This is a bit weird, I’ll be honest, so be gentle with me, if you’d be so kind.
I have never shown these before, but I thought I might as we seem to be talking about augmentation a lot at the moment and seeing as I have some examples, it seemed only sensible to share them.
Now, I had kids some decade and a half to two decades ago. Before I had kids I was a (UK) size 8 – 10, which I believe they call a size zero, now (honestly, clothig sizes have changed, they really have). I wore a push-up bra any time I would be seen by anyone else. A Wonder-Bra. (Why is it called a Wonder-Bra? Because when she takes it off, you wonder where the tits went!) So, pregnant I get and swell up I did, as is the nature of such an endeavour.
By the time I was breast-feeding, I had grown to an E-cup, as I have mentioned before. And then, after I stopped being leeched by the kids… they vanished *poof* leaving me with droopy boob bags, instead of nice, full mammaries.
So, ten years ago I bit the bullet and went to have them re-filled.
These first three pictures are my “before” shots. Taken the day I went into surgery.

Now, when I went to look for my after photos, this morning, I saw these (below) and thought “Oh, these are titled wrongly, they must be before pics” until I saw the ones bearing evidence of surgery, of course.
Where are my tits!?! I was SO impressed when I got them done! I felt like they were huge!! The surgeon had reported to me that they were now DD-cup and I think I had probably been a B or C. Truth be told, I don’t know, nor did I know then. Hey, if you had no feet, you wouldn’t wear shoes, right?
The last three photos, in this bunch, are the ones that most of the newspapers used for my campaign. They were taken a few weeks after the surgery, I think.
The papers seemed to like the “fake” look, dontcha think?

Obviously, over the ten years since I was augmented, my weight has gone up and down like a yo-yo. It appears that when I have added fat to my tits on the weight gain, I have not lost it from them when I lose weight. Thank fuck for that!!
So, after yesterdays blog where I said I might try and get some shots of my oh-so-fake-jubblies jiggling and jumping, we did just that. I also tried to smoosh them up a bit and generally abuse them, so y’all can see that “fake” titties don’t always look or feel or behave in the way you might assume.
Of course, I suppose you’d need to slip a nice, big, fat cock in between them to believe my claims, here. I did make the point that “There’s no cock in between them!” to my photographer, but, alas, I guess I was being too subtle for a mere man to understand my hint. Damn it, I should know better than trying to “hint”! :lol:
I have tried to show swinging boobs, like you get when you’re doggy-styling, but without someone banging against your behind, it is not so easy. I slapped them about a bit; I rolled from side to side; I tried to do all the things us girls do, in a solo photo shoot.
I’m not trying to sell any subscriptions or the like, with this post. But if anyone fancies making a donation to my chosen charity, I’d be very grateful.

Lovely pics Vix – as for hinting about cock it would be better to just tell him you want his cock rather than beating about the bush!
I would not have guessed that you had fake tits hun!
(Tit-) FUCK Bollox! Missed out on the best breast sex ever (again)… :~(
*bangs (dick-) head against wall*
I wouldn’t have guessed they were fake in the video.
p.s. Vix, I think you are an amazing blogger. I really enjoy your work! (And I’m not just talking about this blog – I’ve been meaning to say that for a while…)
My husband reads your blog all the time and with the recent look of fake breasts looking nice, has linked me more often. (I read the blog at times as well for my own enjoyment, but, admittedly, still have sadness that I cannot appeal to my husband bust wise).
He has linked me saying ‘there are options’ and while I would like larger breasts, I find myself more upset that I am not adequate for my husband than simply wanting the surgery. Sure, I think it would make me have a great figure as I am very tall and curvy however with my height D cup breasts appear small on my frame. While I would like larger breasts I still feel very insecure and unattractive to my husband at present being that he looks at large breasted porn often and I cannot compare with these women.
Overall, I want to please him, but I also don’t want to do something that is not just for me or to cure my lowered self esteem that my breasts are no where near the size my husband likes. Any thoughts are appreciated.
