Just another quick update on Caribbean cleavage queen Miosotis since she and her most massive breasts of mocha flesh are now gracing the busty voluptuous pages of XL Girls as well and, although she’s already released two photo shoots and two HC videos for the site, I wanted to focus on her sexy softcore bikini boobs series today since it contains the ultimate big tits sidewinder shot therein…

…but super-sized sidewinders aside (and I wholeheartedly agree with Sam’s comment on my last Miosotis blog that she certainly qualifies for the slim and stacked niche with her extra large breasts being the only thing I believe would qualify her as an XL girl in the least), the rest of this series brings what I believe may well be the biggest tits in a bikini MyBoobSite has ever seen! So, getting her gigantic boobs in and out of a bikini top of indeterminate cup-size, here’s ever lovely super busty ebony phenomenon Miosotis at XLgirls.com:

in shot #14 her breast touches her hip!! OMG!! AWESOME! I just wish there was at least one naturally hanging shot with the top off.
I can’t stand it. I just can’t stand it. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a woman on my lap so badly. Seriously? Tits behind the back?!? Cmon! How is it possible that a woman this thin and beautiful is armed with a pair of juggs that truly massive?
It’s just not fair. I should know her! Why don’t I know her? Waaaaaaaaaaaa!
Oh, BTW, her skin is gorgeous. Beautiful coloring, almost no blemishes. Very smooth and vibrant. She’s so amazing.
This is just a bit too much for me.
Now this is what one can call “hangers”! :D
To be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of Miosotis. Her body is simply too small for her breasts. Surely I love gigantic tits, but they look better on a model that is well-built overall, like Nadine Jansen for example.
Just awesome. She’s so great, and I’m so happy I speak Spanish I would be able to try some lines on her if I ever met. What a fantasy babe! Sidewinders, damn! what a great angle. I like picture #14 also, that is why she is in XL girls. I think only XL girls have nipples hanging down to the waistline. To be fair her left breast is a bit freakishly larger than the right, and I think she is cocking her left hip up toward the camera, but still! not a photo that can be duplicated by a girl you could comfortably lift in your arms. Wouldn’t it be great (and relaxing to the back!) to sweep her off her feet and hold her? What a fantasy.
“Not the biggest fan?” How can you say that? 10 minutes around her and I’d be ready to bust the cap on the Moet, if you know what I mean! She’s is like the most amazing in the world. We’re not likely to see another model like her ever.
Body too slim?
Breasts too large??
Perish the thought!
And I like how her left breast is larger…
More is more!!
Also, I enjoy how she’s smiling more than she used to.
Wow. You could suck one of her nipples from behind her back. Stunning.
Very hot and nice to see that disgusting pig Xcel or whatever his name is is not around.