Sincerest apologies to the casual porn surfer who found this post on the promise of a big oily boob massage, but I needed to ask MyBoobSite’s regulars an important question:
I’ve been getting a lot of e-mails lately from busty girls who are looking to break into the big boobs modelling scene, but only if they don’t have to show their face. Now, I’ve promoted “faceless models” before but, unless you’re someone like Maxi 32JJ who not only has a magnificent rack but also has an additional “hook” in that she appeals to the milking fetish, these have had rather limited success. Thus, I’ve come to make it a habit of avoiding models who deliberately obscure or blur their faces unless it’s by special request (such an exception being my recent Cheron 32K blog, which seemed quite favourably received). I’ve also occasionally featured big breast-fetish sites like Big Boob Dreams that have a lot of “just boobs” content, but they also have a generous mix of models who do show their faces as well.
To the buxom hopefuls who e-mail me, I simply explain my past (negative) experiences in promoting anonymous models and offer my hypothesis that the practice of concealing one’s identity destroys the illusion of intimacy, thus minimising fantasy potential on the part of their prospective fans. Further (although I don’t tell them this), I feel that if you’re going to be making money getting your tits out on the internet, you should be prepared to forgo some modicum of modesty in terms of your identity.
That last sentence may sound a bit harsh, but I’ve known a fair few formerly anonymous models who’d been unexpectedly “outed” by spiteful co-workers or casual acquaintances who’d recognised them without seeing their faces! Thus, if there’s a remote possibility that having your identity revealed would potentially compromise your work, family or social lives in any way, then I would strongly recommend that you keep your topless or nude photos off of the internet. Seriously, I’ve known some individuals who were merely amateur exhibitionists and not even pursuing porn as a career who’d posted a few revealing photos of themselves only to have these pics come back to haunt them long after. And don’t think that deleting photos that you’ve posted previously will do any good either, as bulletin boards, Usenet newsgroups and services like Google cache can ensure that even your deleted images remain on-line for all eternity!
Oops. I seem to have launched into a wee rant there, and such was not my intention nor does it have any relevance to my question. Sorry. What I really need to know is how you, as big breast lovers, feel about the anonymity issue (for the purely self-serving reason that I intend to pass the resulting statistics along to prospective models). Thus, would you ever sign up to a big tits porn website wherein the featured model concealed her identity by blurring her face, wearing a mask or, in extreme cases, cutting her head off altogether (I mean in the photos, as in cropping, and not literally :~P)?! In order to assist in said statistical survey, I’ve posted the following little poll to help collect your votes on the subject…
…of course, if you have any further thoughts or comments you’d like to share with regard to the anonymous big boobs issue, please post them here so we can take all of the diverse aspects of this debate into consideration. Oh, and thanks so much for your participation!
Now, just so MyBoobSite doesn’t get done under the Trade Descriptions Act for false advertising, I guess I’d best get on to that oily boobs massage thing. In order to do that, I’ll have to call upon the insufferable Vix, fresh out of the shower and preparing to slather her breasts in body lotion (having already oiled up the rest of herself). And, just to keep with the anonymous tits theme of today’s blog, I’ll get annoyingly close with the camera, thus serving not only to provide that “just boobs” perspective to which I refer but also to ensure the preservation of Vix’ fragile modesty (tee hee!). And so, special thanks to a most tolerant Vix and her now-shiny, well-lubricated cleavage for providing the complementary content for today’s entry:

I must add this to my no answer. i would not pay to see faceless big tits i would like to see them for free. i prefer to see a models face. i wouldnt want to see just a pair of of tits and nothing else this includes body and face alike.
Excellent post Reese! My girlfriend is one of the those girls who doesn’t want to show her face online. I told her, if you can handle to consequences let’s get you out there, but that didn’t work out…Anyways my birthday is coming up on Friday the 14th, I was wondering if I could a get a birthday post, like some other guys who visit MyBoobsite often. Maybe if you have some new Alicia Loren pics or Sabrina Meloni, would be an excellent b-day present! Thanks Reese
By the way, love the Vix pics! Love those nipples…(oYo)
looks like a pretty one sided result.
well,me and my mate are sat here.and belive it or not,him chucked a lump in her once.and best still,we know her other half.