First to Vix…You are an amazing woman. I am not referring to your breast enlargement. I am referring to your confidence and strength in you to share such personal photos with us. I have been following your posts on this topic and it was wonderful to hear that you did this for yourself and no one else.
To ConfusedWife…Please do not do anything that you do not want to do. Your husband should be ashamed of himself sending you messages that steer you to having an augmentation procedure. You sound like a beautiful woman that already has above average breast. Your husband should be able to find an outlet for his fantasies in his mind. He should not be asking you to change to fit his physical mold. Ask him to have an operation and see if he is willing.
Dear Lovely and Confused Wife,
I was just browsing around on the blogs and read your comment. I don’t normally comment or give my opinion on anything really, I’m just a lurker, but something about your comment made me feel inclined to respond.
Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am 23 and have more than my fair share of boobs. I’m not really too sure what size I am, some where around J/JJ/K. I am more of a plus sized girl, around 190 pounds. Three years ago I was a bit thinner, 130 pounds and my boobs were G/GG/H. I have “professionally modeled” for the first time this year. So I guess you can consider me as one of these models.
Now, I’m not too sure if this is what you want to hear. Keep in mind that I am 23, never been married, have huge boobs and have never struggled with thoughts of surgery. I’m not sure how valid this will be, but here it goes….
I have not seen your boobs, but I am 100 percent certain that they are absolutely gorgeous and perfect, JUST AS THEY ARE! All the love in my heart goes out to you in this time of sadness. I think it is absolutely awful for your, or anyone’s husband to make them feel so bad over something as silly as a pair of tits.
People seem to have this obsession with boobs, I don’t really know what its all about, but I can tell you this…. The grass is not greener on the other side. You will face just as many problems with larger breasts than with smaller ones. If you were born a woman, you’re breasts are going to be judged, that’s just the way it is. There are a million things that others will find wrong with your breasts, even with size excluded. I cannot even begin to tell you all of the horrible things men have told me about mine. We would be here for the next 20 years reading about it (as if this response isn’t going to be long enough). I cannot even begin to imagine if I had been told some of these things by my own husband.
Your breasts are very special in the fact that they are YOUR breasts. Others will always dislike them for one reason or another, but they are yours. Be proud of them! No matter what shape or size they are, or what anyone says. Remember that you are the one that will have to go through with this surgery and live with them. Also YOU will be the one suffering from any bad consequences of the surgery, god forbid it does not go as planned.
If you haven’t yet, then stand up to him. Have an open and honest talk about it. Let him know exactly how this makes you feel. Let him know he he is destroying your self esteem. Personally, I feel like he should be ashamed to call himself a husband after making his spouse feel this way. If boobs were this big of a deal then why did he marry you in the first place? Probably because you’re a good person, and the reward was greater than some boobs. You can always find a pair of tits, but finding a genuinely nice person to share your life with isn’t so easy. If your husbands biggest problem with you is that your boobs are small, then he has it made and might not even realize it.
Ask him how he would feel if the situation was reversed. How good would it make him feel if you hopped on over to “my penis site” and sent him links to dicks that you find more appealing than his? My guess is probably like shit.
Please do not waste your time comparing yourself with all these models. Again, coming from the other side, it isn’t so glamorous. All of these women are completely made up to be part of someone’s fantasy. If all of the make up and wigs in the world were to be destroyed, the adult film industry would take a huge hit. Just because someone looks fantastic with a hair and make up artist, it doesn’t mean that they are as dreamy in real life. You are the one there in real life. You are the one who has pledged their life to stick by his side for better or for worse. You should ALWAYS come first. He should NEVER forget that.
