I know I’ve featured Alicia from DivineBreasts fairly recently here on MyBoobSite, but I just found this new lactation video on the site and couldn’t resist blogging it! In it, we find big breasted boogie woman Alicia dancing away in front of a mirror, her boobs bouncing to the beat (and, occasionally, slipping slyly out of her low-cut top). It’s not long, however, before she decides to take a well-deserved milk break from the most convenient source she has available – HER OWN 36JJ BREASTS!
Honestly, this is one of the best lactation videos I’ve seen to date, and the way Alicia sucks a mouthful from her nipples and then allows some of the mammary milk to dribble seductively from her lips onto the heaving JJ-cup bosom below is simply breathtaking. She could stand to improve her aim a little, though, as she squirts herself in the eye more than once during the course of this video! Here are a few clips of the lactolicious Alicia 36JJ milking herself with her mouth at DivineBreasts.com:

Super! :) She really knows how to work it :))
Can’t wait for Maxi to do this kind of thing, it surely drives me wild hehe.
Thx for the awesome find Reese! Much appreciated :)
Me next please. Can I have a go? She is simply wonderful and yes the thought of Maxi doing the same is beyond my wildest dreams.
Man, I never thanked you for “introducing” me to this beauty, but definetely you deserve it! Thank you very much! And please, never quit from showing us these lactating pearls. They are my favourite kind of video clips as they join the wonder of big natural breasts with their original reason to be, and that is simply beautiful. :)
I just can’t get enough of Alicia, the boobfind of the year, if not the decade. I’ve subscribed to divinebreasts to get her pics and videos. Its a shame the quality of the videos isnt up to the quality of the women but worth the money for more of Alicia alone…
My top 5 most divine women on this planet are…
1) Alicia – I would love to suckle her amazing boobs and kiss those sexy lips whilst staring into her beautiful eyes!
2) Aneta Buena – the video of her having her boobs oil massaged by her booby buddies on busty.pl is amazing
3) Joana – beautiful face to match an amazing chest
4) Anya/Merilyn – how such a slim woman can such a huge chest is the perfection of evolution!
5) Eden Mor – a vision of voluptuous beauty
Yeah yeah I prefer natural busty brunettes, you have to admit, these women are beautiful creatures..!
one of the best clips ever on this blog. this made me want to subscribe to divine. i just may do it soon. are the quality of the videos on the site just a little better than this or much?
thanks again!
Oops. Forgot to say that the actual resolution of the video downloadable from the site was 600×360, unlike my wee preview. Corrected now. Thanks for the reminder!
~Reese! :~)
OMFG!! Is this hot or is this f**king HOT…?!? I’ll have to watch those clips again right now…!!! :D
Say what they will about Maxi self-milking, Sempa and Tooty will never get to see Maxi do this until she stops blurring her face, and that’s about as likely as the Pope turning Protestant.
I just love to watch Alicia wrestle with those monster mammaries, squeezing rivulets of milk from them. But they’re too damn big for her to use one hand per boob. She needs to squeeze one boob with both hands! Otherwise it’s comical seeing her lose her grip and retry to get the milk to spew. Gimme more Alicia! A triple dose is fine with me!
Today I did some work in a department where I hadn’t seen the ladies in a few months. I looked over at one lady sitting with her legs splayed out and said, “My, my, what have we here?” She said, “But look how swollen my ankles are.” I patted her belly and said, “It looks like your ankles aren’t the only thing that’s swollen!” She’ll have her third one in a few months. I envy her new baby! She’g got a nice, big set of boobs, too! It’s so nice to see a PG woman in all her splendor!
After watching Alicia, I watched a video of Milena Velba self-milking. I think Milena has better technique, but Alicia’s boobs are better looking. They’re both AWESOME!
I love videos where a lovely woman sucks her own milk and lets it drool out for the camera to see, almost as if she let a guy cum in her mouth and now she’s showing it off. That is so hot! Thanks for sharing, Reese.
I wonder if Taylor Stevens would let me get her pregnant. Hmmmm…. ;)
With great pleasure I notice that my all-time favourite Alicia stands high on the toplist of Myboobs’ readers again and again. I have to confess that seeing pictures of Alicia for the first time I got “cold shivers” ( and that is only the case when seeing very actractive/well-endowed women and hearing very good music! ) and that I subscribed on Div. Br. ONLY to admire lovely Alicia. But let us be honest: have you ever seen/met this combination of beauty/personality/unprejudiced acting of a young woman, endowed with such capabilities ? I have ‘t.
1) I agree with RichieRich that Alicia is the “boobfind of the year ( yes, of the decade! ) and that it ‘s a shame that the quality of the videos is ‘t up to the quality of this unique woman.
