Whilst classic crooner Paul Anka might be perfectly content for a girl to put her head on his shoulder, I say that nothing beats shouldering the well-endowed weight of a nice pair of big boobs hugging your neck like a warm, snuggly tit scarf made of J-cup juggs as amply demonstrated by little 32A Sophia Sutra supporting the comparatively heavy breasts of 40J Renee Ross in an XLgirls pic of the two boob buddies I’d found…

…Sophie playing over the shoulder boulder holder to Renee’s massive rack naturally inspired the following amusing breast porn parody big titty ditty sung as a booby spoof to the aforementioned artist’s tune:
Put your tits on my shoulders
Hold me in your boobs, baby
Squeeze your cleavage tight, blow me
Show me you’d titfuck me too
Breast sex song silliness aside, the rest of this sexy series reads like a photo essay on breast size comparison of an A-cup vs J-cup nature as well as a study of the female figure contrasting body types skinny and boobless to busty voluptuous. So, continuing on with the series from which the above small tits & big boobs were borrowed, here again are bosom buddies Sophia Sutra 34A & 40J Renee Ross from XLgirls.com…

…in other news, the good folks at Score have just reinstituted their hardcore thumbs (which your may recall me complaining about the loss of not so long ago)! Granted, the following example is just a Renee Ross pussy pic, but compare and contrast it to the substantially more softcore nature of the big tits rubdown gallery provided as preview to the large breast massage series from whence it came at XLgirls.com…

…then again, I really shouldn’t have despaired the loss of thumbs since there’s pretty much big tits and ass and pussy a plenty in their video galleries. In order to demonstrate, once again, here’s ever lovely busty voluptuous vixen 40J Renee Ross getting her beautiful big ass oiled up in her big tit rubdown large breast massage video from XLgirls.com:

Renee surely is a goddess! And these comparison sets are great. It’s so easy to be spoilt nowadays, when internet is full of pics of beautiful big-titted ladies. It’s good to be reminded that ladies like Renee are still special.
Renee Ross & Sophia Sutra – in other words, a REAL woman & a boy with a pussy and long hair. RENEE ROCKS!!!
The comparison shots are unreal! It really gives some perspective as to the sheer size of these women. Renee Ross is remarkably sexy in every shoot Ive seen. She is so full and voluptuous….my goodness! Awesome post today Reese!
Funny, but it’s “Put your *head* on my shoulder”.
[mod note to Steve: Ack!! You’re bloody well right! Then again, I’m old, so I blame the onset of senility for my glaringly obvious oversight (why, I’d even looked up the lyrics!). I’ve since corrected the post to avoid even further embarrassment but, as a standing testament to your acute observational prowess, I shall leave this comment to bear witness to the disturbing fact my dementia has well and truly set in to the firmament of my increasingly perverted psyche… :~P …thanks so much for the correction, truly!]
[mod note to everyone else: Honest, it’s too true! I wrote “hand” instead of “head”.]
[mod note to self: Stop posting notes on comments when it’s already gone far too late to reasonably engender any semblance of coherency and you’ve been on the Absinthe.]
I know this is for busty women, but we’ve seen that Sophia Sutra many times, and always with big boobs models. Honestly, I’d take Sophia Sutra any day! She’s amazing.
I’m hearing my old professor on exam day “compare and contrast…..”
+1 to Mentok. While I definitely need my heavy hangers…this Sophia woman is very hot! She might convert me into an A-cup lover….maybe not, but she’s still super sexy!
Hey Reese, you think *you’re* old! I’m walking that fine line —
old enough to have heard the song on the radio, but still
not *quite* too old to be able to remember the lyrics. Won’t last
much longer though, I think.
I agree with both Geo and Mentok. Both these girls are hot in different ways. One a beautiful specimen of voluptuous goodness, the other, a great example of what a thin and petite beauty should look like.
Anyhow, I love comparison pics. Please have more such postings!
Love that Renee Ross. THE most extremely sexy big lady currently residing on the planet. Her one tit is bigger than the smaller girl’s head. LOL.
Fantastic photo-shoot!!! I’ll never have enough of seeing tiny tits pressed against enormous ones!
Renee has awesome tits, but if you are talking who I would rather be with for the long haul, then it would be Sofia Sutra easily. I can imagine Sophia in her 40s, still looking slim and in shape after a few babies. Bodytypes like Renee, while awesome for a roll in the sack, tend to implode with age and pregnancy. All those flabby, out of shape middle aged women used to be “voluptuous” when they were younger too. Age, gravity, pregnancy and menopause happened.
As I get older, I see this reality confirmed everyday. Those skinny girls end up looking really hot as they age, like wine you know, they get better. Those buxom, thick girls are like milk in the long run. They “spoil” with time. They rarely get better. The exception to the rule is Chloe Vevrier, but she was never a “big girl” and if you look at her current pictures, you would see that she is actually slimmer & fitter now than she was when she was younger. Her calves are really shapely, thick & incredible. She’s very fit. Something most people overlook. Understandable with those humongous tits…lol.
Well, you can never know for sure. For example, Samantha and Milena Velba are in their 40s and they’re both smoking hot. And I’m sure there are others too.
Milena Velba is in great shape and is quite fit with a flat stomach. An anomaly for someone so busty. She’s never been a BBW though. Samantha on the other hand is a BBW, and was always one. Big difference. I’d pick Milena easily. She’s slimmer with much bigger tits. No contest.
LOVE LOVE LOVE photos like this! The contrast of a small, petite girl with a curvy, huge titted babe. Sexy as hell. keep ’em comin’!
Renee and Sophia are from oppisite ends of the female body range. I just wish they’d do hardcore with eachother. I love seeing big girls dominate their petite counterparts.
i am so much impressed, but i tell u what that we women can do a lot, i have 44 dd breasts, my waist is 32 and ass size is 40,,,, i m pregnant 15th time,, love to be female, may one day i will be at this site.
On Hotel Street in Honolulu, back in the late 50’s, “Sally The Shape, 59 by the tape” was on a stage. Well, I dunno about the tape measuring, BUT, she tossed them over her shoulders, THEN tossed the left over the right shoulder and then tossed the RIGHT TIT OVER HER LEFT SHOULDER! AT THE SAME TIME, CRISSCROSS! WOW!