To Be Fair to (Big) Breasts Divine

← Okay, I’ll admit I may have too much time for tits on Lexxxi Luxe of late. Just because /I/ believe her big breasts are the best thing since sliced milk and, having got to know the busty girl behind the boobs for the genuinely warm & wonderful well-endowed woman she is, I can also appreciate she’s not every large breast lover’s cup of teat.

And, quite frankly, my paying too much attention to her tits may be a bit unfair on Divine Breasts as well since, in addition to their recent revamp and having acquiesced to breast fetish fans of a more hardcore taste in tits, it also looks like they’re remastering a lot of their existing mammary masturbation material into higher resolution movies. As a colossal cleavage case in point, here’s a ‘new & improved’ clip from their tit self-sucking big breast milking Alicia Loren lactation video at

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…but enough of my big boobs blast from the past and into breasts present. And, seeing I’m still in a hardcore mood from yesterday, a carnal collection of coital clips from their most recent movie galleries for Teri Nova & Shione Cooper in hardcore videos at

Teri Nova fucking big boobs video hardcore from

Teri Nova fucking big boobs video hardcore from

Teri Nova fucking big boobs video hardcore from

Teri Nova fucking big boobs video hardcore from

Shione Cooper fucking big tits video hardcore from

Shione Cooper fucking big tits video hardcore from

Shione Cooper fucking big tits video hardcore from

Shione Cooper fucking big tits video hardcore from


P.S. And, don’t forget, you can always catch up with what our lovely 36JJ Alicia Loren is doing nowadays since she webcams on an almost daily basis as Simpatique at

Alicia Loren aka simpatique at

(more big boobs cams from imlive)

7 thoughts on “To Be Fair to (Big) Breasts Divine”

  1. What’s the deal with Teri Nova? She is hot hot hot, but her breasts have started to look like they’ve taken some abuse. They’ve got bruises and blemishes of some kind. Is that natural? Or the result of some serious rough treatment?

  2. Alicia Loren was one of those girl’s that blew my mind, the first time i saw her debut pics.
    Beautiful face & the biggest tits that i had ever seen!
    I wish she continued to do more photo shoots, not just the webcam stuff.
    Sometimes the pictures are just better!

  3. Gawd damn ENOUGH of that trailer ANOREI! Gawd damn it dude how many updates do you really need. I dig your blog but damn she makes me want to upchuck my lunch. Throw her to the BBW blog please! Stick to the hot sexy chicks like Alicia Loren. And a baba-booey to ya all!

  4. @ GoodPoint. What GOOD was your POINT? This is Reese’s site. He can set the criteria on it. I highly doubt you would toss your cookies if you saw Lexxxi in person. You’d choke on your own tongue hanging out if you saw her.

    You need to go elsewhere for free porn. You won’t be missed. The “baba-booey” quote is so 1997. Please be more original in the future.

    BTW. Lexxxi still rocks and always shall.

  5. @Hank It is Reese’s site, but what good is a site if you start losing visitors? As a website owner myself, GoodPoint is being very, very helpful. He could just leave and never say why he left. And I happen to agree with GoodPoint in a lot of ways (except the disrespectful part). I don’t mind Anorei in doses, but not every other day. I wouldn’t want that for hardly any model, frankly.

  6. Like a lot of models, Anorei can look great or terrible depending on who shoots her and how. I’ve seen some beautiful images of her, and others that should never have been taken. Since her already ample breasts ballooned and started lactation, generally more of the former. I’ve always been a sucker for a bit of that (bad pun intended).

    Speaking of lactation, that clip of Alicia is interesting. I think there’s something about breasts that are heaving with milk that changes the way they look, move and feel. In Alicia’s case they have this wonderful sag to them, seem more vibrant/out of control when they are shaking and generally are more malleable… definitely makes an already attractive woman even more desirable. (It helps the she knows how to show them off with maximum impact too: the way she lets the nipple drop from her mouth so it springs back with a ripple, for example.)

    Lactation can be a beautiful thing, and it opens up some interesting options sexually that wouldn’t otherwise be available… shame it’s still mostly considered a fetish or niche, really, and equally a shame that most women don’t keep the flow up after a certain point.

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