Sorry for the protracted absence, and thanks to those of you who’ve e-mailed your concerns of my whereabouts. I realise that a week without an update is unheard of on MyBoobSite, but it’s only going to get worse for a little while before it gets better. This month finds me doing a lot of travelling, including nearly a fortnight back in the ‘States coming up in a week or so. I’m sure I’ll be able to knock out a few blogs before then, but I probably won’t be truly “regular” again until toward end of this month. So thanks for your patience and on with the boobs…
Regarding the title of today’s blog; yes, I know they’re the same person and, no, I’m not really looking for an answer (unlike my query regarding the three non-blondes a while back, which I still haven’t decided upon, but thanks for asking). It’s not technically a rhetorical question, either, as I’m not making any presuppositions or trying to steer you in any particular direction. Rather, I simply appear to be losing the ability to distinguish between the two distinctive manifestations that are Merilyn Sakova / Anya Zenkova (or, more likely than not, I just don’t care).
Before you get the wrong impression and begin thinking I’ve gone off Merilyn, let me assure you that is not the case. I still feel that she’s the epitome of “slim & stacked” genre of models, ranking right up with the likes of Jana Defi & Faith Nelson (all G-cup goddesses that they are). It’s just that ever since she began appearing regularly as Anya 32G over at Divine Breasts, I found myself largely ignoring her original Busty Merilyn solo site. Besides, I’d always considered the latter Score conceived effort a bit too “professional” and overly polished to do justice to a natural beauty like Merilyn.
But I’m not so sure any more. Looking at my last Anya blog of her DB persona, and then comparing it to the shoot below, I can see a lot of similarities. She just seems so much more relaxed with it all now, even to the point of smiling on an alarmingly frequent basis! Whatever have they done with the rigid, self-parodying, Score-groomed automaton of our Merilyn that used to dwell there? Who cares?! Granted, she’ll never regain the innocence of her early days, but it’s just so nice to see her on form again…

God…she looks terrible in these pics.
Her hair and makeup are a mess.
These are the first pics of her i’ve ever been completely unaroused by.
Appreciate them anyway though.
Whilst I still think scoreland and anything derived from scoreland is a bane against any naturally busty model she does look good in these pictures and they are better than the standard I’m used to from score.
I just wish scoreland would do us a favour and let someone who is actually trained in photography had a chance to take these pictures. i.e. mc-nudes.
I love the slim and stacked girls though what can I say? Yes it’s a bit superficial and unrealistic but they really are something special.
She’a also know, I believe, as Sabrina 36KK over at
I wish she was my punkrock girl.
She was at busty amateurs for the longest time before scoreland “discovered” her. I remember seeing her on it a while back now and being awestruck. I also remember thinking “How could this woman be on this low budget amateur site?”.
It’s all about what magazines and things like that think what people want to see. They don’t spend enough time thinking about what people may want to see.
I’ve heard stories of playboy knocking back models for being, what they call, too busty. I know they’re about the “girl next door” look, whatever that means. Apparently no girls next door have F cup breasts, they must live in one house streets.
Keep an eye out for those boys.
I think she looks awesome. Her tits look nice and soft and just huge, plus her pussy is nice looking. I just wish she would get out in the sun and get a tan
Anya/Merilyn has the ultimate in bony ass, the most anorexic looking skinny arms, and a face that I’d like to say only a mother can love, but I think that’s being a bit too harsh. Big feet, too, in relation to the rest of her, which I think is shorter and skinnier than the 64.5 inches tall and 36 inch hips she claims. Only one thing that’s redeeming, those big, billowing boobs. I just like to see that area on her breastbone, where both hemispheres grow together to form a wonderful saddle of flesh over her breastbone. That’s one of the signs of a big, full, well-anchored pair of boobs. I think if she’d gain a few dozen pounds, a lot of it would go to those big tits, and she’d look a lot more voluptuous as well.
It’s nice to see her smiling some. Usually her cold stare gives one the feeling she’s a fuckin’ Russian Ice Queen! Well, yeah, I know it gets cold in Moscow.
Wikipedia says she’s on one website using the name Sabrina.
