A disturbing trend seems to be sweeping across all of big boob-dom. I first noticed it with Busty Merilyn / Anya / Sabrina, but have recently found yet another victim of this virulent epidemic. Whilst cruising the blogs today, I encountered a lovely 32G lass named Princessa from MC-Nudes. As I sat there, quietly admiring her bountiful charms, I was suddenly struck with the notion: “Haven’t I seen you and your breasts somewhere before?” [Note to self: Try that one as a pickup line, since the last one a friend recommended – “You have the most amazing eyes! May I touch them?” – seems to fall flat every time (thanks, Rachel).]
Where was I? Oh, yes: I began scanning through my favourite big tit sites and, at long last, hit the jackpot on Busty.pl! It was Princessa, all right, but she was going by the name of Maria Swan there. What’s with these young people today, choosing new names as if they were a fashion accessory? Apparently, she’d even appeared briefly on Nadine Jansen’s site as Jana G-cup. Don’t these models know that they’re just making it harder on their loyal fan base? Even worse, what would I call her if ever I ever stumbled across her in a darkened pub and wanted to try my luck?!
Pick a name and stick with it, I say! You’re known as Princessa by your modelling agency, so what’s wrong with that one? Oh well, at least you didn’t change your name to a symbol.
In any case, here’s-essa…

…or perhaps it’s Maria Swan:

Poland Boobs Best
Hochgeachtete María Swan:
Ich schreibe zu Ihnen, um sich zu grüßen, das estes sehr gut zu wünschen.
Ich sage Ihnen, dass ich ein Album mit Ihren Fotos tue; nach und nach und gewesener Fund in Internet; insgesamt treffen Sie sich sehr nett.
Ich will wissen(kennen), wenn Ihr Sie in der tschechischen Republik, oder in den Vereinigten Staaten leben.
Ich erinnere mich immer (erinnern) Sie, wünschen viele Erfolge Sie.
Mit der Hauptrücksicht(Hauptrespekt),
Jorge Gómez Cortés
Respected María Swan :
I am called Jorge, am 28 years old, am from Colombia, but now I live in Chile.
I Study 4 years Law (3 in Colombia and 1 in Spain).
I want to say to you that I admire you very much; you are the model màs nice that I have seen.
Please say to me the direction(address) of your pages in Internet, for me to collect your photos.
I remember(remind) you always.
With the major respect,
Jorge Gòmez Cortês
Você entrou para o panteão de Deusas que eu cultuo, todas com seios muito grandes.
Porém nenhuma se compara a você, Maria.
Se eu pudesse atravessaria o mundo pra estar com você por apenas um dia e seria o mortal mais feliz de todos os mundos.
If she was my mother I would still suckle on her breasts! ; )
Hey Milker Baby, that would be great!
With Love,
Hey!She is really beautiful and sexy.But she isn´t from Poland or Germany.She´s from Czech republic.Trust me.I know her…..I was shocked when I saw this fotos for the first time.My friend send me some and since I´m still looking for new and new.She has really perfect body.
She study Usti nad Labem, she is from Czech Republic, her name is Jana G…
it`s true ? her name Jana and your from Czech republic?
An almost impossible body for a woman but i saw Marilyn and i just don’t know. I read in an article that Jana/princessa/princzessa/prinzesin/webcam girl /whatever has implants . They seem a little impossible to be real but i coluld be mistaken
When I look at my collection px/clips/vids from these super 32 GGirls like MERILYN(ANYA-SABRINA) and MARIA SWAN(PRINCESSA-JANA) my absolute (no competition) favorites,I get goosebumps over my whole body and ask myself;
What gave,who and how,birth 2 these unbelievable UBERBABES
czech…. Don’t fuck with the truth. Ewa Sonnet is the finest polish woman that has ever lived. Hands down! (where, I can’t say). She’s fine, but, don’t ever hide her background. The web is world wide, and we will always find the real story. Too many of us are looking for the finest in AMPLY ENDOWED Ladies……jeep
Indeed, we’ll always find the real story. However, the first place I encountered Jana was on Busty.pl under the alias of “Maria Swan” (thereby belying her boobs’ national origin). Then, I found her as “Princessa” on MC-Nudes. Now, I find she’s also modelling for PinUpFiles using her real name: Jana Defi (well, the “Jana” part, at least). Oh, and her mainstream modelling career appears to be taking off nicely, too!