Its ok Reese your not ranting!! I will rant a bit for you, I voted NO for the same reasons you stated and to go one further I want to say this. As you said its quite simple you cant have your cake and eat it too. Take the Voyeur webs site, I think its total bull to give a faceless model a cash prize when the #2 model was willing to go the distance to show it all. For one with out a face you cant really even prove you are who you say you are. I understand that there are cases of models losing there day job when the boss finds their photos on line, the real question to ask is what was the boss doing prompting him to find them in the first place!! I say if you want to model your boobs then bring it on, be creative and find other means to hide your face aside from a Photoshop blur. As a photographer I have been able to take very sexy shots of ladies who were not willing to show there face by either having them wear a mask or just turn there head so you can see a portion but not enough to identify. I actually would rather see the faceless shots cropped just focusing on the breasts than seeing a blur. As for paying well I think I answered that question!!
Vix’s big oily boobs are yummy!
Sorry, but I need a beautiful face AND Big Boobs….
As a model I see people stealing my pics and cutting off my head all the time pretending to be a model.
Face/Eyes is big part of being sexy.
Either you want to be a model or not. Either you want to work or not. Headless pics are pointless. I get (supposed) models who want to be on my site, but just do headless pics and no video. Always so NO. Go for it or forget about it.
Can’t have your cake and eat it too. And if their jobs were so great then why are they even entertaining the modeling gig in the first place?
If a gal isn’t going to show her face, then she is ashamed of having big boobs. And that very fact goes against being open, fun, and PORN. It is all porn.
If you can’t take the heat, then get out of the kitchen……
Go stay in your safe little boring job, and your safe boring life and leave the fun, SEX, and living life open and free to the rest of us. LOL
Porn isn’t illegal.
I’m a definitive “no” on this as well. I just don’t see the point of staring at a pair of “faceless” tits. Now, I will readily admit that I am obsessed with big boobs. However, it’s not the boobs themselves that I love – it’s the women who are so generous as to share them with us.
In my opinion, what makes the big boob niche so wonderful is that over time I feel that I have built up a friendly familiarity with my favourite models. What I appreciate most is that I have got to know more about them as a real person. That is, I like to know and see the woman in question as much as her wonderful breasts.
A case in point here. While admiring Vix’s wonderful boob massage and her truly gorgeous nipples, what makes it so special for me is that I know that it is Vix!
One last point: I totally agree that if you don’t want to be recognised, then don’t post your pictures on the Internet. I would love to share my wife’s beautiful boobs with you all. Unfortunately she simply cannot run the risk for professional reasons. C’est la vie.
Blurs are boring; as Ctexsins says; mask are more fantasy-inducing.
Ok, I disagree with the general consensus. There, I said it…
What’s so wrong with an individual trying to keep her identity a secret? What’s wrong with holding down a day job and modeling on the side?
The fantasy, for me, is not in the face. For me the fantasy lies in the possibility that the woman in the wonderfully sheer baby doll nightie might actually be my bank teller, or my doctor. The fantasy is the unknown.
Additionally, beauty is 100% subjective. We all pick and choose our own fantasy “partners” on these sites and the truth of the matter is that there are some faces out there attached to some pretty amazing boobs that, given the choice, I would rather see behind a mask or blurred.
I can’t believe I’m alone in this.
Ya gotta have the complete picture and see the face. Headless or blurred images really don’t interest me. As Sam said, half the delivery is in the look they give and their facial expressions during the shoot.
Here’s another NO vote!
Samantha38G is dead on. It’s not the boobs that we really admire. It’s the women (…who…have big boobs). The beautiful eyes, the smoothe healthy skin, the enticing smile, and the awesome proportion of (her) curves. And, let’s not forget the exhuberance and joy our favorite models convey to us through their work. That’s what brings us back for more.
Without the face, all we’d be left with to complete the fantasy would be sound. Which, on it’s own, would be hilariously out of place. I just can’t recall any stories of the glory days of radio porn. And, if you know where to find porn for the blind; by all means post a link! (Okay, so maybe I’m getting alittle extreme, here. Sorry.)
I do have some random questions, though —
So, what if the Page3 girl were headless?
Does this mean the MYBOOBSITE banner is up for a redux? Something with a quirky smile, perhaps? ;P
Is anyone else reminded of watching scrambled cable porn as a kid?
What would happen to the shots of a model giving great head? Would the guy get blurry as a result? (Sounds like a serious contagion to me.) Does a blurry bj leave you with a warm fuzzy feeling?
Are blurred faces more environmentally friendly? (Don’t worry about your make-up. You look fine.)
Did you notice that I had no comment on the subject of masks?
If sperm were worth as much as gold, would be see more masks in porn? (“Look out!…Bandits!! Prepare to open fire.” “Are you nuts?! That’ll cost a fortune.”)