2) Some time ago Div. Br.’s webmaster invited us on his site to let him know our “preferences” what “his” girls could do to please us. Well, I reacted at once by telling him to “let” Alicia see videos series 06 –
So, if readers/subscribers would join me in my efforts to Div. Br. to effect the much-needed improvements in making video clips, I would welcome this. Another possibility: ask Alicia personally ( http://www.myspace.com/aliciasweetbaby) to start her own site?or to make a sensational DVD. On her site she even encourages her fans to let her know what they want to see… I think Alicia is a little shy and seems to be a real amateur in her acting ( NOT in bed, I suppose.. )
I don’t understand Div. Br.’s webmaster: if I were webmaster with Alicia in “my collection” I earned in one year a country-bungalow with all comfort by producing a lot of DVD ‘s . I would welcome your reactions.
Peter ( The Netherlands )
a limmerick about Alicia:
Once.. there was an Italian beauty named ALICE
with breasts a man could hardly embrace THESE
She first said: ” I never want kids”
but one day a lucky guy grabbed those big tits
and NOW “only” her baby may her big ones SQUEEZE !
As if winning the World Cup has not brought enough attention to Italy, now you have Alicia casting a wide net of Italy-bound ogling from boob lovers everywhere. If you want Tito’s opinion, the lovely milk-laden Alicia is enough to even make the Leaning Tower of Pisa stand straight in erection.
To either affirm or refute my hypotheses, the Tito wonders if Divinebreasts can arrange for a photo shoot of the lovely Alicia posing in front of the Leaning Tower in Pisa, Italy? ;)
The Tito has decided to celebrate the new vids by ordering Italian food for both lunch and dinner today. The Tito’s small contribution of well wishes towards Alicia and her upcoming birth.
Hi fellow booblovers!
I think the amazing Alicia will have her own site soon… she deserves a quality platform to demonstrate her amazing figure and beauty. One hell of a woman who exudes a lot more sexiness than a lot of her more well known contemporaries. She loves her boobs and it shows.
If I had the means… I would help her develop a site and host it myself!
Not wanting to moan about divinebreasts, they have made many a booblover happy in showing more of Alicia to us and for that they deserve credit! I shall continue to subscribe for updates!
Being a conniseur of large natural breasts, I have subscribed to many a site over the years and am sure will not be alone in subscribing to anything Alicia puts her name to! She is one of the few models to also send shivers down my spine when I first saw her pics.
I also agree that even though she is far hotter than Milena (though she too is a goddess) Alicia could learna thing or 2 from Milena when it comes to erotically milking her boobs for the camera, but am sure she will be a skilled lactator soon! I don’t own Milenas milking video, but some of the clips on Milenas site are truly amazing. The roadside video when her ladyfriend is hungrily guzzling her sweet milk is the stuff of legend. There was also a photoset on her site of Milena meeting a girl sat on a bench at a station or something, lots of suckling and squirting milk. A video of that scene would be an instant classic.
Reese, lots of respect for creating and maintaining this fantastic site!
PS I live in Brighton, UK and all this sunny weather is bringing out some amazing busty women!
Breast is best!
Hey Richie, I totally agree with you choices! My favourite Milena’s clip is exactly the same you chose! And when I saw that set oh photos with the girl in the station, I thought exactly the same: “why isn’t there a video of this?”. :)
Hey ManOfAction,
I know.. gutted. Maybe archived somewhere for a future update…?
The Pics are amazing tho and definitely a classic shoot!
As for Tito’s opinion, “the lovely milk-laden Alicia is enough to even make the Leaning Tower of Pisa stand straight in erection”, I have a pic of the magnificent milking Milena Velba posing in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and even she couldn’t make it “stand straight [up] in erection.”
Alicia and The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Perhaps also a good idea is: to send an Alicia clip to the progressive new POPE .. ( nearby ) . I am sure HE will consider, seeing this perfect (Italian !) woman, God created, to give Dispensation of what she did and what she will do in future; that may also exculpate ourselves to have a look, on the sly, at the most beautiful, most inspiring, most desirable woman on the net! At last Div.Br. will have to discover that IF they think they have something special by – Alicia driving a car-? they can better let: Alicia riding bra-less on a wild horse along the Italian beach. THAT will make us real enthusiastic !!
What has become of the “good old times” where we could enjoy for the first time the real all-revealing close pictures of Alicia ( Div.Br. series 06 )
Will those times ever come back ?
Peter ( The Netherlands )
Hey Guys;
Thought I’d throw my 2 cents into the lovely Alicia. I have followed many a big-breasted women in my internet days, but do agree with most of you folks that Alicia does something extra for the connosseur.These finds do not come every day and I do hope that one day soon she opens up her own part of cyberspace for all to enjoy fully and not only part of a current website. no disrespect intended, but this type of find deserves her own site like Milena branched out after appearing on Bettie Bellhaus and Nadine Jansen’s websites. But the lactation clips are something to behold. Cant seem to get enough of it and with every new clip of Alicia in this regard, well you know what I mean :) Anyways, thought I’s throw my 2 cents in there and hope Alicia many good years of modeling in front of her (no pun intended) and plenty of lactation clips. Hmmm, high definition would be just about right at this time. Peace
Never mind sucking milk from her bosom. I want to see her suck a guys cum off her tits and using two hands to lift each breast up as she does it!!
