Happy belated New Year! Not to say that the arrival of 2007 was delayed in any way, just that I’m a bit late in getting back into blog mode after all of the festivities (ok, so I’ve been asleep). Anyway, hope you all had a good one and that this coming year is the best ever.
Speaking of things being belated, it seem that months have passed since I’d mentioned Glamourcon in my Erotica 2006 post. Despite having already been booked for Erotica, not to mention it being thousands of miles closer, it was Glamourcon that I wanted to attend – mainly because 32G Jana Defi & 36FF Maggie Green were going to be there.
Well, PinUpGlam – the site hosting Jana & Maggie’s appearance – has recently posted the second in their series of candid backstage videos from the event. And, apart from our two big boob queens supreme, the video also features 32DD Playboy model Jaime Hammer, 34DD Playboy Model of the Year Erica Campbell and 36DD Playboy Top 20 fave Jelena Jensen (why is it only the three smaller-chested of the girls get to be in Playboy?). Oh, and there’s also a rare cameo appearance by Erica’s new fluff-ball of puppy, “Wookie”!
The videos are basically a behind-the-scenes look at the girls as they prepare for the show and do a couple of impromptu photo shoots in the process. I can’t decide whether the best bit is when Maggie Green gets a surprise humping from behind (and, no, it’s not from Wookie!) or when the videographer hands her the camera, which she accepts apprehensively, to shoot herself. In retrospect, it’s probably the latter, as the resulting close-up tits-in-your-face footage left me longing for her to get a Maggie-cam permanently installed below her bosoms with 24-hour access!
Here are a few choice clips from the video at PinUpGlam.com:

“(why is it only the three smaller-chested of the girls get to be in Playboy?)”
Surely you can’t be so naive as to ask this question with any degree of seriousness at all…
Why’s that one bitch so mean to Maggie? I liked her boob work!
I don’t think she was trying to be mean. It might have just been my interpretation, but I do not think she had meant to be offensive. On the other hand she seemed to be actually joking around with her. Maggie did not appear to take any offense to it, so I’m assuming that I am probably correct.
superb thing can i touch it
Speaking of big tits and Playboy, what about Janet Lupo?!?!?! She’s amazing.
dej mi