Skipping sprightly past the loose lyrical Billy Joel reference in the title of today’s blog (the song to which it refers being one of my favourites of his, next to Captain Jack and perhaps Summer Highland Falls), I’ll get right to the business at hand:
In my last blog, I expressed my sincere remorse for overlooking e-mail from lovely 38G Voluptuous covergirl Jelena (for which you have all appropriately chastised me in your comments). There was one particular response that I was waiting for with bated breath which, when it arrived, truly warmed the cockles of my heart…
~ Hey Reese ~ No need to be sorry honey, I realize how busy you’re having so popular website – you’re doing an awesome job :-)
Thanks for posting those nice photos. Any chance you have access to THA? I’d love to sneak a peak at my pics in there hehe
Well keep up good work!XoXoX
…thanks so much, Jelena, for your kind words and understanding. I do feel better now. I can’t believe that you’ve not seen your most recent series from THA, though! Don’t you get a proof set when you do a photo shoot like that?! :~?
By “THA”, of course, Jelena means Top Heavy Amateurs, the megasite so chock full of mammary goodness that they had to create THA2: The Sequel. It’s also the home of one of my favourite underexposed big tits plumpers Julie 34HH. Now that Jelena has joined their ranks, I have even more of an excuse to revisit the site more frequently!
Oh, and in answer to your question, Jelena, regarding whether or not I have access to THA, indeed I do! And your latest shoot there, which BreastFinder has aptly entitled “Supersize Tits“, is nothing short of exceptional – from the alluring tease of your down-blouse photos to the sheer eroticism of the dildo protruding from your cascading cleavage, each and every shot does genuine justice to your truly magnificent breasts.
There is one particular photo, however, that I found most entertaining – the lucky 13th one below where you press the base of the dildo against your crotch and simulate stroking said prosthetic penis in a most provocative manner. Please don’t take offence (as you’re far too beautiful and feminine to ever be mistaken for such), but are you surreptitiously trying to steal market share from hard-working transsexual models?! I know there are some curious to see what it would be like to have tits and a cock in one package – so much so that I’ve oft contemplated starting a busty TS blog – but that photo just takes the cake! :~D
All kidding aside, reaffirming the fact that you’re 100% all woman in every voluptuous essence of the word and still finding it incomprehensible that I’m the very first to show you these, here’s a sampling of your latest series from…

…hey guys & gals: Don’t forget that you can also chat with Jelena live, up-close & personal on webcam at, affording the rare opportunity to enjoy what this stunning, sensual, witty, charming, friendly, warm & lovely young lady has going on inside as well as out!! ;~)

“There is one particular photo, however, that I found most entertaining – the lucky 13th one below where you press the base of the dildo against your crotch and simulate stroking said prosthetic penis in a most provocative manner. Please don’t take offence (as you’re far too beautiful and feminine to ever be mistaken for such), but are you surreptitiously trying to steal market share from hard-working transsexual models?!” —-
Geez! To all TS models outta there – forgive me – lmao! I didnt mean to steal your market! Ha ha ha! Thats way too funny Reese!
I like those THA photos – of course they didnt send me proof set, booooo to them :-P I hope they will invite me to pose for em again soon – as I really had fun doing that shoot ( i know i know I dont smile that much on pics but that was a hot set where I got really horny ;-) ).
I will go ahead and state the obvious here: Jelena is a beautiful girl and has an amazing body. I am a big fan of “slim and stacked” babe but Jelena has my OTHER favorite body type: super curvy, lovely hips… and of course great tits! This girl is one of my favorites now. Thanks SO much for bringing her to my (our) attention! She is a perfect example of a girl who is not FAT but CURVY. Ya know?
Thanks again! I love her!
Vadd, I know what ya mean brother. Jelena is smoking, and I like the fact that she is actively participating on the blog. To all the other ladies out there, we know you view the blog. Drop a line or two, you’ll definately gain more fans, trust me.
Hey reese how come I dont see anything on Miosotis in here or Milena Velba they are some of my favs.
Thanks, A concerned fan
Supersized sweetness! Very yummy!
Good, if she reads this site and my blog about her even better. Honey, as blessed and cute as you are. Why did you use 38G? Why do you steal and not come up with something original? Really getting tired of unorginal people stealing part of my name. I have worked extremely hard and for years to brand myself Samantha38G. Gets a bit old to see others capitalize on all my hard work.
