Now, before you jump to the conclusion that this is yet another discourse on the change of seasons here in the UK, let me assure you it’s not. Rather, I’d been perusing the massive porn archive on our big Mac and rediscovered this extremely hot 1 minute video clip of Autumn-Jade, wherein she sucks off her doctor whilst he thoroughly examines her wonderfully-squishy 34I breasts …

… my first thought was, “Gosh, I’d best clean off this keyboard before I start working on today’s blog!” My second, “There’s no such thing as an I-cup! Bra sizes jump directly from HH to J.” A bit of research proved me wrong, however: Yes, there is an I-cup in European bra sizes, where they progress in a linear fashion through the alphabet, and this would be roughly equivalent to an FF-cup in the ‘States or a G-cup in the UK. [Yup, just another helpful titbit of trivia courtesy of MyBoobSite!]
My third thought was, of course, “Why don’t we see more of this incredibly sexy woman on the ‘net?” I mean, she’s got her own website, but you just don’t see many Autumn-Jade photo or video galleries mucking about. A truly salacious succubus whose libido remains locked in overdrive, I think she deserves a lot more recognition. Thus, I feel it only fair that I do my part:

Apparently your good taste in boobage will have me visiting your site more often! Keep up the diligent research in quest for the breast. Thanks, Noel Grassy,MD
Thanks, Noel…and I will! :~)
I love squashy, droopy big tits, and Autumn definitely fits that bill. The vidoe clip is great. How that guy managed to keep so long from shooting his load over her, i dont know
I had a ex girlfriend who wore a 38I from Lane Bryant here in the U.S.A. God I miss those breasts!!
want to ahve you in my room too
Super nice titties, baby, would Love to suck on them a Lot…
I have a question way is it so that I have a 9 1/4 inch thing and all the weman I get have little titts that really sucks because I love big titts.
i love sucking large-fat nipples,I wish I could find more women who love that,I also love to suck Lactating women,I love milk