Maybe you could try spicing up your sex life a bit. Are there any other fetishes he has that you at your present state could fulfill? Find out if he has other fantasies besides the big tits. Does he want a naughty nurse? A submissive slave? A bad school girl? How about other body parts? Legs? Feet? Maybe a new collection of stockings would do the trick. How about your booty? You said you were curvy, I bet you have a fantastic booty! Does he want to spank it? Cover it in oil or lotion? What about anal? You two should let go of all this big tit misery and just have some fun! If you are not already, then have open and honest discussions about these things.
Maybe get into his big tit porn with him. I know you’ve previously stated that you frequent this blog, but have you tried watching it with him? Maybe just embrace the fact that he’s into big tits. It could be something fun that you both could possibly share, if he wasn’t so nasty about it! When people experience certain things, they just happen to have more intense orgasms than with others. There is no doubt that he is going about this the completely wrong way, but this might be something that he honestly cannot change about himself. How about watching his porn with him? Talking dirty with him about the porn? If you want them, I have a million suggestions of dirty things you could say if you’re not really too sure.
Maybe some nights try to make your breasts appear bigger, without the surgery. Maybe buy some bigger bras, put them on and stuff them, then pull a tight sweater on over it and let him cum on the sweater? I know that sex shops have pairs of fake boobs. Maybe try and see if they have any you could wear?
There is also this thing. I have no idea what it is actually called, but I get it all the time with my webcam shows. Maybe its called “small boob humiliation” or “tiny tits humiliation”. Now, it might not sound too appealing, and of course it would only be if you were ok with it. I am in no way trying to insult you and if you find this too degrading I am sorry for even suggesting it, but sometimes guys REALLY enjoy humiliating their girlfriends or wives with smaller boobs. Maybe suggest buying some bigger bras, putting them on and having him tell you how small your tits are and agree with him. Google “small tit humiliation” and read about it. Let him tell you about how much smaller your tits are than Dors Feline or some shit. I know its a bit out there, but getting humiliated sexually might be a viable option to getting humiliated in everyday life. Many couples do it. I would try watching a few “small tit humiliation” videos before making a final decision on whether or not you would want to suggest this to him.
Maybe try a threesome? I know they’re not for everybody, but if its something you think you might enjoy, then he could get his big tit urge out in an approved of way. Of course this would only happen if you are ok with it, and only if you would receive as much joy from it too. I’m sorry if you find me suggesting that offensive, just throwing all the options out there.
Maybe a sex therapist could help? Or a therapist in general?
At the end of the day, the decision is yours. No one on this site will know exactly what you should do. You will have to look inward to find your answer, and I know that can be very challenging.
If you decide to go with the surgery, no one’s faulting you. Life sucks and we’re all just doing whatever it takes to get by. Just make sure you are doing it for YOU and not for him. Also make sure you do your research before settling on a surgeon. Make sure its a good one! This is definitely NOT the time to get cheap about things. Shop around, get different opinions from different surgeons. See what others are saying about them. Make sure you know all the information and are aware of all the risks before you make your final decision. Another thing about implants, the older you get, the less great they look. Make sure you fully understand what will happen to your implants in the future.
Remember that you are a strong and beautiful woman just as you are! He is the one with the problem, not you. Remember that if its just not working out, you DO have other options besides surgery or living in misery. Honestly, if it were me and I got sent those terrible “there are options” links, I would respond to that with sending him back a list of divorce lawyers with a subject along the lines of “yeah there are asshole”. I just find that “there are other options” crap to be so rude! But see? You didn’t do that. You’re already 20 steps ahead of being better to this man than a big tit model would be.
Take care! I hope it all works out in the end and you find the happiness that you deserve! Also, a D is NOT small!
Woah, Sarah! Good comment. However, as someone who has suffered first hand from real life small breast humiliation, I’m guessing this might not be the way to go.
I like the threesome idea, but I’d call in a guy with a bigger cock than my man had (if I had THIS man, that is).
Just tell him you have arranged a threesome, and he’ll assume it’s with another girl. “Hey, I’ve arranged a threesome with someone with bigger assets!”