~Reese! :~)
Pavel, what is her full last name?
Princessa is the exact type of woman my wife and I are looking to swing with. Damn, I can’t think of anything finer. How to make it happen?
Hey!! Vix & I are first in line there! Then again, perhaps we could make it a 5-some? We’re not opposed to the thought, as that’s precisely what Vix & I did for our wedding night! ;~)
Don’t know if Jana’s a swinger, though…but wouldn’t that be a dream come true? Hmmm, I guess someone should ask during one of her live web chats.
~Reese! :~)
hello maria
you are so gorgeous! i love your boobs!
i will be very lucky to meet you in france (i live in paris and i’m musician)
thank you for giving me such nice dreams!
wow, what the hell is in the water in Eastern Europe, this is just a pipeline of big busted beauties … someone needs to do a study on this with Poland as the starting point … Maria is just perfect, and her breasts are more than perfect
Hay Lads we can all Dream !
Maria you have the most beautifull eyes ever
Since you guys pride yourselves on begin authorities on the matter, answer this titillating question and you may consider me genuinely impressed. What is Anya/Merilyn/Sabrina’s Nationality – meaning, where is she from originally. (I would imagine she’s in the US now)
Princess You made my dreams come true and flowers walks because You
Hey Maria!….after i saw you..the first thing i felt was to becone a small boy and get lost in the valley from wher the rivers of Milk srping!!….
Ein Werk Gottes, welches in Vollkommenheit erblüht, vergleichbar mit keiner irdischen Schöpfung… Es klingt geschwollen, aber ist es doch herzlich gemeint. Nur ein Kompliment… nur hoffe ich, dass der Mensch hinter diesen schönen Bildern eines schönen Körpers und dieser vielen Komplimente, nicht sich selbst verliert oder Respekt… gerne würde ich mehr wissen…
O U T S T A N D I N G, A W E S O M E !!!
Such beautifully shaped hazel eyes, such a beautifully shaped nose and mouth and curving lips. Gorgeous long, dark, straight hair. Even with the hair short would be perfect. These alone make her a goddess.
Um, oh yeh, arrarrr, I’d be lying if I didn’t say ” THE BEST SET OF TITS I HAVE EVER SEEN”
With much love………..;
I have to say,that we wanted these girls so much,and they are simply here. Our dreamt-of beauties come true. Perhaps there is some kind of new direction in genetic drift.
AFAIK her real name is Jana Defi.
Sometimes she´s posted as czech, sometime polish, sonetime german.
So what, just enjoy her
Very misterious boobs….
I would eat you alive !
Maria…I loooove your body..My family was from the Czech Republic near Prague originally…Id love to chat with you some time…Bigger is better! kisses Gary
fuck me sideways!
proncessa my love
You don’t need others… Just me because if you come to welland, ontario, canada then I will just be the happiest man in the world! Sucking tits is awesome! Man, i’ve gotta get my bud on this site! When he sees you, he gets the biggest boner ever! He just makes a ding noise. Nah! It’s me! I’ve got a question: Why make pornos if they just put the “car” in the “garage?” Why not focus on the boobs? That fucks me off lots! But you should fuck me better! We can be a cyber couple! Wanna?
You may have 3 names, but you only need to know one, Whompin’ Bobula. I keep my identidy a secret but you are an open book sexy! I whomp girls like you! Wanna be my bobula?
Whompin’ Bobula
Hi Maria, u r simply the best.
Moreover u’ve something of italian… I don’t know exactly what but I’m absolutely sure of this ;)
WOW, she looks almost exactly like an ex girlfriend of mine. Thought it was her at first… then clicked for the larger picture of her facing away and I now know that it’s definately not her my ex had a bigger ass. Broke up with her, she cut her hair and I think she’s into girls now, anywho these pics are makin me regret it =)
Hey Princessa,
You are one hot chick and your breasts are amazing.
