Having just visited Maxi32JJ.com, I must say that I am most impressed with Maxi’s choice of maternity wear. Now, I’d normally feature women like Maxi over on my other repository for huge breasts, but, as one site visitor recently pointed out, she’s not so much a plumper as merely pregnant. Well, wouldn’t that at least earn her temporary BBW status? *sigh* I guess I’ll never get it right. But, since I have neither the time nor inclination to start a “My Preggo Site” blog, I guess I’ll feature Maxi here.
It’s true that Maxi was actually a reasonably slender person before she started modelling in 2001. Consequently, her boobs were much smaller, too, as shown in the first topless photos from Maxi’s private collection taken a year before her pics hit the ‘net (if you can consider a G-cup to be small, that is). She became a bit plumper as her on-line fame grew, developing a slight tummy as the world joyfully watched Maxi’s bra size expand to a 32GG. Then, by the time she got pregnant late last year, her breasts had ballooned to Maxi-mum capacity, requiring a 32JJ bra just to contain them!
Now more than 6 months into her pregnancy, Maxi’s belly has expanded by ten inches (just two more inches, and her midriff measure will match that of her bustline!). Still, she does make the best choices in sexy maternity wear! Her dancing dress, shown in the photos & videos below, is a fine example: I’m a sucker for anything with a low-cut front, but seeing Maxi’s JJ-cup cleavage spilling from this top in particular struck me as such “udder perfection” that I had to share! Thus, here are a few photos from her latest series on Maxi32JJ.com…

…and, truly, this entry just wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t get to see Maxi and her massive mammaries in motion, her boobs dancing to the music (with manual assistance, of course, although I’d be even more impressed to see it without) before she trains her tongue on those perpetually erect nipples to treat us to some close-up licking and sucking action. We’re still waiting on milk, but as soon as Maxi begins lactating, I’m sure we’ll get it by the gallon…and all from Maxi32jj.com:

I think we actually see pussy lips in that 3rd video – very nice. She does have amazing preggy breasts and overall shape – very sweet.
Ive been looking at her pics for years………she surely has filled out and even more so now that she is preggo…..they look so heavy looking forward to them getting more so in the coming months.
Maxi’s Maternity site is one of the hottest projects out there at the moment!
Absolutely amazing!
Maxi JJ is potentially one of the best big boob models around at the moment. I’m sure she is doing well with her site but I’m sure many guys will agree with me that it’s important to see the whole package. If she showed her face she would be up there along with Milena -Alicia and the other similar superstars. I’m sure she is probably an attractive girl but anonymity must be important to her-what a shame.
Re: other comments – nothing to write home about yet. It seems Reese has blogged her several times in the last month. Since then, her tits haven’t changed, and her belly has grown only a bit.
Meanwhile, amuse yourself with this article.
Help! I’m a TV producer and I’m researching an idea for a documentary for C4 about The Biggest Breasts in Britain or The World.
I’m trying to find out if there are any conventions or competitions held either in the UK or the US for ladies with larger breasts. Can anyone help me? Does this exist?
Thank you
And please feel free to email me directly if you can help or guide me in the right direction! rachel@landmarkfilms.com
A special thanks to this Blogs administartor!
Following Maxi’s evolution is really horny and exciting for everyone.
She’s amazing and we get along ’cause we know her and her hubby well.
I personally don’t think it is correct to pretend to see her ‘unblurred face’.
She is kind and a very nice person: she wants to protect her privacy, that’s it!
Let’s keep on supporting her!
A big hug to all the Maxi’s fans out there!
I know hers residence!
Se ve muy dulce en la dulse espera
maxi is awesome. does anyone know if maxi has done sets together with another model from topheavy named hayden ? that would make some nice pictures. reese, you have an incredible blog right here, keep up the fantastic work. you are a true champion.
You do have a great blog here, but Maxi’s face must be absolutely hideous for her to hide it all the time. Or it’s a marketing ploy worse than McDonald’s has ever pulled. If you have a membership to her site, you should publish photos of her that show her face, then e-mail them to her kid in fifteen years.
if ever come to South africa, please let me know I would like to congratulate you.
Wow. Her pubes are shaved. Some women can pull it off and she can
The rivers on her are amazing
Does anyone remember Hayden of Topheavy? what happened to her?
really the boobs are too good, i just wanna suck her nipples.
Maxi ur husband needs to bring 10 friends over & let all of them cum all over ur big tits then u can rub all of the cum all over ur big milk juggs. then after that u could suck all them off ur husband would love to see ur big tits flopping.