Sometimes, it’s nice to get a slightly different perspective on a favourite model. Take Eden Mor, for example: While I’m a regular subscriber to her Garden of Eden website and am perfectly content with every new photo & video set she provides in her updates, I’m even more pleased whenever she makes a guest appearance on Score. It’s an opportunity to see her through another pair of eyes (in this case, those of a Score photographer).
Now, I know a lot of you take issue with Score, citing that their photo shoots are too polished and too professional, often portraying their models as embellished sex objects rather than real people. However, the very first time I got to see Eden Mor totally nude was in a Score spread, and for that I am grateful. Thus, I was thrilled to find that, in her latest appearance on the site, she once again gets delightfully stark-bollock naked!
In addition to the full-frontal nudity, another thing about Score is that you can usually count on close-up pussy shots being somewhere in the series (and, although I realise that this is MyBoobSite, I must admit that I’m a bit of a “clit & flaps” man as well). So here’s our same old, much-loved Eden, cast in a whole new light (and a much brighter one, too, as evidenced in some of the photos below), courtesy of…

…then again, there are some girls who seem to be totally exclusive to Score. Take 34I Autumn-Jade as an example: She’s been one of my favourite “busty blonde bimbos” (and I use the term affectionately) ever since I saw her giving her doctor a blowjob whilst he fondled her I-cup breasts in this video clip. Trouble is, I’ve never seen Autumn-Jade anywhere other than Score…and, to be honest, I’d love to see what someone else could do with her.
Still, you’ve got to give Score some credit. I mean, with 1,118 girls listed in their model directory (yes, I counted! how sad is that? I also noted there were no women whose names began with Q or U.) and one of the largest member bases amongst the big tits niche sites, they’ve got to be doing something right. After all, they’ve got Autumn-Jade, and she doesn’t appear to be complaining! Here are a few more of Autumn’s clips from

Other than the photos being way too washed out, Eden is looking great…but the disappearing peach concerns me–looking a bit too much like Linsey Dawn down there. Please Eden, whatever you do don’t start looking like a little girl–keep that bush nice and womanly, stay all natural and sexy.
Yeah Score has this tendency to Flash the fuck out of everything, or just over-light it…whatever, Im not a pro photographer but I do know I want to see the girls! I want to see their skin, not just outlines. Score is the biggest and they do get great girls and set high standards but I just cant get into about 90% of their pics anymore. I agree that I wish Autumn Jade wasnt an exclusive. The only good thing about those fuzzy videos of her is they’re not so overlit! She is an incredible beauty and she’s only gotten chunkier (in a good way) since her debut.
I am a photographer, and yes those shots are “way” overexposed- no excuse for not checking your Histogram or highlights when you shoot digitally, as any good pro knows. What a shame.
I know what you mean about the lighting. I’ve said it for a while, I don’t think the poses are that great either but… well what you gonna do.
They do have a lot of models but they certainly don’t do them any favours the way they take their photos.
Nicole Ritchie goes on a visit to your doctor: (According to the tabloids she now weighs under 90 pounds.)
Nicole: Doctor, why am I short of breath walking up the stairs and why am I always vomiting and how come my boyfriend he always finds excuses to leave whenever I want to get sexy and take my clothes off?
Doctor: Well Nicole, you should be Eden Mor.
Owwww! Sorry everyone, Cudna resist.
WOW. Eden is just so amazing. That face, that body… so damn sexy. I am also glad she has stopped hiding her stomach with her hands/arms/clothing. I like her body-ALL of her body including her tummy!
I’ve got pics of Autumn-Jade going back to the late ’90s. A series named Nancy001 etc. from Oct 2000, which have the website in the corner, which gets redirected to some pornsite now. Also a series of her on a Harley with in the corner, which seems dead now. A series with in the corner. And of course lots of Score pics including her with someone named Kathy, and the ones with Linsey. Score lists her as 36DDD which I guess is an E cup. She doesn’t look anywhere near an I cup. Says she’s a 5 foot 1 inch housedancer from Huntsville, Alabama. Nice legs, but I’ve never been a fan of Autumn-Jade, though.
Eden really looks good this time, I didn’t like the previous score pictures all glossy and too much make up and the surroundings. But this in her natural surroundings, not too much heavy make-up is just what the doctor ordered. Eden looks super! :)
Now you’re talking – Eden is hot. I must admit to having a thing about pictures of big girls in water – guaranteed hard-on no question. Her nipples look fantastic and some nice pussy shots too. Fantastic.
Great find as always Reese. I’ve always loved the thumbnail picture you used for Eden–boob squishing is a favorite–but you’ve never used that in a gallery. Think we could see the full-size version?
nothing makes my day more than seeing a woman like autum in the shower. You just have to love the weighty look of her breasts, the gentle wobble as she showers……….I wont even get in to the flaps, I might not be able to finish this……………
how many eden mor in the world
love u
god bless u
keep up the good work
whoa! fuckin eden’s tits has got to be such great experience!
ohhh eden u r da best fuck da rest ı love u;ur perfect tits make me so horny ı wish ı could cum between ur georgeous tits
thank u very much
u r great/beautiful/sexy
good bless u
have a nice x-mas
u r great
beautiful and sexy
Oh God, just look at the last photo of Eden!!!!!!!!!!! I desperately want to lay down on top of her and fuck her! To feel her warm, soft pussy and play with her amazing babies…! Nothing in this life could ever be better! Absolutely nothing!