Autralian artist Di Peel was in the news late last year due to the rising popularity of the paintings she was creating with her breasts. Her motivation came from something she’d found on the internet: “There was a woman doing breast paintings and her boobs where quite small,” Di said, “I emailed the article to a friend and then my friend said well if you think you can do any better you should have a go. So I did.” After selling her first breast painting for a mere $10 and the second for $26, it wasn’t long before Di had a commission for a set of ten of her mammary masterpieces at $89 each!
Well, apparently, our G-cup goddess Faith Nelson from InBedWithFaith has decided to follow suit! In the most recent video on her website, we get to witness Faith dipping her nicely-matched pair of 32G “brushes” into saucers of paint, then squishing them onto blank sheets of paper to leave a lasting impression (of course, I can think of much better ways for her to make a “lasting impression” on me!). All in all, she paints ten art-tits-stic abstractions during the course of the video, and is even considering auctioning off the results! Here are a few clips of Faith’s talented tits from…

…granted, she’s no G-cup Gauguin, but she does seem to have a good time with it. Still, like when Samantha did the butterfly thing, I would much prefer to see my breasts naked (well, not my breasts, but you know what I mean). So I was pleased to find four new photo galleries from Faith that I hadn’t blogged before:

Faith has some really nice tits, and the rest of her is real nice, too. Her areolas and nipples are very well proportioned to her big boobs. But from the pic here and others I have, I’d say she’s more like DD or E cups, instead of G cups. Even so, along with the blonde hair, she’s still a really nice looking package.
Some, make that many of the pics from the past that I have of her are so dark and orangish that they’re really bad to look at. I’m glad to see that they look a lot better lately.
I agree, they haven’t quite figured out how to present the Faith package yet. I don’t know if it’s a hyperbolic lens or bad lighting or what…often Faith seems more like a good-looking sister than a hot fantasy…
I agree with you both, but bad lighting or no, she’s a damn hot number and yes, she being a blonde helps, right?
She is SO fucking amazing. Cute (not “beautiful”- just the way I like them!), nice full big tits- although she is on the lower scale of “big tits” they are really perfect. She has become more racy and explicit of late so I have my fingers crossed for her to go for it and suck some cock on camera!
You read my mind Vadd. She would look so hot sucking cock. I’d love to see her take a load in her mouth and dribble some on those beautiful tits. Shes got that wild girl look about her.
I think it will happen. Her face is just made for oral and she has been getting more and more racy. Remember- there was a time when she would not show “down below” so… finger crossed! THAT will be one hell of an update/announcemnt!
Actually it was done! visite her website! she has recorded an amazing sucking-cock video!
Indeed she has…and here it is!