I was looking over the latest photo & video galleries for 32G Faith Nelson’s InBedWithFaith website this morning and was suddenly struck with a bolt of inspiration. It didn’t come totally from out of the blue, however, as I’d also been browsing a site called StuffOnMyCat.com the prior evening wherein visitors stack all manner of paraphernalia upon their feline friends and then send in photos (which, in turn, was obviously inspired by Oolong, the bunny with a pancake on his head (may he rest in peace)).
After seeing Faith sticking and spreading a variety of viscous goop on her G-cup boobs and into her cleavage, and considering the wealth of blogs I’ve done featuring otherwise encumbered endowments, I decided that this would be ideal time to start up a StuffOnMyTits.com site! Unfortunately, the domain name was already taken by a girl named Lila who’s done little more with it than putting up a pic of her bare breasts linked to an e-mail address. StuffOnMyBoobs.com was gone as well. Alas, the best laid plans… :~(
But back to Faith’s most recent entries for my failed StuffOnMyTits scheme: We’ll start with something quite ordinary that’s actually intended for massaging into one’s breasts – skin cream – and move on to the more bizarre in a moment. Thus, here’s busty blonde Faith in a bikini slathering her big tits in body cream courtesy of InBedWithFaith.com…

…on to the more outlandish, her latest high-definition video galleries show our Faith transforming her big boobs into bountiful trays of ambrosia with the addition of foodstuffs ranging from red jello – mmm, jelly tits – to chocolate sauce to bee excrement (the latter lending a new meaning to the phrase “land of milk & honey”). She even garnishes her breasts with whipped cream & sprinkles to make a most delicious looking pair of big boobie cupcakes (personally, I think I’d prefer to taste the bananas & cream sundae our G-cup dairy queen had made a while back)! Okay, so the last one isn’t so much StuffOnMyTits as it is Faith tit-fucking a lollipop, but I thought I’d include it anyway in today’s selection of HD videos from InBedWithFaith.com:

I didn’t make a comment on Alicia’s blogg but I’ll do it here as well.
Reese is back in business. The last 2 posts just happen to be among my top ten favourite. Faith and Alicia are just in the top flight of the breasts world. Faith is amazing and still doing it, hardcore or no hardcore. The girl is amazing!!!
Those breasts are fantastic! Faith, I want to touch you just to know what you feel like!
Fath (as always) is incredible. In my top three for sure. Just an amazing woman. Perfect body- perfect face and incredible breasts. She us cute as hell to boot! I was one of the few who was actually giddy over the fact that she was doing hardcore… I hope she returns to that again someday.
Thanks for the amazing post!
nice pictures……is it my imagination or is she getting a little tummy?
Faith is beautiful. And unlike other girls who do similar things, she shows enthusiasm and looks like she enjoys doing what she does. Thanks for the post!
RE Jack:
thought I was the only one who noticed Faith putting on a few pounds!
I think it looks good on her. I have seen other recent shots of her where she looks a little more chubby than in those featured in this story. Her body really holds the extra weight well! Of course, Faith can hold anything well. She is stunning.
faith lost some weight, looks like; back to just above her original size. slim, yet still curvy. i like.
Her boobs look big in these.
Girls are lovely, but stuff on tits is just silly to me. Sorry Reese…
Out of all of the girls i have seen on this website, faith is my ultimate
favourite. she is so hot lol ;)
chocolasyrup is wot i’d always put on my gf but sprinles r gud tooo
StuffOnMyTits.com leads to a Trojan Horse! Don’t go there!
Faith is unquestionably the hottest, most gorgeous woman on the planet! I will go to my grave fantasizing about her. In bed with Faith? No, in LOVE with Faith. *sigh*