I wish to register a complaint. On yesterday’s blog of 36F Demi Dean, I received the following comment from Ash: “Hey, she sure is a beauty, however, ive noticed that of recent, the boobs on this site have started to get smaller! CUM ON lets keep up with the JJ’S+!” Now hold on a minute, we’d already agreed that I’d stick to my F-cup & up motto, and not everyone can be as amply endowed as 36JJ Alicia from Divine Breasts! Besides, I couldn’t find nearly enough content to keep up with a genuine JJ-cup & up blog.
But, speaking of Alicia, I’d just come across another video of her lactating for the camera. Be sure to check out the 3rd & 4th clips, wherein we see just how long a range she has with those massive milkers! Bloody hell, with tits like those, who needs a super-soaker?! Alas, my dreams of a squirt gun fight with Alicia’s JJ-cups will probably always remain such. *sigh* Oh well, at least we get to enjoy her vicariously through the videos of DivineBreasts.com:

Well then, what can one say about Alicia other than to say she is udderly amazing? The face, the physique and the ta tas from heaven. If I can borrow the expression from the famous movie critics and add my own personal twist to it: two dicks up, way up!
Alicia, you are exceptionally gorgeous. Cheers my fair lady.
As for Reese, you have some exceptional taste in ladies as well. Great site. Cheers abound.
NOW… thats an improvement – she is one of my favorites! Would you care to check out the following:
Am sure you will be impressed!
Wow – they just keep getting bigger and bigger… sweet!
I think Tito’s assessment is right on. For those of you who aren’t from the U.S., the movie critics Ebert and Roeper use the “two thumbs up” rating system. As for Ash’s millenium, no, not really. They charge you too much just to view the pics.
I watched Alicia trying to squeeze that milk out, and it looks like her poor little hands are overwhelmed by those gargantuan udders and can’t get enough of a grip to squeeze them adequately. Each monster mammary is so big and round and full, it’s like trying to squeeze a watermelon! She manages to get them to squirt, but I think she could do a lot better; she really needs a bigger, better grip, or two hands on the same tit. But even as it is, she’s so sexy when she sprays those streams!
Another thing that would help is to trigger the letdown reflex. When she nurses, the brain sends a signal to the pituitary gland which produces the hormones that trigger the mammary glands to ‘letdown’ the milk. But that’s difficult to do on que for the camera. With those mega glands, if she did, she might flood the place with milk! :-)
Also the color balance seems to be a lot better on these latest Alicia videos. However the files are four times larger – 40 megs instead of ten megs. My older PC, even with Videolan, can’t keep up with that much data, and gets jumpy.
Also on Devinebreasts, they’ll be having a new model in May, her name’s Sapphire. I think this is the same Sapphire I found in the directory at http://www.eboobstore.com/customer/models.php?mode=home when I clicked on S and the name Sapphire. She looks a bit thinner in that pic, and her boobs look smaller. But it looks like the same model. Like he said, she’s bigger than ever now, but I wish he would give some vital stistics on all the models, mainly her measurements and bra size. :-)
To have milk like means she has got a baby, so who is her boyfriend or husband ?
Who is this luckiest man in the word ?
She is so gorgeous, so sexy…
She is staying in my dreams everyday and I find my wife less and less exiting with her 42E unfortunately for her.
In addition she has started a diet which will decrease her breast probably to a poor 38 D or worst C.
Than you Reese for this dream.
Ash is there any nude photos of that girl on there? She so hot!
Wow… damn hot I wont be able to stand up for an hour Mmmmm I just love the way she squirts.
I wish I was a baby
and Alicia was my mommy!
Reese – you rule
big boob,i want to suck.my bird is harden
WOW !! what to say about Alicia, she’s really amazing and she has the most incredible udders !! … love those big and milky areolas !! I want to be a hungry baby to suck those magniffique boobs, Oh my god, my dick it’s so hard right now…
Well done Reese love your girls!!!!!!
I am sure you saw the new pic on divinebreasts stating “New HH Cup beauty coming to DivineBreasts.com in Mid May”.
Wow! Wonderful pic. I always liked the bent over pose…
Between Alica (my #1), Pam and this new girl coming, divinebreasts gets better and better.
Alicia is the BEST hot mamma on the web. Man those huge milkers have some of the biggest areolas I’ve ever seen. Wish I was milkin her.
Please , please keep her lactating clips a comin. Thanks a million!
I just gotta see her again, mmmm mmmm milk!!!!!!
I wish she could to new york so i could take her out
ohhhh god what breasts mmmmmmmmsobig i want to fuck those mmmmm tits with my lund shoot my smunk on this MILF face and tits and fuck her in her ass and pussy and want her to my illegal child’s mother . fuck yeah lady
Milena Velba has bigger tits than Alicia!
AAAHHHHHH………… WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!… thanks for the pleasure, you’re the best, Alicia.
thats nice mov alicia plz send me some comments
Tan dulce como Milena Velba
I want bite alicia’s breast , suck all her milk and make her lactate again
no Milena has smaller than this. btw perhaps she gets an massage which makes them produce milk. it is most common with people who have babies which doesnt belong to them. so she might be single. i know my writing is bad but i am from norwegian so… fuck that
A quick Google search on the term “induced lactation” will prove to you that any woman can lactate, whether they are pregnant or not.
What a discovery! There’s not an ounce of Glamor in Alicia- she is All Beauty. Her facial expressions transcend Porn. She’s everyman’s best girl-
An Artist- Alicia knows how to move–
she has awesome boobs i wish if i could suck them…..i wanna cum on them
would like big boobs and milk from boobs. I like to suck the milk from boobs and squirting the boobs and fuck the vergin girl with my seven inhes long cock.
yes alicia is fantastic, *lovely* face, fantastic soft tits, and dont forget the rest of her body!! That is just lovely too! dont change too much girl, we love you as you are!!
Hi, I think your site is great, but you see I can´t open de links, don´t you have other way of voewing the vid?
What type of computer / operating system are you using?
~Reese! :~)
She’s just…gorgeos!!!She is from Bacau(Romania) and I’m from Constanta(Romania) and I’ve travelled a lot,but I never see her.Could I have her mail? Thank u
alicia you are so beautiful,sweet,delicate and your breasts are full of milk i like you so much that i think that why sleep is nessary for man because i want to suck your breasts and drink your milk for every second of 24 hours of the day in more than 99 thousand million trillion years i am writing this long period because i want life of 99 thousand million trillion years to spend every second of this long life in sucking of your breasts and drinking of your milk keep lactating alicia because your lactation is very sexy i am from PAKISTAN
alicia you are so very beautifual.your breast full of milk.please lactation pice.videos my mail adress.i want suck your breast and drink your milk.for long time.because your lactation is very good .i am from lahoe pakistan.
Damn! That is the sexiest thing I have ever seen. I wanna suck those tits so fucking much and i have one seriouse orgasm from seeing that. Will you marry me Alicia?
Oh ! my love
i need sex video movie and film
I’d love to see her tits hanging while she is sucking a cock.
i wanna put myface in them and suck her breast milk
Just came by to look at this classic shot of milk laden juggs. Not going to see many sets like this ever! Now you have the promo for Anorie Collins in the magin. Damn! I can’t wait to see Anorie Collins shooting milk from her nipples like this!