— I’ll stop here.
Vix’s tits look awesome here!
Hey Sam you are right on!!!!!
By the way, I think I love you……smart, pretty, big boobs, blond, loves sex…..did I mention big boobs, oh yes I did? What more can a man ask for?
Sam how come you do not accept bands on Myspace? I play music and wanted to be a myspace friend…….I’m very disapointed…..:-(.
For boobLover’s post above, It ok to disagree to each there own!! But like it has been said several times already you do it or you don’t. If you want to model outside of your day job, there are other opportunities for modeling, swimsuits, lingerie, and so on that you could look into doing. If you want to do adult type work you have to understand that the majority rules in this matter and the majority want to see the whole picture!!
I do understand what your saying and don’t fault you for it, I love to gaze at a nice reack for hours but at some point I will make eye contact with out that its just not the same for me
Seen headless boob content. All stolen content from sites who paid the model a fee to work.
This is one of my major reasons against faceless pics.
It is a shame about stolen content. But there is no getting around it, it’s an unfortunate aspect of the business and not one limited to this industry. Just ask any musician or movie producer. But it’s not the business side that was in question.
As Reese mentioned above, having been approached by a number of women that want to explore there own fantasies and exhibitionist side but keep their family life intact. I’m going to limit the pool of these woman that understand the repercussions of this type of modeling and say that I’m only speaking of the woman that are able to accept this risk.
I think it’s more that they are excited by the idea that they can be seen in a public light. More for their own fantasies and for their own lovers. It’s not to take up modeling as a career. But then who knows…maybe its a way to “test the waters” before committing.
I see, that as of this writing, that it’s only 19% in favor of anonymity – still – that’s not an insignificant amount. And I cannot help but wonder, by the wording of Reese’s poll, that had the results been 81% in favor how quickly would we see a “My Anonymous Boob Site” blog?
I see your point.
But if they are doing it for kicks, there are plenty of sites like flickr, yahoo groups, etc. Plenty of places for those who wish to be exhibitionist and get some attention without exposure.
As a site owner I get about 5 models a week who want me to buy their pics with no faces and no video. So I was approaching it from that perspective. And thought Reese was getting request for gals wanting to do a breast files site.
As a blogger I would think it would be hard to blog with no face equaling no personality. Would it go like; “here is another set of just boobs, enjoy.” Especially when there is no imagination or creativity to the pics, just the head cut off or blurred.
My mistake.
Sam – to echo Big Daddy’s comments – I think I love you too! HA HA! Marry me! :)
There are a ton of sites out there already that these ladies can take advantage of if they’re looking to get their name out there – was one of the first I remember and is pretty big. Perhaps if there’s a big enough demand and enough fans, a dedicated site featuring “blurred big boobs” would be warranted. There really are no limits to the porn fan base.
Perhaps a spin off of this site – – ha ha!
Dear guys,
My harddrive died with all my clients work on it and all my personal stuff and no I didn’t back up either. I was crying all of yesterday!!!!
Any the converstaion; I agree with the consensus for two reasons.
Headless and blurred is no good for two reasons. One the models who do risk their social and professional lives for this should not be undermined by girls who are not willing or prepared to take the same risk for the same reward. Secondly, no head means just a torso and that just isn’t sexy. Unless, you happen to have the sort of assets that are equivalent to Cheron or Rachel. So, unless these girls are packing real big guns then I do not advise that they waste their time and make empty endeavours. Things are just too damn competitive out there and half a product is just not good enough. I’m sorry!
As Sam said, if you are doing it for your own kicks and want to know where you really stand in the mix of things you can post your photos at voyeurweb and let all the Joes who surf there either rip you to pieces or praise you like a goddess!! If you are contacting a site about starting a playmate page then I would have to say you have it in your mind to try and do it from a modeling stand point. CtexsinChelle start at VW and we did use VW as a testing base to see how well she could do in other areas. We did also use it to accommodate Chelles want to put her self out in front of an audience.
Honestly you have to ask yourself what factors do you use when selecting a mate, So maybe the poll should be worded like this:
Could you or would you ask a woman who has a knock out body and rack but born with no eyes and missing a nose if she would go out on a date with you?
Sounds a bit low but we all use looks first to determine our next move, yes there are very lovely women out there that are not that great looking, if you are willing to get past the looks you might just find she your perfect match!!
I am a man and like it or not we are all dogs!! We might say looks dont matter but study after study will say other wise
send to me your body without any dress