The fantasy of the sexy secretary has to be one of the most overwrought clichés in the porn industry. However, when I typed the word “secretary” into the search box here on MyBoobSite, I came up with zero results! How could I have neglected this? How many Google searches have passed me by because of this irresponsible oversight?! I dread to think.
In an effort to rectify this rather serious omission, I turned to busty blonde G-cup goddess Faith Nelson from InBedWithFaith to provide a suitable example. But, although our Faith is indeed sexy in her secretary persona, I do have to question her genuine suitability for the position. For one, if you look at her computer monitor, it’s quite obvious that she’s browsing porn (which, as far as I know, is a workplace no-no). Then again, masturbating at work – as Faith not-so-slyly commences in the last two photos below – is probably a sackable offense as well (unless you do it on International “Have a Wank at Work Day” or perhaps for a registered charity).
Nonetheless, I can’t dispute that Ms. Nelson does fulfill the fantasy of a sexy secretary quite adequately and, despite my managerial misgivings, I’d no doubt hire her in an instant (besides, who am I to slate someone for browsing porn at work? after all, it’s my job!). Here’s a small sampling of 32G sexy secretary Faith Nelson from

I don’t know whay, but ever since she started doing hardcore my interest in her has waned.
Faith is a perfect example of the conversation we all had on the previous post, slim, beautiful and best of all, big busted. 10 OUT OF TEN!!! The only reason she isn’t 11 out of 10 is she is blonde rather then brunette but, I understand that, that is my personal preference. None the less I qualify as being a member of the true faith, excuse the pun, a big breast lover. She has even plumped up a bit. I’d love to know what she feels likes!
She is a DREAM
Rees doesn’t say too much these days!
I don’t know whay, but ever since she started doing hardcore my interest in her has waned.
Ya, I feel exactly the same. Think I said before it’s like watching an ex girlfriend you still have feelings for being violated.
Although this picture set has revived my interest a bit. Girls with big tits in tights rock my tiny little world.
Interest has waned after she did hardcore?!?!
Mates, the reason we’ve all been deflated after she did it, was that we were hoping for more! This tiny dicked boyfriend of hers doesn’t do our Faith any justice.
We want more to rekindle our faith!
Nice pix, the office hottie look has always held considerable sway with me. Does anyone know how tall Faith is? She has a great body and wonderful boobs, but, they don’t look quite G cup to me. They just don’t look that big, I’d peg her (if you’ll excuse a pun) as a DDD cup max.
For me, Faith has always been the pinnacle of hotness. Like Sam said: 10 out of 10 (actualy, I give her an 11!).
As far as interest in her since she started doing hardcore- my interest has increased! So far her XXX work has been so-so but I am sure things will pick up. A girl like that can’t stay with her boyfriend forever! And when they DO split… oh my . Look out!
I am not sure about her G cup size- they look aweful big to me though. Not sure I care about cup size so much as how they look. And her tits, like the rest of Faith, are fucking perfect.
I love the woman
my interest in this model has increased since she started doing hardcore. Go Faith there is plenty more you can do with your sensational body.
This finnish booblover wants more pics from her! I’m not sure is this officelook right for this girl, but I like Faith anyway. I love those big pink nipples on those even bigger tits. Even they are so big (mayby even JJ-cup) they aren’t hanging so badly that the nipples are pointing to the floor.
Ohh my God,.. since I started this wevsite,…. I’m everyday having sex with my wife although my wife the breast is not the big as the Sexy Secretary… and I hope will
sended the picture like above… the big boob secretary… to fresh up my dick….
It’s so very sexy…. I love it…
Thnx alot hot girl
you are beautiful FAITH.
i love you …
i just love this girl how can i do a scene with her!!!!!