The wife asked me to take some new photos of her this past weekend – tits out, of course. But, unlike her other pics, these were different: Up until now, there’s been one bit of herself that she’s never wanted to appear on camera.
Those of you who’ve followed this blog from its inception will be aware that my wife Vix hosts a charity site – Tits-Out for Multiple Sclerosis – which solicits donations on behalf of the Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre. But unless you’ve visited her VixPix website, you’re probably not aware that she suffers from this dreaded disease herself.
In her previous photo sessions, Vix strove to draw the attention to her marvellous 36F breasts. Fair enough, as the media took hold of her story last year and did wonders to promote MS awareness. In this shoot, however, she thought it might be time for a dose of reality.
And so I present the lovely Vix…on wheels:

Dude this is your wife. Come on, show some respect, if you don’t respect her who will? Her situation is unfortunate but still she looks beautifull. No disrespect meant but my brother I tell you, there is a God and right now you are crossing the line. The man is the head of the woman and the head of everyman is Christ. Please lead her in the right direction.
You have wonderful writing skills which could be used for better things. I’d been going wayward for a while but your site just made realise my mistake.
Please think again and move away from this evil. I just hope you are not in too deep.
One love.
ai k sabrooooooooooosa
k piernotas mami