But then, I’m a bitch. :lol:
Thanks for *all* the comments, guys.
Some women counter the effects of breastfeeding by just not stopping breastfeeding. Though not everyone has a boyfriend/husband/open-minded friend/lesbian lover willing to suck their tits twice a day for 30 years or so.
You see, I think that some people think big boob lovers are opposed to augmentation purely because “if they’re not natural they’re not worth the time” or somesuch. For me that’s only a small part of it.
I dislike boob jobs in cases when it has clearly been overdone or poorly executed, certainly, but there is a much more important reason: the self-esteem one already mentioned. As much as I have a fetish for big boobs, especially when lactation is involved, most of the girls I’ve been with have been regular sized when it comes to breasts. Why? Because I connect with the person first of all, not the physical side, least not at first.
I honestly believe that unless there’s something quite wrong with her pair (and no, small does NOT count as something wrong) she should be happy with herself and not put upon to go under the knife just to be seen as an acceptable sex object. It’s not for me to add to her self-esteem issues – I should be there taking them off her, loving her for who she is! Not being shallow and poking fun just because she’s below average size, because quite frankly that sort of stuff shouldn’t matter.
The worst relationship I was ever in was with a girl who had an amazing chest. She was fairly slender but sported a whopping pair of J cups with big aureoles and thick nipples, absolutely amazing in terms of having a few fantasies fulfilled. But we were not a good fit in terms of personality, and as much as the sex was mindblowing (for me at least) at first it just didn’t last. I wouldn’t say it was an eye-opener because I knew what I was getting into, but it did remind me that the woman’s personality comes first, not her figure. I’ve fallen in love with women society would consider plain and/or unattractive and been revolted by the 10/10 ranked pouting beauties that all men are supposed to find irresistible. I’ve turned down opportunities from these types on the rare occasion they’ve come up, just because I can’t stand the person under all the flesh and makeup.
Looks fade. Personality doesn’t. Sadly, most men (and some women, obviously) will never realise this, and will possibly die alone and unhappy. Hey, I probably will too, but at least I’ll be content with the knowledge that I didn’t get sucked into the shallow BS society puts upon us all.
Thanks for sharing everyone, and allowing me to share a bit. Certainly helps, doesn’t it?
@vix,, wow loving the vid those tits are great,, loved em before to you are smoking hot… your photographer needs his head read i would have had my cock between your tits quicker than you could say tittyfuck….
Just throwing this out there because until recently, I did not it existed.
For those who don’t like or want implants but have an issue with your bust, there is a procedure called Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation. It doesn’t help if you want to go from an A cup to DD Cup. It’s for a moderate augmentation. For example, you were pregnant and went from a C cup to DD and breast feed, and then you sagged down to a D cup, you can bust back up to a DD with this procedure.
I wouln’t say it is “Natural” because obviously it took a procedure to get this done, but those who are pro natural or against implants may take an interest in this.
Hope I didn’t “Troll”, just thought this information would be beneficial to some since we are on the topic of augmentation.
Hi Vix! I think you’re neat. That’s why I decided to post, but then I realized that was about all I had to say. So instead, I’ll talk about this:
ConfusedWife. Regarding men making women feel bad about being too tall, too short, or too purple. I think it’s important to realize that men respond to sexual cues on a level that is not intellectual, and really not even emotional. But men care about their loved ones in ways that are intellectual and emotional, forming attachments on the basis of who you are inside.
When I married my wife, she knew that I found her pretty, but like you she didn’t fit the specific “type” I found attractive. At first she was extremely upset about this and jealous of women who did fit this “type,” and she cried about it a lot. But over time I reassured her that there was a reason (in fact many, many reasons) I chose her and not any of them. Talking to her now she is much better about it, because – and I think this is the key – she knows I love her. She knows I respect her. She knows that while the big curves are something I dream about, she is what I want, the way she is now.
