I am truly at a loss for words (and I’m sure you can imagine just how unusual that is!). I wandered onto Eden Mor’s Garden of Eden website today with the sole intent of catching up on what our HH-cup Israeli beauty been doing with herself recently (apart from wanking, of course, but that’s a given).
It was then that I came face-to-face with her latest photo & video shoot wherein Eden engages in the relatively simple act of washing her car. Fair enough. There’s nothing like the 80HH wet t-shirt look followed by slippery, soapy tits gliding effortlessly across a shiny surface and huge boobs pressed on glass to make such an otherwise mundane task seem somewhat sexy.
But this was different. Eden looked different. She seemed somehow… sexier than usual (as if that’s possible). More streamlined, even. Is it just me, or have Ms. Mor’s voluptuous 43-29-38 measurements changed somewhat since we’d last seen her? Now, I know that I’m rightly regarded as a chubby chaser, but this apparent change in Eden’s dimensions have me finding her more attractive than ever! Take a look at these most recent photos from her GardenOf-E-D-E-N.com website and let me know what you think…

…now, the carwash videos included with this series make a perfectly splendid complement to the pics, as Eden is often prone to go a whole lot farther when the video camera gets rolling than when she’s just doing a photo shoot. For example, in the photos, she does go on to strip off her panties and treat us to a couple of rather good pussy shots, but it’s not until the videos that Eden’s wondrously intrinsic inability to keep her hands away from her crotch really shines through. ;~) Oh, and the fist-fuck style simulated soapy tit-wank is a nice addition as well (mind you, she could probably tit-fuck an elephant with such a prodigious pair of bountiful breasts)!
Before I try to imagine that last unfortunate scenario to haplessly cross my mind, I’d best post these latest video clips of the incomparably beautiful Eden Mor washing her car (and looking more incomparably beautiful than ever, I might add) courtesy of GardenOf-E-D-E-N.com:

She has definitely lost a bit of weight and the Car Wash series was fantastic.
She did a interview a while back ( in the jacuzzi ) where she admitted she really likes ‘getting wet’ so I think you always get a more horny Eden when water or soap is involved. Bring it on :-)))
I agree, she looks a bit leaner. I prefer her before though but Eden is so fucking hot it doesn’t matter! Her (along with Ewa, Faith and Bea) is a representation of femail physical perfection.
Ok, gotta go wank now! :P
Has she? I can’t tell, she looks mighty good though. Have you ever wished you were a car?
In my part of the globe we have severe water restrictions. I bet no-one has thought of washing their car like that. If Eden is available I’ll gladly dirty the car and fill the buckets. Does she wash, dry and polish like that? I’d enjoy watching!!! :>)
I agree that Eden looks like she has lost weight. However, I think that proportionally it makes her tits look even bigger. In her current state she is goddess material – her tits demand worship!
She may have lost a bit but by god she is one of the best – up there with Ewa Sonnet, Samantha 38G/GG and Nadine Jansen in my book!! More please!!
Eden was certainly a little plumper a few months ago. Which i prefered by the way, but girls are girls and are never happy with their physique so i appreciate that she want’s to always fine tune her appearence.
But rest assured Eden you look fine to me however much weight you carry. Just keep sharing what you have with us breast fans.
I dont think there is any doubt she has. you can really see it in her hips and tummy. Not that she was ever really fat, but she had that deleightful tummy bulge I adore. Do not fret though, im sure it will be back, women like Eden are just meant to have a tummy, they can deny it for a time, but nature always wins :)
She’s definitley slimmed down to more like her weight when she was first guest modelling for Nadine Jansen. Her tits have come down a bit but so what, they’re still huge and awesome.
hey reese.. thanks for the series of eden.. she is the ultimate favourite together with samantha 38g..
i live in middle east too in lebanon.. so i guess im nearer to eden than all of you guys :P..
reese.. i hope if u can put us some photos and videos from the series of belly dancing on eden’s site.. u know im oriental and this kind of dance is somehow a culture here.. but when eden is doing it.. its a worshipping act.. so please i would love to seee those videos plz.. they were made on month 6/2006 on the site.. ok reese :S?
I definately think she lost weight. Apity because she was just starting to show her big fat belly in her pics. I loved it when she was a bit bigger. So eden please keep eating those burgers!!
she’s amazing !! love you Eden !!
She’s lost weight off her hips and thighs. In her latest photo set (Stockings & Suspenders) she’s lost that amazing rounded hip curve she’s always had… Damit!
Hit the bourbon & cheeseburgers and get it back Eden… please.
well, ilike eden with his new hairstyle make her more younger and fresh, but i like eden before this, for me eden look good in the past with his bigger and plump body hell. but some times we need change our style, prevent boring. But absolutely eden still my idol 2007
Much better with the weight loss. Girls who are heavy with huge boobs are a dime a dozen. Thin girls with huge boobs are rare. Way to go Eden!
Looks like Eden Mor is eden less. lol
i think eden was perfect the way she was. it’s u fuckers that said she should lose weight is the reason why she did it!!!!
EDEN Where are you. I am eager to see you. Come Soon – as – Possible.
I miss U. I Love U my Dream Girl
Come – On EDEN. Please …… ….. …. again
Thnx alot
ciao bellissma potrei sentire la tua voce e conoscere come unal amica
i like big boobs
krasna ale trochu tuku navic by to chtelo par hood dogu jsi krasna eden love kisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss big tis
Mr Reese, maybe I’m totally wrong, but the way E M does the videos …
she seems to be a pretty friendly lady, the type that wants to spread happiness in the world: if that’s true – honour to her .
For example you see the vids of Linsay Dawn McKenzie and it’s crystal clear that she’s not enjoying herself and she’s enduring ‘the job’.
I have an eye on this type of details,but probably the majority of guys
couldn’t care less.
ı love edennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
I love,, Pengen,,,
you can help me?????
She does look much different. I’m currently trying to download some of her older stuff because she look better to me that way. She has definitely lost her brand if you ask me. But I still like her. She’s a sweet girl.