Jason, i agree with you…..
OK, has anyone seen the NEWEST models over at Divinebreasts? First there was Cristina, who is hot but to me not quite DB material. But now, unannounced, comes ANN, who brings “Slim’n’Stacked” to a whole new level. Anya is gorgeous and almost unreal in her proportions, but Ann is even more extreme. Skinny legs and a Rack bigger than her torso. I pity this poor girl’s back. I predict she will go for a reduction in a few years after she’s made some money off modeling. Really, they’re as huge as Alicia’s but with a body skinnier than any other girl on the site. Cute face too, and clearly pretty shy. Blog this one please!!!
Finally had a long long look at Alicia as I had subscribed to DivineBreasts and I have come to the conclusion that she is not my fav model. Granted she is very pretty and top-heavy and what most guys enjoy (lactation), but I look at her and than compare her to Milena-Velba and there is no comparison in my eyes anyways. First, Milena’s photographer is 1st rate, the pics are crisp, and in she is not shy to be in anywhere there maybe controvesy, like in the train station, tramway, neptun fountain, and so forth. She definately knows how to pose for the camera, and rarely have i seen a bad pic and her lac clips dont compare to Alicia’s unfortunately. Alicia on the other hand, her pics 90 % of them were taken probably within a week or so, since they are at the same apartment or hotel or whatever, and the quality is suspect. Her video clips as much as they are sensual are of rather poor quality and what really bothers me is that she does her own filming. Guys know what I mean. Her lac clips are dont with a remote in her hand or her side as noone else is in the rom with her. Being shy is one thing, but she will not make it in this industry doing this. Dont get me wrong , Alicia is a fine specimen, she need to get a full-time photographer who understands how to take pics and bring her credentials to the front or in my books anyways , she wont make it. But than again I wish her well as most of us guys hope. I wish her well in whatever she will do, but I for one will not subscribe to her DivineBreasts anymore. as I had gone there just for her. The other gals are all over the net except her. Let’s hope I’m wrong and she opens up a little. Peace
Outstanding work done here on myboobsite. Many thanks to the one that maintains this site!
Espectacular, wonderfull in english. The best site to a Tit fun like me. Im from de Argentina. Mis respetos che
I used to chat to her on another site before she started to bake. She was real hot then. Had a real real real nice body, don’t know what she looks like now in the stomach region.
amazing i’d love to suck those milky tits .best tits on earth. lucky baby!!!!
mierda que tetas, y todavia se las chupa!!
nothing compares to seeing a hugely busty girl with dancing with no bra on and wearing a super low cropped shirt showing off a mile of cleavage between wildly swinging tits that sag to just above the naval. this girl and this video was awesome.
Alicia simpl is the best to have such big boobs
I am Brazil, gostei muito de voce… quero um DVD de seu big tits manda para mim…
This is too big and busty. I suck and lick it day to day if i get in my hands.
Alicia I Love marry with me?
Hi , Alicia
I love you and would like to suck your milk .
Alicia, Very, very nice boobs! Your boobs look as delicious as I’m sure your milk is!
My breasts are not nearly as big, but, since I weaned my baby four years ago, my big, strapping lawyer of a husbnd has been nursing at my breasts every evening and sometimes twice a day on weekends. The children are out of sight, of course, and I am carrying around these milk filled jugs for my honey. I think it is fine for adult couples to do whatever pleases them. He was raised in Europe and nursed until he was five. And, I usually get an orgasm while he is nursing – so, it is a win, win situation.
i would like to know why she doesn’t drink her own milk XD
i like bib tit big ass am hungry please send me
wow..nice site…reminds me of sucking my sister’s tits..
in her apartment…she has lots of tit milk, and lets me suck
as much out of her tits as i want..while she is jerking me..off..
Reminds me of my wife 25 years ago she was a full f cup then. She has some macromastisa. But she’s a strong girl we had a third child ten years ago and she picked up another three cup sizes. Nipples tucked under areola brushing her sparse hair down there. Sag city. I am very lucky and happy
want to suck girlfriends janani or ramya gayathri’s milk from her breast . i think of janani giving her milk to me . i am the milk sucker of janai and then i will fuck janani . i will suck milk from jananis tits . then i will do liplock with janani . then janani will milk me . janani wilk remove her bra and panties for me . i look jananis tits .
Alicia if i was ur man i would be sucking the milk out of ur big tits everyday.