Good Luck with your career.
To Samantha38G :
Please note that I dont use 38G as a part of my name and I wouldnt even like to use it. Im just Jelena with no last names or sizes next to my name! As you’ve probably noticed, if a model doesnt have a last name (or a very original pseudo) site/magazine/company just add her boob size to her name – that happend in my case in here.
And one more thing with my breasts going up and down in sizes I wouldnt even dare to use it to brand myself lol so cheer up sweetie – i dont steal your fame.
Jelena. You are the sexiest girl in the world. your pics gave me the biggest erection ive ever felt in my life. i love to get off to your lovely body. please tell me a fantasy of yours. thank you and keep being nasty and naughty.
To Samantha : I guess you owe me an apology hottie! ;-)
You’ve got to be kidding me. Samantha is upset about another model being described as 38G. I never knew a bust size could be trademark infringement. Jelena, no worries…don’t let others bring you down. Besides, it is clearly obvious that you are not using the 38G moniker as your name.
You are the man!!!
You have Samantha38G (who I completely adore – Big Kiss Samantha) and Jelena (who is also very hot) swapping blog messages on your site. Every time I visit your site I feel like I have died and gone to heaven.
Keep up the fantastic work. I have finally found a web site that I can call home :).
Reese you are my savior…
Sam, Jelena – clearly this can only be solved by getting the two of you together, naked, wrestling in oil so we can all enjoy the sheer awesomeness of having you two sexy ladies rubbing, touching and grinding each other. For the love of big boob fans all over the planet – please make this happen! :)
To Joey :
Yeah, well I guess Samantha just got it wrong … no worries, besides I can tell you now – Im not even 38G anymore LOL I just got my order from Bravissimo (lingerie site for busty ladies) and I can say out loud now that Im already 38GG! Whooohooo! ;-)
Just wanted to thank Jelena for getting involved here. It makes you so much more… “real”, ya know? And much more attractive showing that you have a mind, a personality and are an honest to goodness real person!
Now… the waiting begins until Jelena gets her very own site!
Wow, amazing blog.! I can’t believe I’m actually reading a simmering cat fight between two models. Ladies, it’s all good, I doubt there will be a shortage in horny guys anytime soon. You’re both really attractive. Sam I can’t imagine why you’d be concerned about Jelena or any other hottie model. You’re so hot you could make the sun ask for a cold drink.
I also think it’s really cool that Jelena responds to this blog and I definitely want to encourage more of that from her and the other models posted here.
To Vadd:
Its my pleasure really to be involved here. Just so you know I am *real* in all deep meaning of this word and proud of it :-)
> Any chance you are a webmaster or can do anything to help? :-) Im all on my own having ideas and some parts of the site ready but need to pull all together. If its not a lot to ask of course :-) let me know – thankyou.
Jelena: You have an e-mail… ;-)
Thankyou Reese – you’re very helpful!!!
I guess its time to have my own website – as I see guys would like that.
Carpe Di Um – Cease the Day and the opportunity…
Jelena –
I’d just like to say that you have, in addition to the previously stated, very sexy, and captivating eyes. And I love how you seem to express yourself so easily in photo.
I’m looking forward to seeing more…and thanks for ‘being’ you.
Thank you :-) thats soo sweet of you to say!
Actually yes, I am a freelance artist and do web-design. If you want some assistance, I will do what I can to help.
Reese could get you my email address if you need anything (I am sending him an email next).
Awww, that would be amazing!!! I need some help with website.
Well, my mistake and I apologize. Have worked hard to brand myself over the past 8 years. I came upon a great marketing idea, and many now use it. Would love to shoot a g/g scene with Jelena, maybe we could oil wrestle or something.
If Reese would be a doll and email her my email address.
It is all good, more beautiful female who are not ashamed of their lucious curves the better.
Have passed you e-mail addy along to Jelena…
~Reese! :~)
P.S. …oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Sam – I couldn’t agree more. The more, the better! Keep up the great work ladies… and Reese! :)
That’s the spirit Sam! A little boobie oil wrestling solves everything. Now, someone send you lavely gals over to Israel!!
olla, nice
Good thing my Girl has boobs bigger than these HAHA i love this site