At long last, I’ve finally figured out why I’m so fond of 36HH Sapphire from DivineBreasts, and it was her most recent photo series that gave me the clue: When I was just 16, I used to sit at my parents’ front window around the same time each day waiting for a particular young lady to jog past. Like clockwork, she’d bounce her way past – a diminutive yet curvy short-haired blonde with the most massive breasts I’d seen in my life!
After several weeks of this voyeuristic viewing, I became a bit braver, venturing outside to the front yard to catch a glimpse. I always took something out with me in an attempt to look busy. On the fateful day when I gathered up enough courage to actually speak to her, it happened to be a 9-foot leather bull-whip. Now, some 25 years later, I can’t even remember what I said to break the ice, but there I was, with my fantasy girl, actually having a conversation!
Her name was Dana, and she was currently attending the high school I’d dropped out of a year earlier to pursue a more specialised education in computer science. She was a year younger than me and lived just around the corner. From that point forward, I made sure that I was outside at the appointed time each day to continue our friendly banter.
Finally, I bit the bullet and asked her out on a date. Although I’d had sex before (as vividly detailed in the story of how I first discovered big boobs), I’d never actually asked a girl out…so I was quite nervous. I’d offered to take her to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, which played every Friday night at midnight (I was a regular there), and, amazingly, she said “yes”!!
Our date was pleasant enough. She’d never been to Rocky Horror before and seemed to quite enjoy it. Having seen the film dozens of times already, my concentration was instead focused upon the beautiful young woman sitting next to me. After about half an hour, I reached my arm around her and settled my hand on her outer thigh. Her breasts were so huge and stuck out so far from her torso when she was sitting that I could feel the extreme weight of the right one crushed against my forearm. It was an hour of pure bliss.
Upon exiting the cinema, I was accosted by two older boys in their late teens – friends of Dana’s who didn’t approve of her dating a geeky intellectual like myself. I wrangled out of the confrontation before it turned nasty and took Dana home. Sadly, I only saw her once more at a concert we’d both attended separately. We stared longingly into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity before she told me that, for the sake of my safety and well-being of my car, it would probably be best if we didn’t go out again. :~(
Sorry to belabour you with my relatively uneventful tale of woe, but the whole story seemed like only yesterday when I saw Sapphire in her jogging suit. Although Sapphire’s a redhead with long hair, her build is quite similar to Dana’s – especially the breasts. And even though I never saw Dana’s outside of the confines of her stretchy, form-fitting top, I’d say that Sapphire’s heavy HH-cup hangers are a close match, and the cleavage descending down to her navel is just as I’d imagined Dana’s to be in my fantasies. *sigh*
Oh well, at least I can vicariously re-live my past – not to mention my missed opportunities – via Sapphire at…

…but, moreso than the photos, it was the videos of Sapphire jogging that really took me back. The first one, of course, reminds me of how I actually first encountered my fantasy girl…whereas the second one is how she appeared in my big boob dreams. So here’s Dana’s lovely body double Sapphire, helping me to relive fond memories, courtesy of

man, saphire is so fucking awesome! i cant belive her tits gots so big from her scoreland debut. nice!
I like the “girl next door” average look she has. I just wish she lived next door to me LOL
RE: Chessie Moore
I’m a big Chessie fan and although she has put on a weight, it hasn’t slowed down her career as man’s favorite sex toy. How many bit tit porn stars from the 80’s and 90’s are still out there doing gang bangs, anal and whatever else we want from her? Reese, Cheesie has tons (no pun intended) of tit fuck videos, dvd’s and the like in her archives. Send her an e-mail, not only does she personally respond but she’s gets back to you very fast. Thanks for giving her some shine on your great site. The older tit models need luv too LOL.
I love her skin tone, *melts* and add her pretty face!?! *makes me nervous* then her body?!?
WoW..!!! I love her terriffic MELONS!! awesome!! I would like to be a hungry baby to suck those amazing breasts.. I got my tool so hard with these pictures!
Bravo Saphire!!!!
Alabado seas amigo Reese!!
Fantastic Girl !
Like Alicia I am wondering were to meet such a beautiful woman ?
I am 41 years old and I became a breast fan when I was 13 years old when I have discovered Chesty Morgan in a magazine (under the bed of my Father…) !!!!
After that, I have discoved the films of Russ Meyer.
Now I can’t look at small tits and there are never big enough in the real life !
Where can I find a dream girl like you show us every week ?
i can understand that. but you got lucky anyway now you have vix
I think that gal is divine. She has that sweet, natual appraochable girl next door quality about her. And those beautiful natural hangers!
