For the hundreds of you who have e-mailed me personally or submitted comments to MyBoobSite asking whether I was aware that Alicia 36JJ has her own website now as well as a surname (“Loren”) to supplant her bra size, the answer to both is a resounding “YES”! However, being good mates with Alicia’s webmaster, I promised not to promote or even make mention of her new site until it was “ready for prime time”, as it were. So my sincerest apologies to those who’ve tried to spread the word but, in order to maintain a close relationship with those I blog here, I needed to keep schtum on Alicia-Loren until I received word that the site was ready to go.
And now it is! I’ve always said that such a stunning and rare JJ-cup beauty deserved a site of her very own, and she’s at long last done it (“long last” may be an overstatement, though, considering she was only launched into big tits stardom earlier this year). She’s been a busy bunny, too, coming up with all new photos & videos through which to share her bountiful boobage. On top of that, she’s still keeping up her appearances over at, much to the joy of dedicated members like me! What it all boils down to is this: We now get to enjoy twice as much Alicia!! :~D
Honestly, I’d have to say that my only complaint with Ms. Loren’s new site is the tag line repeated twice at the top of each page which reads “One of the Biggest Breasts on the Net”. Shouldn’t that be “two of the biggest breasts”, or am I missing something? Is that why they repeated it twice?! Eh, nevermind.
As a means of enticement to encourage admirers to her new site (as if she even needed to do so), Alicia makes the following rhetorical inquiry: “Do you like big boobs? Do you like huge soft funbags? You are at the right site. My big full breasts got so big after my pregnancy that I wanted to show them to the world. And they keep growing! Inside you will find high resolution pictures of some of the biggest boobs you have ever seen. By the way, I am also lactating!”
And show them to the world she does! More than that, we also get to see the lovely Ms. Loren in her first-ever girl-on-girl shoot with her generously endowed girlfriend Gya Roberts (of whom Alicia says, “She’s got huge boobs, but not as big as mine!” )! With her having solely done solo shoots in the past, it was heartening to see she had a friend to share her new “second home” at…

…now, I don’t know whether or not the boob-some two-some are lesbians per se, but they certainly seem to enjoy fondling each other’s massive mammaries (then again, who wouldn’t?)! In closing this inaugural post on the metamorphosis of “Alicia 36JJ” into “Alicia Loren”, here’s a bit more of her with girlfriend Gya from

not much else you can say but frickin awesome man, she rocks.
Must… have… more!!!!! OMG those are sweet pics. Very very very nice.
Good GOD!!!!!!
This lady is red-hot gorgeous. And she has her own site now. I would say wow, but that is too weak a word. Alicia you are a Goddess! Your bo or hubby is a very lucky man!
Alicia is BIG TIME and she has been for a while. She deserves her own site. I think she ought to pose for Juggmaster though. This twosome set it just AWESOME!
Oh, and as for the funny tagline: Just a shout out to all those serious breastaholics: Jenny Hill is going to open a site of her own also. Her tagline is just the stone cold truth: Biggest Boobs In the Business.
As concerns the amount of business she brought Voluptuous magazine she is the tops. Only the great Lindsey might top her but Jenny has vastly bigger boobs. So Alicia is awesome…for a caucasian… ;)
could u please put up more videos of mor’s boobs getting caressed and squeezed.
Hey, JS! What do you mean, “not much else you can say”? If that ain’t a load of horny toad spit! Try ronning off at the mouth with a lot of prose, like…
“Alicia’s breasts were so enormous that as he lay* there looking up at her, they entirely blocked his view of her face. He squeezed Alicia’s giant tits together, stroked their wide expanse, hefted them, and rolled them around. He thought he had died and gone to heaven as as he ran his hands blissfully across the expansive surface of her tremendous breasts.”
* I can never remember if it’s lay. laid, lie, or whatever!
I just wish I was the ‘he’ in the above paragraph! But don’t get me started on Alicia’s boobs again, dammit! I’m strongly attracted to them like a moth to a flame!
Her website bio says she’s bisexual. But it’s obvious that she’s been having sex with a male since she’s been pregnant and had a kid (unless of course she was artificially inseminated from a donor, as some lesbians have done). This Gya is something new, but I doubt that we’ll see her and Alicia together on I can’t remember ever seeing a duet on this website.
BigBoobFan Says: Must… have… more!!
Yeah, I agree!
Sweet fluffy boobs. Looks like they are having quite the good time on the bed. Nice natural pics and a couple of hot big titted babes. Very nice!
The lovely Alicia indeed deserves a homepage of her own. What a goddess she is!!
I have one question: does she show her pussy and ass in any picture?
First Sophia, then Tiffany, now Alicia — just what is it about the surname “Loren” that practically ensures that you will have big boobs? :)
Glad to see that she has gotten her own site at long last.
Ah, what wonderful news! :D
I found a clip of her dancing she’s perfect i’m a die hard Milena Velba worshiper but with milena sudden weight loss and alicia clips becoming easier to find I find my self in a trance watching this one.
Where is Alicia from??
Alicia is the kind of girl I really enjoy seeing when I’m out shopping or in public. I know I’d have to go up to her and compliment her very luscious tits…I hope she’d notice mine too…lol
i think only girls who are skinny with big tits should be on the internet.
Miss alicia, please bring two babies and give the milk to babies.and make the new breastfeeding photos in internet. u have enough milk in your big breasts. i like your photos. baby love your breasts.
Alicia has juicy tits. Wish I could spend 24 hours a day naked with her.
Alicia is the most beautiful woman with big boobs, she great. & i think i wanna fuck with her every day.
I want to marry u in my next birth. i loveeee u i smell u.
My name is vijay i am 25 from india(chennai). i want u send me a ur photo(non-nude) with ur signature. Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls .
Must say 2 of the finest women i have seen a true dream come true to be caught between them ! i would love to help them please each other and would so desire them to do the same to me !!!! WOW !!!!
i love big boobs alicia
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I wish my wife have a boobs like alicia
If alicia become my wife i will never get tired of fucking her, i will play with her boobs day and night