Thanks for all of your thoughts so far on MyBoobSite’s “just tits” poll. I’m going to let that one run for a while before collecting the final results, so please keep those votes and comments coming in! Thanks also for your lavish praise upon Vix’ nipples and, while I’m at it, I should probably also express our somewhat dubious appreciation to “putney” for availing us to the as yet unheard urban slang of “chucking a lump” (we got a good chuckle out of that one).
HOWEVER, MyBoobSite has some rather big news today (oh boy! (bugger, I’m going to be stuck with “A Day in the Life” playing over and over again in my head all day now (but I digress (hmmm, am thinking I’d best start over with this one (:~P))))).
HOWEVER, MyBoobSite has some rather big news today! The stunning Jelena Jasper, star of Score, Voluptuous, Big Butt, Juggs & Plumpers magazines, not to mention countless appearances on sundry big tits sites strewn across the ‘net as well as having been featured here on numerous occasions (to which one of the most frequent comments was “When is she going to get her own site?”), has at long last indeed opened a website of her very own!!! :~D

Yes, our 38GG voluptuous vixen has finally done it (yay!)! And I, for one, am so excited that I just couldn’t wait to break the news to you all!
For those of you who’ve been hiding under a rock and are thus unfamiliar with the lovely Jelena Jasper, here’s a bit of a run-down: Jelena was born in the Ukraine on August 17th, 1984 around 1PM (I just love models who are as pedantic as I am about biographical info) and grew up to aspirations of becoming an actress. However, having always been a bit on the curvy side, Jelena never dreamed she could actually become a model because of the constant reminders as a teenager that you had to be thin to do so. Jelena’s boobs grew constantly through her teenage years until she came to be blessed with the gorgeous GG-cup breasts she has today!
Jelena started her career in the big boobs biz by webcamming to help support her family, and had soon assembled a small studio from which she could work at home. Things really took off for Jelena when someone from the Score Group found a few of her webcam photos on-line and, in April 2006, she did her first photo shoot as a professional model. Soon thereafter, Jelena moved here to England and by December of 2006 had achieved covergirl status for Score’s Voluptuous magazine! It’s no wonder, though, as Jelena is truly a natural in front of the camera (and behind it as well, since she’s started doing shoots for other models) and it pleased to have prvoen to all of her doubters that she could indeed make her mark in the world of modelling – and, if I might add, in a very big way, too!
But, alas, you can read all of that stuff in Jelena’s biography, and there’s just so much more to this remarkable woman beyond the big boobs. The Jelena Jasper that I know is a warm and caring individual with a quick wit and generous disposition, having supported and assisted several other Eastern European models in their efforts to break into this breast-centric business, even taking on the role of intepreter for them when needs be. And, being the shrewd businesswoman and perpetual font of brilliant ideas that she is, these girls could hope for no one better than Jelena to have on their side as liaison, as it’s sadly far too easy for “the new girl on the block” to be taken unfair advantage of in the sometimes-mercenary, male-domainated marketing of massive mammaries that is the big tits niche.
As much as I could go on gushing over this warm & wonderful well-endowed woman for hours, I should probably be telling you more about her new Jelena Jasper website: In addition to the breathtaking collection of photos & videos made ever more bountiful by virtue of her weekly updates, Jelena’s also in the process of setting up a webcam portal through which she’ll be able to treat her site members to four live webcam shows a month through which fans can get to know this luscious, lovely lady on a more personal level! But we’ll have plenty of time to talk about all of that later, as I intend on featuring Jelena regularly here as her new site continues to grow and evolve, and on with the photos!
Seeing as it’s been raining all day over at Jelena’s house, buggering up her attempts at a new photo shoot and thus bringing her spirits down a bit, I’ve decided to go with a nice sunny series in the hopes of cheering her up! And so we find our Jelena enjoying a sun-filled day and basking her big boobs by the pool and then stripping off naked for some solo skinny dipping (is anyone else thinking “pool party” here?)! My favourite pics, however, occur after she’s been for her swim, as we get to see a fully nude Jelena parading pool-side in all of her stunningly voluptuous perfection (oh, but for my head to be that handrail in this pic and have her beautiful pouting pussy pressed firm against my face as I reach up to cuddle my hands into that oh-so-sexy plump belly before heading northward to grasp the GG-cup glory of her huge breasts whilst they dangle teasingly toward me as governed by gravity with but a semicircle of their succulent saucer-sized areolas visible from my most privileged perspective (wait, I seem to have gone off on one again – best start a new paragraph – again (*sigh* ))).
