Got a question for all of you large breast lovers today. I was having a chat with another big tits webmaster who was noting the increasing popularity of embedded flash videos on big boob blogs such as ours. Not only do FLVs appear to improve video search results, but they also consume less bandwidth for faster download times and seem far more compatible with mobile devices compared to other video formats. I was getting all set to convert to Flash breasts for video clips on MyBoobSite (and thus catch up with the modern mammary gland world (hee hee, “Gland World”, now there’s an anatomical theme park I’d be interested to visit!)) until I read on my last boob blog of the troubles tit lover Tony was having to which a helpful NonExclusive replied, “Tony, you can use download helper in firefox to download the .flv files that are frequent in flash video. The videos Reese posted kindly for us are .wmv though which you can save & play without a problem.”
That got me thinking that maybe my boob site readers might prefer the internet antiquated WMV files that I typically edit together for a big tits video blog entry. Thus, I’ve decided to abandon all responsibility and let you, my dear readers, make the decision for me. So, should I bring MyBoobSite up to date with big boobs Flash videos? Or just keep the old Windows Media format I’ve been video blogging all along? Whilst I wait for my Flash tits question to be answered, let’s pass the time with a handful of good old WMVs I’ve edited from a few of the huge hooters high-definition videos PinUpFiles has on offer. Here are busty beauties Sara Willis 32GG, Leanne Crow 34HH, 32L Rachel Aldana & 32GG Anya Zenkova in HD videos from

I think FLV and WMV are both the wrong choices. You should go with MP4 files since they’re not only compatible with all computers, the format is also compatible with smartphones, iPads, and is part of the HTML5 standard.
Yeah, mp4 is the way to go. But out of wmv and flv, I prefer wmv.
I personally prefer .wmv when I’ve to choose between .flv and .wmv. As already proposed mp4 is good alternative. Other thing is the standard Windows Media Player conveniently can start playback without downloading the hole videos, just prebuffers some frames and does streaming like an embedded flash player.
Flv is absolutely the wrong move. Hopefully with HTML 5 and h.264, flash will die forever. It’s unstable, slow, typically poor quality, doesn’t work well with some browsers or iPhones. Flash causes more crashes than any other web feature. Mp4 is the way to go. WMV is at least better than FLV though. And being able to download is definitely nice. Doesn’t having the ability to download once instead of viewing multiple times save bandwidth?
I’m another vote for mp4!! WMV and Flash are last decade, but if it had to be one then WMV because of the ease of download on PC. MP4 has higher compatibility with mobile devices though…. Decisions decisions. Reese will make the right choice.
I HATE both formats, simply because my network streaming player doesn’t support either. LOL But I prefer wmv because at least it has better quality possible.
H.264 mp4 all the way.
Oh, but I should address something Justin said: it’s not part of the HTML 5 standard at all. There’s a run-down on the new tag and what it entails at but suffice it to say that the HTML standard does not endorse particular video formats.
Nevertheless, H.264 is currently the best video compression out there, and you should use it.
HTML 5 doesnt specify any specifc video format. There is an ongoing debate about this topic. I have nothing against mp4, but my guess is that more users here have a computer with flv support.
Out of my vast collection (well over 1TB) of material, I have just as many wmv, avi, flv, mp4, mkv, m2ts, etc. as I have any other type.
You can easily convert one type of video to another and you can use Media Player Classic from the K-Lite Codec Pack or VLC to play any video.
The only reason I advocate wmv or avi is because it’s less of a hassle for the computer-challenged folks.
Can’t stand flash video – the image quality stinks. I’d prefer anything but FLV format.
Good topic Reese :)
Personally I prefer wmv files but that’s not the majority of links that are out there on sights with preview files, namely the idiots from score. I have searched down-loaders to specifically download their preview files and to no avail have had no luck.
I’m no video file expert but I think mp4 files are good in quality. As for the best all around as in less bandwidth consumption and best quality, i’m not too sure. Maybe the guys over at the audio video forums could give us an idea whats best; explanations telling us why, are helpful, rather than ego boasting un-educated video “gurus”
Yes, I have had Download Helper installed before and it was decent but that was many OS installs ago due to a failed SSD drive, then the temporary HDD, then back to another SSD drive. I’m just trying to change my ways here.
I can play pretty much anything so it doesn’t matter to me. I will say that you can also grab those flv’s using the RealPlayer Downloader that gets installed when you install the free RealPlayer (which no one ever does anymore, I know).
It starts up in the background and whenever you come across an flv file it starts loading it with the option to save it. Nice.
I would agree with the previous comments. Mp4 is the best way to go
I agree with Justin. mp4 is the way of the future, especially on the web with HTML5.
If you ignore this, you lock your website out of every iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad.
Quicktime also has very wide dispersal among computer users.
It’s also the most efficient way to go, especially with the H.264 codec.
postscript – Sorry about the fake email addy. I just don’t want to give out my email address. Just wanted to vote on the format. I look at your site just about every day.
Agree with Justin, MP4 would be nice, but anything is better than WMV which takes far longer to load, so i’m goin with FLV.
Much easier to stay with the standard wmv.
So far, it seems unanimous. MP4 > WMV > FLV.
Mp4. I think that, even if the quality isn’t completely there, mobile phones are going to dictate what gets seen. You can get away with FLV for now, but Apple is never, ever going to use Flash.
Yup, for compatibility’s sake and to make it future-proof you should go with MP4 if you really want to make the switch…!
Please please do not go to flash. If you do feel that you need the hits, you can try putting up a few flash videos, but I don’t like them.
WAV and MP4 are good.
I agree with both Justin & Fredrik, mp4’s are the way to go, but if i would have to choose, i’d prefer wmv’s.
So long as it it Apple friendly and of the best quality I am not fussed :)
Exactly, as Justin says. If you want to bring the site up to date, then go with the HTML5 standard H.264 MP4 files.
Both WMV and FLV are outdated and don’t work on the most popular mobile device in the world.
Not fussed myself to be honest as long as I can get the file to play…
WMV please!
Oh, and since nobody else has done it,
Thanks for the videos Reese! This is a boobs blog, but turned into a techie forum :)
the format doesnt matter, just convert it to whatever format u want to use it on, but surely its all about the boobs, and shouldnt we all be more appreciative of reeces hard work, and accept whichever format he uses, if flv uses less bandwidth then thatd mean more boob content.
iPad user here…
THANK YOU guys for a voice of reason and sound technical advice.
estas son las fotos que deben enviarme al correo, las de rachel aldana las ultimas de alta definicion
mp4. Flash and wmv are dead.
i like both formats but how about a format that is iPhone compatible???