MARIA IS THE BOMB does she do live one on one ?
They are two differ chicks ;)
i love Princessa.
any movie from Princessa ??
Some Images ;)
how many litres…? can i have from those…
pakito daw cha!!
To clear some things up:
— She is Czech in nationality, at least. She was born in Prague of the Czech Republic (Czechia, short form)
— Her breasts are real; she doesn’t have implants, and never has
— And she might prefer a tall guy, seeing as she’s 5’8″ herself
I can’t find words discribing Maria Swan’s stunning body. Believe I have never saw this glorious kind of woman in my whole life. She is so sexy remarkable boobs and stunning beauty. She is a complete bomb shell and of course a dream of mine.
She has more than a man aspires of in his whole life. I pray if I got a chance to meet her in mail and will be the luckiest man in the face of earth if she meets with me.
U r really,really beautiful
Princess is really beyond any written words to even describe this awesome beauty. Angelic!!
Maria Swan or Princessa is a perfect image of a beautiful woman!
I don’t think that I could survive being intimate with such a powerfully attractive woman. She would most certainly take my breath away!
I would sooner withstand the sun up close!
Maria gives off the soft and sensual radiance of a love goddess!
I’ll equate her to the sea-siren Lorelei.
Wow, I wish Maria had her own web site. I would sing all the “Maria” songs to her to serenade. So please contact me Maria as I’m still single :)
Doug B
wir suchen noch mitarbeiterin für begleitung und unser studio und klinikum
You are truly stunning. Not sure what you are looking for but I could show you the world and more..seriously. It’d be some fun for sure.
Meine erste sexuellen Erfahrungen hatte ich mit einer sehr viel älteren Dame mit extremen Hängebusen. Was mich anfänglich etwas irritiert hatte, hat sich im laufe der Jahre bei mir zu einer Leidenschaft herausgeprägt. Üblicherweise muß jede Frau mit schweren Brüsten den Tribut der Schwerkraft zollen, aber in Ergänzung zu den üblichen Hängebrüsten meine ich die extrem langen, weichen schlauchförmigen Brüste, die eben nicht dem entsprechen Mainstream entsprechen was zu 99% in den einschlägigen Internetseiten zu finden ist.
Im Laufe der Zeit habe ich viele wunderschöne Erfahrungen gesammelt und wünsche mir eine Email-Freundschaft (Mann/Frau) mit der/dem ich tabulos in vielfältiger Weise diese ungewöhnlichen Leidenschaft in Erlebnissberichten und Bildern dieser vielleicht extremen Leidenschaft fröhnen kann. Aber, möglich ist natürlich auch einen realer Kontakt.
Das wäre natürlich eine sehr schöne Sache.
Etwas zu mir: 44 j – 180 CM – BLOND ( GLATZE) Lebe in Norddeutschland
In Lübeck an der Ostsee.
Negative Bemerkungen zu diesem doch ehr speziellen Thema sind für mich bedeutungslos.
Aber jeder/jede der Konkret mit mir diese Leidenschaft teilt möchte, darf mir gerne Mailen.
u r my dream
great body , nice face and a great smile
keep smyling during fotoshoots
wish u all the best
your tschale
hi again
u can see me also in the internet
-you tube: beatles fans in liverpool-
the second man with the dark glasses,hat and blue Sgt.Pepper Jacket and at the end again
do you still live in germany?
maria,u r so sexy and beutiful………….
i luv u……….
pls show ur pussy in photoshoot.
out there are many beautiful girls with great bodys , breasts , nice faces
noone of these have so incredible
like you
so you are the best looking girl on the planet
if you ever join germany , let me know. let me be your tour-guide
in every statement i am talking about
I spotted Princessa a few years ago and could not believe my eyes,as Jana,Maria or Princessa she has the perfect breast and i’m in love with her,she’s gorgeous from head 2 toe with a perfect body,i love it and i love her sincerely,Emmett North Jr.
Dear sweet Princessica, let me come over to your bedroom and strip you passionately in bed, let me kiss your lusty tits and caress and suck them, let me lick and kiss your pink pussy and may you do the same to me, i love you and i want you.