Welcome, one and all, to the most blatantly self-serving post I’ve ever made on MyBoobSite. Admittedly, I’m sure I’m not alone in my fantasies over some of the big tits models that I regularly feature here. But they’re precisely that: a fantasy. Horny bastard though I am, I’d still never consider actually having sex with someone if I could not rightfully call them a mate first; friendship itself – and not just huge breasts – being the biggest aphrodisiac of all.
That said, I really wanna fuck Mercy 44FF (and, fortunate for my marriage, so does my wife Vix!). Now, before you jump to conclusions with regard to my principles, perhaps I should elucidate a bit: Mercy & I began corresponding several months ago, as she felt a bit slighted that she’d never been featured on MyBoobSite. We became a fast friends and have kept in touch regularly ever since, albeit sadly over an impractically vast distance.
Apart from the obvious assets of her FF-cup breasts, Mercy is a warm, witty, intelligent woman with a true passion for life. She’s also an avid musician, trained in classical percussion, but loves singing the blues more than anything else (she even dated Jeff Porcaro, the late drummer from Toto, whilst in high school!). Moving on from gigs to digs, Mercy is also a trained archaelogist, working in the field for many years in Southern California. Add her roles as an actress in several mainstream films and television series, and you start to get the picture of this true Renaissance woman (which is rather apropos as well, considering that Renaissance Faires are a favourite of hers (and a favourite of mine, too, but mainly due of the copious cleavage that abounds everywhere you look at such events)).
Having worked as a model for both Juggs & Score Magazine in addition to all of her self-produced work, Mercy has amassed over 8000 photos ranging from softcore to hardcore and hundreds of hot & nasty videos that are all featured on her Mercy44FF website. She also writes sexy erotic stories for the site, as inspired by her true dating adventures, as well as a Love / Sex Advice column where she answers fans’ questions and reveals the manifold mysteries of women (“Dear Mercy: My wife & I desperately want to have sex with you. Whatever should we do?!” Nah, she’s probably heard that one before.). Mercy’s even begun exploring her life-long bisexual tendencies as of late, resulting in some incredible shoots with her girlfriends as they lick, suck and fondle each other’s enormous breasts and sweet pussies!
With all of this in mind, I thought I might selfishly commandeer my own blog every now and again as a forum for long-distance flirting with this lovely lady, sharing photos & videos of our objet d’amour as I go. This is but the first installment of many, and I intend to get a bit more hardcore as time goes on. ;~) After all, what better way to woo a woman than posting her nude pictures on the internet?! :~P So here she is, the incomparable Mercy 44FF from her very own Mercy44FF.com:

[Note to Webmasters: Mercy has just today launched an affiliate program and is actively seeking webmasters to help promote her site, offering a 50/50 split on all new and recurring memberships. Click here to sign up now! ]
sexy…wish you had video clips
All in good time, Jay, all in good time… ;~)
God, I love Mercy and her 44ffs. As Always…Reese keep up the good work!!
Sorry to change the subject from the lovely Mercy (will have to give her some love), but a fantastic new model has just come to my attention, seemingly from out of nowhere, Alexandra Moore (so she calls herself) at Alexandra-Moore.com. Think Bea Flora with a more Mediterranean look…
Holy sweet massive breasts batman! Very nice.
Reese – could she be Wifey’s Mom? ;) Heh heh.
Get 5 clips here
I, too, find Mercy delectable. She looks like big fun to me.
I’ve always liked those big ol’ boobs, but her sweet, goofy girlish grin just doesn’t match up with the hot ‘n’ nasty sex kitten she seems to want to portray. So I think I’d want to see her girlfriends before I’d sign up. Hey, with Sabrina’s magnificently monstrous M cups, who needs those little ol’ FFs?? :-)
Actually, I think if she tried to shoehorn those 44FF boobs into a smaller band sized bra such as a 34 or 36, it would have to have cups quite a bit larger, maybe H or HH, or maybe even more. I think it would be interesting to find out what the volume of her 44FF cups are. it would be easy to do: just get a bag of rice and pour it into a cup, until it’s filled. Then take that rice and pour it into a 34 bra that’s big enough to hold it all. Just keep using a bigger bra until it all fits.
nice reese…need vids of her…maybe with Vix…lol
She could easily be my mother, and she’s also a bit too fat for me. But goddamned- these tits!
When topheavy.com was thriving they had a party in Austin, TX once. I showed up right at the same time as Mercy and a friend. Was at the check-in table right as she comes up and I just turned my head to see who this was and woah Lawd! I was staring at enough cleavage to land a jetliner. Her boobs are so firm they make a much more intense impact on you in person than in photos. Truly awesome!
i first found mercy on juggmaster and i been hooked ever since i couldnt get her out of my head for weeks,even when i was sexing my missus i thought of her and her body,the i stumbled on her site and i have got through so much lube the shares in ky jelly have gone through the roof,she is amazing if i could do one thing before i die it would be take mercy out for dinner treat her to a really good night then just suck on her tits and do some incredibly dirty acts to her,have mercy on my filthy soul!!!
Hey there Reese! Mercy lives but 5 minutes down the road from me. I can see her tits from my kitchen window. Cheers!
Erm, Juggy? If Mercy lives five minutes down the road from you and you can see her tits from your kitchen window (which leaves its own quandries as to travel velocity, optical distance perception and such), then whyever are you thanking me for posting her here?! I’m stumped. Stymied, even!
~Reese! :~)
D’ya hear that? Juggmaster can see Mercy’s tits from his kitchen window. Bloody hell! Everyone knows that’s impossible! He can’t see outside of his backyard, because of all those tits that he’s got sticking through the railings (see his ‘passing the bar’ on Juggmaster.com).
Everyone knows that you can’t see through an acre of titflesh, even with Juggyvision! :-)
Brrr! It’s supposed to get colder than a witch’s tit in a brass bra tonight here in So. Calif. Below forty degrees (4 deg Celsius). It’s so cold that the models in Juggmaster’s backyard can cut glass with thier nipples! :-))
lol, ok ok… I stretched the truth a bit. In the words of Double Agent Maxwell Smart… “Would you believe” I can see her nipples atop the trees? Truthfully she does live but 5 minutes down the road and I first photographed her about 6 years ago I believe. Ohhh yeeeaaaa, one of the best pair of areola in the biz!
Hey Reese! Just wanted to give a personal thank you for FINALLY featuring me on your wonderful web site of boobilicious mammification!
Also wanted to let all your guys know that I’ll respond to any emails they send me…I love to hear how they pleasured themselves to my pics and videos!! They can email me at mercy@mercy44ff.com
I also do private shoots with my fans…so you can see and feel the massive boobs up close and personal!
And just wanted to let you know my boobs have been growing over the past couple of years to HH!! I just can’t change the name of my site though after all this time!!
All you guys can only dream about what I have had on several occasions. I will leave it at that.
She actually does answer all her emails and meets her fans. She’s a doll – and if you’re a stud – she’s “extra” nice.
I could suck Mercy’s tits all night long.
She is cool but I liked her better when she was carrying more weight. She had a terrific bulging tummy to offset her mammary monsters.
She almost looks like my current fuck buddy, cept Mercy’s boobs are a little bigger. I like voluptuous women, something to hold on to besides a fist full of hair :cool:
She just recently moved and I am bummed. We used to be “buddies” and I will miss her. She is INCREDIBLE!!!!!!
I love you baby