that inexcusable and disgusting. I hope it’s not true.
i read the top…”attention seeking tossers” ha! loved that line and i do not know why xD
btw this is actualy chessie…i swear…*shifty eyes*
oh happy to hear that she is doing porn again , lucky for the guys who will act in her movies
im very happy and fun de see your trailler. you are a very sexy and hot woman i hope that i can see or have a moment with you. especialy this big tits i hope to suck them and fuck them that is the big pleasure.
i love you chessie very much you say.
cal from morocco. i kiss you
Heya Chessie,
I would love to make a movie with you. I have a big dick that I know you would love. Contact me and we can do this.