Maybe the real problem is that you are feeling unloved. This is what I get from you when I read your post. If that’s true, I can tell you that making him feel bad about what turns him on won’t work. Because if he is like I am, women like Sarah visit him in his dreams, and while they are there, they don’t nag him or make him feel ashamed of how he feels. So what I suggest is that you sit him down and tell him the things you told us:
A) I would like larger breasts.
B) I want to please you. But,
C) When you talk about how you want this, I feel unappreciated and unloved.
I’ll suggest downplaying the feelings of insecurity. Don’t try to hide them, but the less angry, offended, insecure, or fearful you present yourself, and the more confident and calm you can be, the more likely he will be to respond to you lovingly. From there you can talk about this and hopefully come to a decision *together.* My wife and I did (we decided to wait).
Anyway I hope you’ll take this with a grain of salt – none of us here really know you. But good wishes, and I hope things work out.
Vix, I’m curious, how bad was the pain afterwards and how long did it last? How long until you felt ‘comfortable’ with your ‘new’ breasts?
Thank you for all the responses. I really didn’t think I would be reading this many in regards to the issue.
Someone hit the nail on the head when I think for me, it boils down to an issue of just overall feeling loved. We recently physically separated in order for me to learn to become independent and work through some issues with my health. He had his own set of problems that needed to be worked out but nonetheless we are currently 8hrs drive away from each other. (Frankly I don’t see him making that drive to see me anytime soon which also adds to not really feeling that cared about.)
I am doing a lot for myself right now and those things also benefit a future family that we are planning on. I detoxed from pain medication that I had been taking for years from a bad surgery, I am reforming my small business, and I am indulging in his fetish of lactation which is also a hope for him for my breasts to get larger.
I don’t mind the latter as much as I am a kinkster and like the idea of doing this for my own sake but then it also fills his need for me to have larger breasts.
But yes, I am left feeling like who I am is not attractive. I did ask him today if he would get dick surgery and he said “yes” knowing I wasn’t serious.
@ James – Thank you babes!
@ Darmund – seriously, the pain was minimal. How much of that is down to my fcuked-up neurology, I don’t know, but I was much more well, back then.
I was comfortable from the get go. I think that even if it had hurt, my mental well-being was so much better as I had the tits I think I was born to have… not to belittle such a thing, but kinda like when someone has gender re-assignment… YES! This is how I should ALWAYS have been. My body once again fitted my body image.
@ Confused Wife – You seem to be getting your head together, here. Good for you! I hope you and your hubby can work out what is best for you both without too much trauma! *hugs*
@Vix I am so sorry to hear about your suffering. It was a mere suggestion, and I am so happy that you are not suffering any more. I have been reading your blog for a couple years now, and I absolutely love it! Also, I forgot to mention this, but your breasts look lovely, before and after the surgery. I am so thrilled that it went well for you. I am sure that your breasts and your blog will continue to stay as amazing as they are now! :)
@James Well if I am one of the models that has made some appearances in his dreams, I’m sure I won’t be there anymore after he reads my comment lol
And again Confused Wife, the best of luck to you!
@ Sarah Rae – TY babes. Didn’t realise it was *you*!! :D Love your work!!
First of all, great post. One of my favorites on the blog.
Second, I have to say I don’t understand why your boob job looks so much more natural than the typical boob jobs you see in pornos. The video you posted displays really perfect, real looking breasts that don’t look weird when they get pushed/smushed/etc…, whereas popular porn stars with augmentations tend to look sort of awful when the get moved around.
What did you do differently?
@ Floater Thank you. Like I’ve said, I think a lot of it is to do with my reluctance to wear underwear, ever. No, not ever, as I sometimes put some on to take it off again, in photographs. :lol: That and weight gain/loss/gain/loss etc. too, maybe. As you can see from my “before” pix, I was pretty droopy to say the least, then I wasn’t (see the last few “after” pix), then I let gravity do it’s thing and we’re where we are now.
I would love to see sarahs tits :)
I liked ’em before . . .