It strikes me that I was a bit unfair to Aneta Buena, featuring her all messy and covered in food, in my first BoobsGarden blog. Thus, I have thoughtfully decided to rectify this by offering some blog space to a “clean” Aneta. And since Southace – the kindly reader who’d first pointed me in the direction of – mentioned that Aneta’s red dress series was well worth a look, here are a few pics from it for your perusal…

…however, I’m sure that by now you’ve figured out that this brief blog entry was nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to show off more of my latest infatuation, Wanessa Lilio, whose beautiful breasts float beneath a stunning see-through black mesh top like whimsical orbs upon her chest, beckoning for a tender caress before being released from their clothed confines to pursue more prurient pleasures. *mmmmm* So, forgive me, but I just can’t seem to get enough of this woman at the moment. Thus, here are a few more photos of the lovely Wanessa from

can you get some pics of fantastic Alexis Williams from bigtitscurvyasses ?
Well done for getting Aneta Buena on here solo at last. She really is hot. Think it’s that gypsy look she has about her. and what tits.!!!!!! i know have some good looking models but Aneta was always the one that done it for me on there and now she is away from the ‘prettier’ models of that site she is showing her worth. (even a Bea Flora man like yourself must see that now Reese.)
These shots say it all about her.
Look forward to her becoming a regular on here.
Wanessa looking good again here too. she’s done it for you Reese. !!!
Any more Maria Moore coming. I know she is a regular to hardcore so was looking for some new clips.
Bea Flora is far better Southface. More Wannesa please Reese
Reece you have some serious boobage here my friend!!!!! Both of these women have quite amazing boobs but are also sporting quite nice faces too I might add. So keep them coming Reece they ring my bell, be it solo or playing with food:-) ITS ALL GOOD!! They would be fun for hours even days.
Aneta is looking particularily hot in the very first photo.
Aneta, Feh.. I’d take Bea Flora over three of her any day. Now Wanessa, yeah, definitely more! A lot more, except lose the clothes!
So, Southace, tell us what the hell a Gypsy look is. When I was in Germany many years ago, the gypsies that I saw towed their trailers behind their Mercedes Benzes, and threw their clothes on the bushes to dry. So to me, the Gypsy look would probably mean that the women had bits of leaves and. or bugs on their clothes!
wasn’t looking to start an Aneta V Bea thread here. (idea though Reese.??)
But that is a match up i’d get ringside for.
Bea is stunning but Aneta has been absent from this site and deserved her place on here. That was the intention of my original post.
You can’t leave her out when you are talking big natural tits.
Very free…..
The Gypsy look:
Wasn’t my intention to sound bigoted in any way (if i did) it was the best way i could find to describe Aneta’s ruddy features. Her skin is very dark in comparison to the other models on her sites so i happen a guess that her ancestors were descended from the darker skinned Romanys who had made Germany their home by the early part of last century.
Open to confirmation from Aneta herself if she reads this. !!!!!!
Admitted you’ve not been to Germany in a while and i never have so for the benefit of boob men the world over lets hope that the gypsy women that are there have developed breasts like Aneta’s under their insect riddled clothing.
I do think she beats Bea in sex appeal but hey !!!!
Praise be for Wanessa
I don’t think she really looks too much gypsy.
thank you guys (Aneta)
thank you guys ;) (Aneta B)
I absolutely love Aneta. To me she is intensely erotic beyond the point of articulation. You know, that “lightning just hit every nerve ending” kind of feeling. Those eyes, that bod……those (oh, god) breasts. Jesus, she takes me there. Talk about a woman ya could just settle down with on eroticism alone. Settle down, hell, disappear from public view entirely. And I get to post right after her. O to love those breasts!! My real name’s Phil, Aneta. I hope you check back and read this, I wish I could correspond with you. The answer is: Yes, you sure can have me!!! O dear lord, now just let me prove it.
hmmm i dont know what i say now.. i think i am litle surprised and maybe shy…
Shy I guess I could understand, but surprised?? Aneta you’re gorgeous. I’m flattered you responded to the post I left beyond words. I’d love to give you my Email but I’m not sure about posting it here. I’m so turned on by you. I’d love to send you pix of me. I’m in the states, I assume you’re in Poland. But, ohh the thought of meeting you someday. Your pix have gotten me off so many times. Loove to return the favor. Hope to hear from you again.
Hey Reese! Could you help out maybe and give Aneta my Email? It’s totally okay with me. Not to put you out bro, but I’d appreciate it, greatly. Maybe you could mail me about that ? It would be great to hear from you too.
Aneta has everything — the delicious belly I want to lick and suck on all day, luscious hips, thighs and ass for holding on to, and perfect tits with a stunning face. I would have her pregnant so fast. I couldn’t help it. She would be mine.
Aneta Buena looks stunningly gorgeous in that red dress! And she looks sexy in all of her pictures. Although she graciously provides us with a lot, you can NEVER have too many of her photos! She looks like the type of woman who can wear her lover out when it comes to intimacy. There’s a dangerous, but always sensual look in her eyes. She’s gotta be a TIGRESS!
And judging from some of her pics, women are ranked among her prey!
IIIIIIII’mmmmm cumiiiiiiingggggg :-)
Aneta you are the first and number one!!!
I love you.You are sooooooo sexy!!
c’est incroyable de voir autant de déesses avec d’énormes nibards!
je vais vous faire une confession: je me suis branlé devant ces énormes nichons et j’ai eu un orgasme bref mais intense!