She actually reminds me a bit of that nurse in the Australian movie “Bad Boy Bubby” where that red-headed nurse shows the patient her pendulous boobs while she’s bathing him in the shower. It is a great scene and VERY erotic.
Sapphire would suit that role very well and I would be first in line for the scrub down!
Can’t wait till you have more pics and clips of her. GREAT stuff!
I have had my eye on Sapphire since her debuts in Voluptuous (and I guess Score). She was a total superstar from day 1! I lost sight of her for a while and then I have been coming to your website and BAM! here’s Sapphire again. Her boobs have gotten sooo much bigger! Something else has changed about her too, I think there is something different in her face. Not just a few extra pounds, which is perfect actually. Sapphire is got the PERFECT figure for my taste. Total optimum package. 10 pounds more or less would be in my ideal range. But I can’t figure out what has happened. How did she go from an F cup Voluptuous girl to the whopping HH goddess she is now? I’m no expert but my guess would be that she’s had a baby??? Anyone else notice that?
Quite a few of the women portrayed on this site have at one time offered their “services” to the lucky fans out there (I know of one who continues to).
I of course dream of the day Sapphire decides to follow that very same path! Who knows, she seems to be getting around quite a bit lately, and has done a lot of work in a relatively short period of time (including XXX for Score). Maybe that’s the next step!
A man can dream! And when/if she does go that route, you will certainly be notified, Alex! :)
Sapphire keeps distracting me from Alicia’s JJ cups. What’s that mean? I guess it means that in my mind, she’s worth some of the time I’d spend drooling over Alicia, whom I just can’t seem to get enough of. :-) I sure like drooling over Sapphire a lot more than that skinny stick with tits, Anya!
Sapphire us also doing some VERY cool boob swinging at in her latest video clip there
Ahh Sapphire,
I too was very surprise to see her reappear in her full HH cup glory here recenetly. I always thought that she could use a few pounds to match her tremendous hangers…Finding her on myboobsite caused me to rush out and order her XXX debut in on Score and I am currently enjoying that very much. I guess my attraction is related to my redheaded wife, although she doesn’t match the HH cuppers, (a modest D) I hope that once she becomes pregnant, it will have the same effect as it did on other big titted models (I agree with Charles above) – like it possibly did with Sapphire…Anyway Cheers again Reese, thanks for the thoughts…
It’s all well and good, getting pregnant to get better tits, but you end up with a feckin’ kid… :( Kills the social life.
Hey, Vix, relax. We’re not saying that’s what anyone HAS to do. Why, some girls with real firm D cups can be better in some ways that a girl with saggy FFs. All depends on the girl. And actually personality is a big factor too. :D
No, I was just sayin I think that’s what Sapphire has gone through. I’m glad Eric noticed. I wondered if anyone has heard news about this. If she is a new mom, maybe she is lactating???
Vix!! I didn’t realize who that was a first! I love the website! Glad you are here! :D
Sorry but I’m still not a fan. I’m even a little disgusted. The woman certainly shouldn’t be a model. I know it’s controversial and I’m putting it out there but she hasn’t got nice features.
that right there my friends is a “low-riding” woman. i love her.
So any word yet on whether or not she’s had a baby? I can see that Juggmaster has just debuted her. I can only join so many sites Reece! Bring us some Sapphire content from Juggy! As to Johnny’s comments about her. Well, I can see her face HAS changed since she was in the pages of Voluptuous. I would agree she was much prettier and ‘glamorous’ then. Maybe that’s what I’ll always have in mind when I see her. Check out her first photos Johnny and tell me she isn’t capable of ‘dolling’ up for glamour shots.
tell sapphire that i,m rooting for her and i think she is just fine and would love to bury my face into her lovely breast .
what a tale. I’m 24 living in california and at the time of this writing I think it is absolutely out of the question to go and speak to a random jogger, or many other girls that appear in my life. Something tells me it’s where I live although I don’t hate it at all. I hope one day I grow some balls and get in the game cuz I know its out there. Girls seem unattainable, and especially well endowed ones, unfortunately.
oi, how are you? I adored its photos you I am very pretty, I am perverted for great seios and its are perfect, are Brazilian would very like to talk with you for the MSN or to receive photos and messages its, a super kiss go to sleep thinking about vocé PRETTY, PRETTY!
This is the Girl I wanna Date!
I love Sapphire!! Every time I see her pics, I get hard. I am still searching for new pics of her if anyone has anything new, let me know, please!!!
WOW thnx alot very cute & sexy
That’s a really cool yet sad story. I first liked Sapphire more for her bright pink pussy lips next to her milky white skin more than her breast. But that was before her growth spurt.