I was just having a wander through my web stats this afternoon to find that my inaugural Alessandra Derya blog has been the penultimately popular entry so far this month, with over 5,000 visitors having found it through various search engines. It was second only to the Divine Breasts post about Alicia, Sapphire and the I-cup mystery boobs (which sounds suspiciously as if it could be the title for a Clive Staples Lewis novel). Thus, because Alessandra seems to be such a hot commodity at the moment, and since Alicia & Sapphire already have a few good entries under their belts (*wink-wink*) on MyBoobSite, I thought it time to add to Ms. Derya’s post count here.
So imagine my delight, upon visiting her Alessandra-Dreya.com site, to learn that she’d thoughtfully assembled a selection free hosted galleries to save me the time and effort of building my own, and allowing me to feature far more photos than I normally would! Among these, we get to enjoy Alessandra’s heaving HH-cup cleavage in a variety of those scoopy tops she seems to favour (and rightly so!), watch her get all squeaky-clean in the bathtub (mmm, soapy tits), witness the tale of the tape as she measures her bust-line (47.5 inches!) and see just how sexy she looks in a baseball cap.
Oh, there was this really nice gallery of Alessandra in lingerie moistening her massive aureolae with an ice cube, but I didn’t have room for that one. ;~) But here are the others, lovingly provided by Alessandra-Derya.com…

…and I found one lone video gallery nestled amidst the links as well, allowing us at last to see Alessandra’s heavy 38HH hangers in motion:

Oh, and don’t forget: You can also chat live with Alessandra via webcam over at her iFriends Fan Club, which also features hundreds of archived photos & video clips not available on her main site:
can’t see, picture can’t download
I am attracted you have liked Bahk Do you want unmarried monogamy like Atakplin or one of the Akhtiarki be beautiful
Sweet pics Alessandra Derya
i want to recentre of kristina milan
I think she is so Freakin sexy as hell. Would like to meet her some day. :)
buy all your bras wish i had them,