Anyway, I must say that am pleased beyond measure to welcome the lovely Jelena back to MyBoobSite once again, even moreso because it’s marking the launch of her very own solo site! And so, here’s 38GG Jelena Jasper courtesy of her all-new & personal JelenaJasper Playmate Site:

Thanks for a warm welcome and lovely post :-)
Congradulations Sweetie. I wish you much success.
Hey Jelena,
Congrats on your website!!!!! Those are some really nice pics. I hope you enjoy it here and continue to chat along with us. XOXO Chelle
Samantha and Chelle,
Thanks a lot gals …
Now lets rock the house … wine anyone? :D
Congrats, love. It looks fab… but then, it would with your pics!
Man, that picture of her rubbing her bald pussy against the pool-stairs really did it for me. Wrong for all the right reasons!
Sexy. Sexy. Sexy. Sexy. Sexy. Sexy. Words fail me…
Thanks, Vix!!!
I do love to ride “objects” from time to time, lol …
Need some words? :P
Now those are some real swim suit issue pictures for Sports Illustrated.
Jelena, you’re a Ukrainian wonder. Love your stuff in Voluptuous, so always great to see more of you. That last pic above is just great – your gorgeous breasts with what are truly stunning areolas. But above all, you capture me with your absolutely wonderful smile. I will dream tonight of cuddling up to your 38GG perfection!
Congrats Jelena – great stuff on getting your own web site and we all wish you much success, and much nakedness! HA HA! Those are great shots of you that Reese has shown here – I particularly love the jelena_jasper_05.jpg pic – WOW. So hot! We all love your smile, curves and of course, the BOOBS! :) Keep up the great work!
Thank you Frank and BigBoobFan :-)
If you do like those photos Im sure you would go absolutely crazy about other sets I have on my site!
I enjoyed shooting on Mallorca, it was my best photoshoot up to date.
You gotta keep an eye on me as I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve ;-) you will enjoy.
Will i have an honor to see you both on my site? As you’ve read above Im going to do Live Cam Shows for my members (its included in subscription fee), so you get a chance of 4! shows a month!!! Come and meet me up close and personal!
Love, Jelena
Jelena – Congratulations! Break a leg! (to keep with entertainment tradition)
I love how your sense of humor really comes through in this set. You’re a real wildcat!
I especially love pic #5. The perspective in amazing. And there isn’t a square inch of you that doesn’t say “kiss me here”.
And thanks for leaving her head on, Reese.
Thanks, Jes!
(Sorry wont break a leg as I just had torn knee cartilage back in September 2007 lol).
I do shoot only when Im in good mood ( then again Im pretty much always in a good mood ) … its natural for me to smile or laugh during photoshoots as I adore crazy angles and positions :-)
And yes Jes, every inch just screams *Kisssssss me here* :-) I luv that!
Very nice pics Jelena. I didn’t know you were from the Ukraine. I thought you were American all along. I don’t know if it was ever mentioned before, but I never knew it until now. Probably too busy looking at your tits. Sue me…lol.
Thanks for the entertainment Jelena!
Just curious, do you have a myspace pg?
Sweet, thanks again honey! Stay sexy
: )
What can I say? Other than I am very excited! Jelena is one of my absolute favorites. Gorgeous, sexy, and amazing body, cute and a really lovely person as well!
Good luck with the new site!
American? Me? No … Im Ukrainian and proud of it :-D
I dont have myspace page yet, I used to have one but got banned (dunno why). But i suggest you to join my site to get to know me better.
I expect to see you on my site, honey. As you one of the few people that encouraged me to have it in the first place :-) so i’d love to see you there.
Lots of love, Jelena
Beautiful, thanks!
First time post and just wanted to say I love the web site, keep up the good work. The bigger the better!!!!!!!!!
Excellent! Long over due. I remember a few years ago when you were just a cam-girl I went to watch on some random site, even went by a different name. You’ve come far!
Cool :-) fans from the past hehe
hey jelena. phew! i’ve been waiting for this post for ages :-) i was afraid you may have given up on your own site. glad to be wrong. can’t wait to join. you’re the most gorgeous person i have ever seen! in a non-scary way of course :-)
Hey Billy!
I havent given up, some things just dont happen straight away, you have to wait and wait and wait … but hey they say if you wait long enough eventually it will come to you :-)
Im blushing a little bit over here (a comment about being the most gorgeous person did it) … thanks honey from the bottom of my heart!Hope to see you on my site as soon as possible!
Lots of love
as soon as my credit card is not maxed-out i’ll be there :-)
Jelena, I’m the one who calls you every now and then, while jerking off watching your vids. You are one fat hot slut. Talk soon…
Not anymore … I changed my number …
You’re pathetic looser … you have no respect for privacy and bother me whenever you like …