Jeeze VF, give it up. Will you ever stop ragging on Merilyn with the same old tired crap about her bony ass? Now, she has big feet to boot.
So you want her to gain a few dozen pounds, eh? Let’s see, a few dozen would be 36lbs (2.6 st) or more on a petite frame that you claim is shorter than 5’4”. At that rate, she would then resemble a certain fat, porcine animal. VF, you’ve been out on the farm too long and it has adversely affected your judgment. Her figure is perfect as is, slim, shapely, flat stomach, hourglass waist, enough butt to fill out a tight mini-skirt superbly and of course those lovely boobs.
Nothing wrong with Russian Ice Queens, they just need a huge, hot rod to thaw them. Oh, you have small feet. No wonder she intimidates you.
There is a rumor about a BBW site somewhere around here. Perhaps you will find things more to your liking there.
And if there was any doubt about what I just said about Merilyn, you can confirm it yourself by looking at the very last pic in the lower right: She’s showing her bony butt and her skinny arms. Like, how can you love her when she doesn’t have any love handles? :-(
But you can also see another sigh (oops, I mean sign) of those big, billowing boobs, they’re so well anchored back under her armpits.
Which reminds me..
I found this free sample video of the “Third Place- Largest Natural Breasts” at, which seems to be about as phony as the video. I don’t know how they got the foam rubber prostheses to look so natural, or how she manages to get in the shower without having the makeup wash off. Only other thing I can think of is that they replaced the saline solution in her implants with air, because the way those fake tits stand up and point out, they must weigh a tenth of what real boobs weigh. BTW, it looks like the site changed the free samples at the beginning of the month and that one’s not a free sample anymore. I dunno what that Cyberage signup crap is, with access to thousands of websites, but they ask for your credit card number, and it’s *not* a “https://” secure website! Never, ever send your personal or financial information over a website that’s not secure!! Never!
To ssendam yrammam:
Put your glasses on! You must really like ’em young, ‘coz, ignoring the boobs, she’s got the body of a pre-teen. I’ve been looking at her pics and vids on If you think that’s an hourglass figure (again ignoring the boobs), then you must be using a carpenter’s straightedge to make that determination. Her chest, waist and hip measurements must be nearly the same, if not the same. That’s why she’s known in this blog as a ‘stick with tits’. But those tits are awesome for such a skinny girl.
Well isn’t variety the spice of life. To me there is nothing hotter than a slim girl with huge tits….no fat chicks for me. I much prefer a body like Merlyn’s to say Eden’s. I my experience you can find lots of fat babes with big boobs, but very few slim ones, and the latter are what I’m looking for. Hell, a lot of those Big beautiful babes will weigh 300 lbs by the time they’re 50.
she always the best.
i love her BOOBS!!!!!
anya you are a beautiful.
dam they are so HUGE!!!! O_o
Using a carpeter’s edge? Well, if I wanted to lookup the blueprints for a #%t-brickhouse, I would look it up under ‘E’ for Eden Mor! Who dares to be putting her down?! Anya is awesome, regardless of the harsh critics, I can’t think of any other model quite like her at all except perhaps Nicole Peters. You guys making fun of Anya need to look at Nicole and see what the cat dragged in. Anya is by far my favorite in the light chassis category. She needs to gain about 10 pounds, but her frame is very fine, delicate, and feminine. My problem with big girls is not extra fat, but the fact that I don’t really like the ones who could go toe to toe with the Left Tackle on the New England Patriots and come out even. Anya is VERY feminine and beautiful I don’t care what you guys say. Hello? Anyone remember breasts? They are found on women, the delicate sex? This set is great.
Yes, it’s good to see her smile. I suppose they finally found a photographer that speaks her native language and makes sexy comments in her mother tongue. That’s my guess. Her boobs are so huge! Keep blogging Anya!
