Not since the infamous (In Bed With) Faith Nelson blowjob video have I had so many requests to feature a particular series here on MyBoobSite. From the moment Maxi 32JJ posted her new lactation photos, the e-mails just started pouring in. It’s true, the epic 99 photo series with plenty of high-resolution 1600×1200 close-up shots of her huge breasts engorged with milk, her nipples squirting streams of fresh mommy milk is a sight to behold. But, truth be told, I was waiting for the inevitable videos.
Needless to say, I was not disappointed. It wasn’t long before our faceless wonder had posted a set of three lactation videos to accompany the photo series; glorious full-frame 1280×720 movies of Maxi milking her massive 32JJ mammaries for all they’re worth, streams of breast milk pooling in a glass before she dips a finger in to sample the contents. Indeed, she must have one well-fed baby who is the envy of big breast lovers the world over.
Thus, at long last, here’s a collection of video clips of Maxi 32JJ milking away at…

…but it was Maxi’s milking photos that came first. So here’s a small preview from the preceding series at

once again you’ve delivered! Keep up the good work
OMG!!! *Worship*
Mucho thx Reese :) Mucho thx!
Reese, another excellent find!
At some point could you write a post about lactating women who can hold a breast up to their face and actually suck their own milk, and then drool it out?
I’ve come across several sites that offer clips where the woman uses a milking device or uses her fingers to make the milk squirt out, but it is rare to see a self-sucking scene.
Years ago, I rented a “Wild Bill” video that had a 15-20 minute segment in it named “Milking Time”. That video segment took me by surprise and got me hooked on milking women! The model started us off with a tease, with her nipples leaking milk through her clothing. Then she undressed, played with her nipples (squirting milk everywhere), and then she hoisted one of those large milky breasts up her her mouth and she slurped noisily! When the milk started flowing out of her mouth whilst she was still slurping away, it looked as if somebody had cum in her mouth! Her enthusiasm in combination with the lewd noises and big luscious boobs made me cum instantly.
The only quality videos I’ve found since that time were on Milena Velba’s site, but alas, her milking videos were few in number and she has since “dried up”. :(
The picture of Maxi with her hand in her bathrope (topright corner) reminded me of my mother in law while we were on a vacation.
Me my girlfriend, en my mother in law and her husband shared the same house up in the mountains of France.
I walked downstairs that morning towards the kitchen, en there she was.
There was my mother in law, looking the same as Maxi does in the picture.
White bathrope, really hard nipples, huge hanging breasts!
In 1 word “Amazing”
yup they are looking like they are hanging real heavy. Looking back at her old pics she has really become massive.
Wow! Post some more, please!!!
omg just brilliant….wish i could find a real woman like that…..
good Lawd what a woman! I had my eye on her when she first appeared as a model. She was an instant wonder. And doubly amazing that she is also one of those rare women who gain several cup sizes during pregnancy. I swear her breast is twice as big as pre-preggo!!! Just a wonder of nature. Thanks for bringing it to us Reese.
Fantastic breast, it just a shame that Maxi is not proud of it because the pictures would be 10 times better with her face on.
Unfortunately her breast will not stay like that until if she takes out more than 1 liter every day…
Gotta believe that 32JJ bra is getting tight on her! (What is her bra size now?) Right up there with Milena Velba in the lactation department. Encore!
Thanks for the nice post!
Maxi is amazing!
Can a European female have the biggest tits? More then a black woman?
Maxi can!
Probably her best set is the latest before the birth of her children.
alex, she was damn near this size before she got preggo. I doubt she will shrink much. though i anticpating some sag.
Jack: I beg to differ. I watched her for a long time at Her pregnancy has swelled her boobs amazingly. They are 150% to 175% in size now. Stunning. But it IS possible they may stay that size. Big breast model Tracey ( was once large chested but began to model on the internet only after having children and her bust swelled to HH size and it stayed there even after the milk. The same is possible here.
That 5th photo demonstrates how huge her breasts really are. It would be hard to remove myself from that lovely leviathon. There’s something incredibly sexy and maternal about the way she presents her breast in this photo–it’s so gargantuan, round, heavy and perfect. Without those fabulous nipples, it would all be a wash. I’ve seen her face and TWgirls face in some rare photos and sometimes wonder if they are one and the same. Of course, Maxi (ahem, TW girl?) has grown thicker over the years but I often wonder if she was TWgirl…there was a point where they looked nearly identical…
Wonderful videos! Thanks Reese! :D So she did have enough milk! Great!
Hey Mick, have you seen Alicia’s videos where she does precisely what you were looking for? And I sure can understand you! I like when they do that also. It’s rare, but good. ;)
TW girl is a morphed retouched pix (everybody knows it!).
TW is not Maxi from Topheavy.
And the visage pix of TW girl are faked too.
What WEIRD coloured milk! I’ve never seen anything like it…is she producing chocolate milk??
wouderfull colection for milk maid women wid a huge boobs.guys if u know any more sites where i can download clips for huge boobs with lactating milk, please send website address on my mail box( i really love to have milk in very huge boobs.
Maxi32JJ is the 8th nature wonder!
Great boobs, great hips, great butt, great nipples, great belly, great thighs…
So curvaceous, so wonderful!
Please, keep her memory a-live on this blog.
