The real reason I was chatting with BreastFinder yesterday was because of an e-mail that arrived in MyBoobSite’s in-box: “Hope you don’t mind me bothering again but I need help with my big tit fetish and you are the expert. I’m looking for links to a girl named Maxi. Not Maxi Mounds, but a huge natural-titted wonder. I thought I saw her on your site but can’t find her. She doesn’t show her face…at least in the pictures I’ve seen. Her tits are the biggest and I just love the hang and shape of them. Plus, she’s got the coolest looking nipples.”
I sent my correspondent this photo of Maxi from to see if it was the girl he was talking about, and indeed it was. So I set about on my research, gathering some photos and videos for this blog. Judging by her current pictures, Maxi’s lost a little bit of weight – except in the boobs department, where she’s ballooned up from her prior 34HH to wearing a 32JJ bra! Like Liana and more recently Breya, Maxi chooses to remain an anonymous model, but at least that doesn’t stop her from sharing her beautiful big breasts with us…

…and here are a few video clips of Maxi’s massive mammaries in motion (bear in mind that her latest videos on the site are in awesome 720×576 resolution!):

She’s awesome! Even has a nice ass. I’ve only checked out one clip so far,but not only are those tits huge, but the look so supple. Yummy!
Oh, I forgot to add that apparently Maxi is pregnant. I can’t wait to see those udders fill with milk. They will be huge!. I sure wish she could show her face. I understand the need to maybe be anonymous. Thank god, she decided she could put those magnificent assest of hers to use to make some money. That being said, it’s not like she isn’t going to draw a crowd when she’s out in public anyway.
Maxi is awesome, huge and beautiful breasts, nice butt( ample not too agressive), she reminds me of TW Girl sometimes. I know this wasn’t in this blog but you’re the only one that i think can come up with an answer for this:¿ Lorna Morgan has a son or am i wrong about this?
gigantor dig maxi in big way. gigantor wanna see pregger maxi tits nOW
Love them naturals,Lord have mercy
She’s truely amazing!
I checked out her website and she is going to keep a log on how big her breasts grow…how cool is that. Makes me thirsty and I don’t even like milk!
Whilst I appreciate her lovely Tits it would be long overdue to see her face!
that was a craze that lasted too long in my mind
I agree kim. I’m sure it’s not because she’s unattractive, but for privacy. I mean with tits like that she’d have to be absolutely hideous not to be attractive to a guy like me. Besides, I’m sure, even if she lives in a big city, everyone in her neighborhood are well aware of the babe with the awesome tits. Why not use them for profit. I sure would.
yummy! mljac!
I can’t quit looking at her tits. I love the way they hang down almost to her waist even when she is standing straight up. Plus, it’s not like they are sagging. The still have an ample firmness all the way down. Man, what I would give to fondle tits that big.
I know I’m obsessed, but check out the balcony pictures at Her tits don’t look anyway near as big as they do now…that was in 2000 apparently. Is it just me? If she’s had implants I might have to change my opinion of them. She looks like she had gained some weight since then, but not all that much. Must have all went to her tits…wish that would happen when my girl goes off her diet.
Her tits are impressive. What’s amazing is how they’ve grown since 2000 (if the growth was natural). It would make sense if she were a redneck or impersonating one and getting knocked up repeatedly because she can’t learn how to use a condom, but that enhances her appeal for a milk-fetishist like me (I am only one year old). Disclaimer – stop reading now if you wish to retain her as your golden calf. What bothers me is how she won’t show her face. It’s a sign of cowardice or reveals a hatred of her profession (which exists because of women who fear work or lack talent). Yet her website will show her face for $25 a month, which proves that her (or her puppet-master, her manager’s) true lust is for money, and that’s commercialism on a gas supplier’s scale. While she’s gorgeous as a concept in the abstract, her personality’s shameful to herself or exploitative of others (of course: she’s a woman). Yet if I had money, I’d subscribe. And if I had her she’d be the greatest person in the world (or my cash cow). So moo on, Maxi, moo on!
Nice body but I find it extremely creepy that her face is this flesh colored blur, like something out of a sci-fi movie where people’s faces are mutated. I don’t understand at all the need to be anonymous these days at all. The face is a very crucial part of a woman’s sexiness; without it she is just tits and butt and a non-person. I’m begging Maxi to quit being such a fraidy-cat.
¿Hay fotos de maxi mostrando el rostro?
De todos modos es bella , una diosa.
I would love to suck on those big tits. I think they are getting bigger and bigger and bigger. I would love to see her videos.
i would like her to suck my dick while i milk her big tits.
i wonder with mellons like she has does she ever put her money in her bra? i bet she has room for a cadillac in there.
i would like my wife to give me sexy romantic oral sex while i sqweeze her boobs
I would marry her today. She is astounding.
maxi mounds the rotten meat
the score group also