Charles: I can’t agree more with you on that point, she’s an incredibly huge-boobed girl, ¿what’s not to like? and you say a cat dragged Nicole Peters, well, i wish i was that cat dude. Nicole has an almost naive look on his face that is priceless.¿Does she has small boobs? i don’t think so, but then again, everyone got their opinion so it’s fine
VF: Mate, Anya/Sabrina/Merilyn is a woman with huge( read it as HUGE) boobs.¡¡Boobs!!,that’s is what this place is about in case you forgot it, until Reese changes it into a subsidiary of “Big Tits,Round Asses”, a website i believe would be a better choice for your tastes. You can bragg about how skinny she is, how slim her arms are or how skinny her butt is but i could bet money that this woman/girl you despise so much, regardless of her “skinny,bony ass”,as you call it, in the moment of the truth,she would function perfectly. PERFECTLY. I wish your constant comments on this woman won’t make Reese start thinking on stop blogging her……
They are both the same, but who really cares I’m sure I don’t. she is hot no matter what. I’d screw that girl and her big juggs all night long. Keep up the good work.
Its Merilyn, and its obviouse its her. Anna has a kind of a “New York” nose thing. I did time in Jersey (I wasn’t in jail, but being in Jersey is its own punishment) and with the Anna’s facial feature she has that Jewish/Italian, look that all the girls I went to school had. But they weren’t stacked like Anna though.
SCORELAND is too profesional, and nasty at the same time. And unnamginative their web-site and model positions haven’t changed in 3 years.
and then what happen
she baby mine
well you know i love her body boob her
thats dam my hot what makes me mad
get back at me baby cakes ! i been struck by beauty the eye ove the beholder has been a fact.
I like these pictures, they’re quite okay.
And I like merilyn, or anya, or whatever quite a lot. All the bony ass, face that only mother can love stuff is rubish.
Good Morning :)
I have seen this woman on many different sites and in many different poses as well as different places. Yes…I said places! Not to mention under a few different aliases.
No matter…I love her regardless of where I see here…whether it is here, there, or in my dreams. Does not matter how much she weighs, her hair style, her feet size, how she is being photographed…
I think she is absolutely fantastic regardless of her poses, who takes them or what quality pics they are
She is a freakin Goddess beauty regardless…and I love her here as a red head too. ESPECIALLY a red head!
Though I certainly can appreciate those who suggest that these pics are substandard from an artistic point of view…and ALWAYS try and respect others opinions on different subjects…I must here, however, say that Ray Jackson and Very Free need to have their eyes examined.
To state that these pics are “terrible”…or one can not get aroused by them…well all I can say to that is perhaps Mr. Jackson needs to start looking at gay porn…or something else…as I feel that perhaps Mr. Jackson may be turning a page in his life where bye he needs to, literally, come out of the closet.
Very Free…you are another pathetic individual who evidently has no eye for true detail nor appreciation for true beauty. What does a persons feet have to do w/ anything? Bony ass…you gotta be kidding me? Because she does not weight 300 lbs…this means she has a bony ass?
You and Mr. Jackson make a good pair…maybe you both need to go out and pump each other…
I have met this woman in the flesh (so~to~speak) and not only is she a beauty to look upon in person but she is also funny as hell. I was able to have my picture taken w/ her, and she also allowed me to take several others of her too, w/ the understanding (of course) that they never be published under any circumstances… I agreed…how could I not agree aye?
They are mine…and all mine. The camera I used was a Canon 35MM and the photographs were done in Black and White conventional film…
In other words they are not digital.
I am an artist in my own right and work in many different media where photography is only one of them.
I wish this lovely Goddess of a woman would allow me some day to sculpt her out of marble but there is not enough time in the world to accomplish that piece in order to capture her true beauty.
So I will settle for what I have and appreciate what I can get.
She most likely does not remember me as I met her several years ago but I can honestly say that I will never forget her…EVER!
So Mr. Free & Mr. Jackson…maybe I am biased here and have a vested interest in this woman…partial to her for personal reasons…whatever.
She is a complete Goddess…regardless of her weight, feet, hair, photographic style, tit size, smile or no smile…
But Mr. Jackson, Mr. Free…DUDES…go pump each other because you both have GOT to be gay!
Peace ~ Wolf
have you really met her wolf?
she can speak 4 different languages……….. but we will never know what her bedroom skills are. for it will always remain a fantasy. my roomate says sekovas boobs are too 5 foot 6 and 124 and only in her mid twenties she will probably make a bundle on her massive tits. i love you miss sekova