PRAISE DE LORD. That is good milk. woooh-ohhh!
Thank you so much for keeping up with her pregnancy and providing the great vid clips and pics! (of ALL the girls!)
I have been mesmerized to the point of actually paying up and joining Maxi’s site…however…I hate to say it but it is leaving much to be desired…the site is UNACCEPTABLY SLOW…the pics are awesome but I joined mainly for the VIDEOS and they don’t download worth a crap…in fact last night I tried to download my first vid and even left the machine run all night to no avail…it’s true they are big files…most seem to be around 60MB or better but I have a fast computer with a DSL connection and a file like that shouldn’t take near as long as I tried…I did manage to download and save 1 vid after many attempts and the picture quality is good but the video is very’s like watching freezeframe…very frustrating!
I have written to them about the problems but haven’t heard back yet…does anyone else belong and have the same probs I have been having with the vids?
Anyways…I didn’t come here with the sole intention of flaming Maxi’s site but I want to give others a heads up if they are thinking of joining…I would suggest NOT spending the money until they get the site working the way it SHOULD…that is unless you are just a pic hound and don’t care about videos…
Thanks for reading and another thanks to you Reese for all his hard work in putting this site together and showing us the absolute best of what we all desire!
I just logged on to and downloaded a 59MB video file (the second one from her milking vids collection) over my ADSL connection and it took just under 20 minutes with an average download speed of about 70KB/sec.
Are you sure it was her Maxi32JJ site that you’d signed up for and not her other one – MaxiMOOM? Just asking, since I’ve never had difficulty with download speeds on the Maxi32JJ site (which is where I get all of the pics and vids featured here).
Please let me know and, if it is rather than MaxiMOOM you were having trouble with, I’ll definitely pass along your post to the webmaster there!
~Reese! :~)
Yes…I joined…
I don’t know WHAT the prob is…I have belonged to many many sites over the years and have NEVER had any problems like this before and have downloaded many a video file of 60 Megs or bigger in about the time you stated (20 minutes or even LESS)…
I tried several times again yesterday and at one point I got an error message saying the operation had timed out..I can stream them on-line but when it comes to actually downloading and saving it’s no dice so this is extremely frustrating as I would LOVE to download the rest of the pregnant vids…especially the the ones done in her last couple of months of pregnancy!
Any help you could give with this is greatly appreciated..
Thanks “big brother”!
Your little brother…
“Malcolm” ;-)
Maxi32JJ is right site: its server is very slow and to download from it,
it takes a long long time.
Same to me, be patient, that’s it.
There’s nothing wrong but that’s the way it is.
Allison, I think she’s having coffee with her milk.
Who produce more milk, Maxi or Juggmistress?
I love you beatiful,you are the best of the world nice to meet you every days
masturbating with your pictures, thank you very much , good bay
I watched for half hours the pix. I wanted to taste it .I wanted to use it in a number of ways. Ah what a frustration!
Searching for a Yahoo groups video, very brief. Depicts a submissive slave girl, tied up standing. She is black. Breast pump machine is attached to both tits, and she has a screaming orgasm.
Wow nice vids……Hope Maxi does more with mansbest friend,,,,
I wanna’ drinki’n MILKKKuuu...
from tokyo -JAPAN
My milk girls♪
Drinkin’ my MILK~★
this rocks
I love her boobs so huge soft and milky. hold up i’m thirsty better get my self a glass of milk.
i would like her to get on her hands knees and milk her like a cow.
If you ever want sombody in a video with you PLEASE email me, I’ll be on the first plane to anywhere you are
I love this bitch, yo
what a huge boob i was flabber ghasted loved ur boobies babe!
Que mulher gostosa! Vou mamar todo o leite dela nesses seios deliciosos!
love it so much send more pic s and videos
very sexy and naughty want to kiss their niple and suck milk from them.
Maxi, why hide who you are? Thousands, and for all I know, millions seek to look at you. Your breasts are no doubt beautiful. That you lactate and allow us to enjoy is something that all men with a milky sided fetish should appreciate and respect and thank you for. That goes without saying. Thank you so much!…I’d love to drink from you for hours!..Your husband is a lucky man!
beauty big tis milk i,m suck much
I like her big boobs ! Do you have some vids of her ???
que buenas tetas siempre me han gustado las mujeres de senos grandes
baby I know how you feel, my breasts look like yours an I can’t get anybody here to suck them… bad as they need it.
susan where are you id loe to suck your tits dry then when they fill up again have you squirt milk all over my body
se ven bien rikas esas tetotas mmmmmmmmmmmm deliciosas
hahahaha boobs with milk:)
My husband loves the taste of my breast milk, I’m sure that after filming this scene M
axi’s partner drunk her warm breast milk too :o) xx
hi i want nipples
hi i want nipples to suck any girls from REDCLIFF ALBERTA
hi i want cookies and boob milk
WOW!, I would love to be breastfed by Maxi, she’s so sweet!…and that’s just her milk, lovely.
Aw, I wish I could suck those tits. Yes, I am a female as well. I’ve always wanted to suck a lactating women’s breasts. I bet Maxi’s milk is sweet. <3 (I'm bisexual btw). ;)
What I wouldn’t give to have a session of sucking those things and drinking her milk. Oh my! Looks delicious!!