When Peter Gabriel’s “Games Without Frontiers” hit the charts back in the earliest-’80s, I’d often hear people sing “she’s so popular” along with the backing vocal toward the beginning of the track. But they’d obviously misheard the lyric: What background singer Kate Bush actually sang was “jeux sans frontiers” – the song’s title in French. Curiously, Jeux Sans Frontiers was also the name of a well-known TV show in the ’70s in which teams from throughout Europe would compete in all manner of silly games. It was instituted by none other than Charles de Gaulle, and was intended to unify the people of Europe. In the UK, the show was renamed “It’s a Knockout”, another lyric which appears repeatedly in the chorus of the Gabriel song.
Although a totally irrelevant piece of trivia, the preceding seemed a natural lead-in to our next installment of Merilyn: When Vix & I arrived home from one of our out-of-town perv parties this weekend, I decided to check the web stats on MyBoobSite to see what search terms visitors were using to find my blog. The top search, by a wide margin, was for “Busty Merilyn” – aka Anya 32G or Sabrina 34KK (the latter of which seems a gross exaggeration) – whose new website, BustyMerilyn.com, only just went on-line a week ago today! Do the clever folks creating these sites simply strive to come up with unique names for their models in order to make them easier for porn surfers to find via search engines? Whatever the case, it appears to work.
And, because she is indeed so popular, here are links to the four latest galleries from Merilyn’s new website:

she is sexy is she married ?????????????????????????
send me ur sexy photograph on mayank_1_gupta@yahoo.com
Married? Dunno, mate. However, there’s an e-mail link on Merilyn’s website if you wanna try your luck! ;~)
hey sexy will u marry me ??????????????????????????????????????
Dear Mayank~
While I am sincerely flattered by your proposal of marriage, I find myself questioning your desire to wed someone whom you’ve never seen before (this is me, btw). Further, I am already married – to the lovely Vix – and, as far as I’m aware, polygamy is forbidden in the United Kingdom. As such, I shall have to regretfully turn you down. If, however, I’ve misread your comment and you’re actually proposing to Merilyn, you’ll have to do so via her website.
Best of luck,
~Reese! :~)
ok better luck in next birth ……………
u should have born in INDIA……….
oh bloody hell
How old is she??
Merilyn’s 20 at the moment, her date of birth being June 7th, 2005.
~Reese! :~)
I luv skinny fucks with long and very full floopy tits !
She’s a fucking machine, kill a men of sexy fantasy
just email me!!! Kiss
I am attracted you have liked Bahk Do you want unmarried monogamy like Atakplin or one of the Akhtiarki be beautiful
come and sit on my lap i want a word with u…oh no leave them off
بجدانتي زي القمر انابموت فيكي وف گل حته في جسميك نفسي اخد گللت من گللتاتيك اشم ريحته والبسة ف وشي بموت فيكي وف شفايفگ نفسي ابوسيك بوسة واحدة ف شافيفيك واعضهم بموت فيكي بموت ف لون شعريگ يجنن نفسي اشم ريحتة
Back problems?
U look so fucking hot, i would like 2 marry u nd fuck u a lot nd cum on u email me!!:)