34G Lorna Morgan has certainly made her rounds: She first appeared here on MyBoobSite when I blogged Jana Defi’s arrival at PinUpFiles. Shortly thereafter, I found some of the most breastacular photos & videos I’d ever seen of Lorna over at my mate Cel’s site. And now, I see her cropping up in a soft lesbian scene with none other than 36GG Chloe Vevrier!
Then again, with Chloe being the sexual predator that she is, I’m not surprised that the innocent-looking Lorna got drawn into her web. With Chloe already having pulled the likes of young Brandy Taylor, MILF Kelly Madison and hot busty blonde of indeterminate age Goldie – the latter of whom seemed far more interested in getting up-close and personal with Chloe’s pussy than with her glorious G-cup boobs – it really makes you wonder who else might be on her “hit list”!
Hmmm…perhaps we should make some suggestions! You know, a sort of petition of whom we’d like to see Chloe lure into her boudoir next (at the top of my wish list, of course, would be the lovely, lactating Alicia, as it’d be great to see Chloe sucking the milk out of those 36JJ tits – *mmmm*). However, I’m sure that our clever, lust-driven succubus Chloe has plenty of mouth-watering ideas of her own, and is probably already stalking her next “victim” as we speak… ;~)

when i read the blog’s title, i couldn’t believe my eyes. 2 of my best models are together in action WOW!.
keep up the good work reese
Reese, I love your idea of Chloe sucking milk from Alicia. I know you have influence. It would be great if you could get the two together. I can’t stop looking at Alicias wonderful tits. I thought it would be hard to beat Milena, but I think I like the shape of Alicias better and she’s prettier.
awesome post bro.
Well, I’ve happily been studying Alicias tits some more and it occurs to me that her tits actually rival a cows udder in size. Isn’t that cool. Oops, I forgot this is supposed to be about Chloe and Lorna. Well their tits aren’t far off that size either.
WOW! What a nice pair of pairs! And Chloe’s legs – whatta nice set o’ shanks! Check them out in the center pic on the bottom row.
When I listened Alicia’s vids I heard what sounded like German to me, so she’s probably German. Chloe’s from there, too. So it might be possible that they could get together.
Reese makes it sound like Chloe’s some kind of vampire, but from what I’ve read, Lorna doesn’t do hardcore. Well, it looks like she sure does Chloe!
One thing that I read on the DivineBreasts.com site was something like “big-boobed women in ordinary situations”, which to me kind of implies that they don’t cater to the hardcore crowd. So I don’t think that they’ll be showing any Alicia & Chloe stuff. Maybe some other website, though.
Man – gotta love the smouldering looks they give the camera – so seductive, so hot. They sure know how to work it… and work us! Amazing pics. Sweet areola goodness my god keep ’em coming!
Two of THE most beautiful women on the planet.
And Chloe, my God. Woman is a total freak of nature. I mean really, how many women actually get SEXIER as they age? Like many well endowed women, her “assets” continue to grow (see Lorna!), but it doesn’t end there. She is ACTUALLY getting prettier! As she matures, she is looking less cute (from back in the 90s), and more absolutely ravishing.
Sure she will EVENTUALLY hit the wall, but I don’t see that happening for quite some time.
Oh, and that friggin body!!! Best pair of legs in ALLLLLLLLLLLL of porn.
Shit, I think she’s got the best pair of legs I have EVER seen. Just an amazing shape.
What a woman…
Even if it’s “off topic”, I like to make you pay attention about the evident differnece between the rispective butts.
Chloe’s ass is a muscolar, small, male bottom. Lorna’s ass is big, soft, female one.
Which better?
i like big buttz and i cannot lie. don’t nobody want an ass they’ll reach for and miss. oops i missed. no thankyou chloe. lorna, bring that phat arse home to daddeh!!!!!!
these two are the new boob queens if indeed linsey has lost her mind and reduced hers. i still think linsey is gorgeous but for reducing them she might wanna visit arkham asylum
Buena contribución hombre..
Chloe no es humana, es divina
Is Tekaplin marry me
i love u very very much chloe
Man my boobies look great in these shots, I enjoyed it, Chloe is a babe to work with, so much fun. I will def be working with her in LA in the future plus she has several great sets from the last trip (NOT YET PUBLISHED), especially one of us together in the tub, just wait and see.
xxxxxxxxxx LM
Man your boobies DO look great, Lorna and I luv them very much. More please!
wow.. LORNA and CHLOE !!! THOSE R MY FAVORITES!!! i cant believe i can finally see them together !!!
Lorna and chloe look evenly matched, makes them both look all that much hotter…………………
Really nice. I love Lorna but if you’re gonna make me choose, Chloe wins.
Chloe has been a dream lover of mine for years and seeing her with Lorna only makes me jealous!!! But lucky Lorna..haha
I like those cheks
any chance of chloe locking up with Nicole Peters ???????
man these girls a r good id love to bury my dick in them tits
Never seen such action, awsome swooooooooooooooosome
aaaah A+++++++++++++
You ladies are fucking hot!!!!!
Epic Win
I don’t know what Chloe really looks like these days. There’s been a lot of airbrush work on her pics for years. And Nadine J (I believe) said that Chloe wasn’t that nice in person. She may have been jealous at how well Chloe’s marketed herself over the years. Maybe Chloe wouldn’t do any free topless pics for Nadine’s site.
im blownnnnnn away ladies, ive seen alot of pix and never blog’d, but i had to check my feet to see if my sox were still on. l truly thank you ladies for that!
chloe is beautiful than lorna, but lorna pussy’s is the beautiful than chloe… I wanna compare them at my blog
Until she starts sucking other women’s tits and her own tits on a regular basis like Milena Velba, she’ll always be just another big boob glamour model. I’m so sick of these slick, fake pictures that don’t show the models trying to suck the daylights out of each other’s nipples. Its the hottest thing in porn outside of actual sex but these bigboob models refuse to do it.
Very.. Very.. Nice
Best boobs around
while lorna might have bigger boobs then chloe. miss vevrier is way prettier in the category of drop dead gorgeous. ive have been look at chloe vevriers boobs for 8 years and they are amazing. lorna might have bigger aeorola(frisbee nipples) . lorna a 9 chloe vevrier 10. she is a legend. it would be so fun rubbing her big boobs because she has the tits from hell
I adore these two but I still think Linsey is more beautiful. She is alot more interactive with her fans as well. All hail Linsey!
I’m totally diggin Chloe and Lorna together. Alicia is great to, but why single her out. Throw her into this pictorial and you’ve got a perfect 10. Chloe, Lorna, AND Alicia together, picture that.
Man, those are some great photos. Lorna is one of the few girls who can match Chloe’s titanic torpedoes tit for tit.