I must admit that busty Robyn Alexandra and her GG-cup tits were unfamiliar to me until MyBoobSite regular BrookeLawsonFan posted a comment on my recent Leanne Crow blog which read, “Leanne has some of the best all natural tits I have ever seen! But not so good like Robyn Alexandra!” I sat quietly for a moment, pervily perusing my mental catalogue of mammary gland models wondering, “Who is this Robyn Alexandra with the better breasts of whom he spake?” Drawing a big boobs blank from the erotic imagery already inhabiting my breast obsessed mind, I instead opted to search the endless repository of internet tits on-line, at long last arriving at her Busty Robyn website wherein I saw the following vignetted photo…

…and instantly thought, “Blimey! Her hair is too big to fit in my boob blog thumbnails!” Honest, you’d think I’d think about tits when faced with such a fabulous pair of what I used to refer to as banana boobs in my youth since the curvaceous convex contour of such sexy ski slope breasts resemble the curvature of said herbaceous fruit in a “Why the long breasts?” sort of way but, no, it was her big hair that hit me first, taking my back to the feathered shag Farrah Fawcett hairstyles of the ’70s & ’80s (not to mention the busty teen wet dreams inspired by the iconic imagery the actress I’d used as an adjective provided). “It must take busty Robyn hours to do her hair in preparation for a topless or nude photo shoot,” I mused to myself before my boob brain became more mindful of massive mammaries with her tits turning my thoughts to other matters more pressing in nature.
Namely, big breast photography. You see, while I don’t dispute that beautiful and busty 30GG Robyn Alexander has GG-cup boobs in the least (as, surely, the girl knows her own bra size (yes, you’d think so, but don’t call me Shirley)), I couldn’t help but notice her big tits look small in many of the photos her BustyRobyn site has on offer. Whilst many large breast photographers often employ extremely wide-angle lenses that can make even a less well-endowed girl’s tits look huge in the occasional extreme close-up shot, it would appear that the big tit photography in this case goes in the opposite direction so, rather than getting massive macro boobs, it makes Robyn’s tits too tiny like little boobs belying her genuine GG-cup breast proportions presuming that her mammary measurements are accurate!
But enough of my complaining about big hair and boob photography techniques as busty Robyn Alexandra is, after all, a beautiful girl with big boobs regardless of what the camera says in some of her photos of her GG-cup juggs from afar. That said, thanks to BrookeLawsonFan for alerting me to the existence of this enchanting female of anatomical excellence and, for everyone else who might not know her already, here’s the stunningly sexy 30GG busty Robyn Alexandra in a fine & fair few photos & videos from BustyRobyn.com:

normally i prefer women with darkish hair, but on her i would like to see her lighten up to a regular real true red, and bring out those beautiful freckles and eyes! she is very very pretty and sexy and reminds me of the great ann margret, so lighten up baby, i’m in love with you!
She certainly has a pointy pair (8th row, mid picture). I’d like them pointing at me!!! :>)
Those barely look like D cups.
yeah, not GG. what scale are they using? the metric system? my wife’s are bigger and they’re DD. load of crap.
Bly me! I had no idea they still made them like that. VERY NICE and PLENTY big enough.
she is stunning
omg shes perfect, shes like just amazing
Just wondering if anybody knows the name of : Chi Chi Asada Titfuck Orgy?
30 GG??? Please! They are quite nice indeed, but GG? Maybe a D – maybe!
I think I have mentioned this before, but are UK bra sizes are different..no? When I spent time in London, and purchased lingerie there, I was wearing a US DD…ws ill-fitting, but that was the size the store sold… when in London I bought some DD’s without trying them on. They were WAY smaller than the US version of 34DD.
The whole thing is so confusing!! Either way though she is lovely..her boobies are atleast an F by US standards. You guys have not seen a true D-cup in awhile, which is a good thing for you I guess..lol.
i’ve met her a few times, she’s very short i’d say about 4ft 11-5ftish so that might be the reason, very attractive girl!
Bra Sizes. We men just love our stats, but really it just doesn’t matter. allot has to do with a woman’s frame. Now this woman has a small frame and her boobs are HUGE. We try to force all these beautiful breasts into the same categories and definitions. They are all unique and wonderful no matter what “size” they are. Frankly, I don’t know how you gals even put up with bras at all! Most of my girlfriends have been larger, either in frame, or boobs, or both and I know what a pain it is for them to find a nice bra that fits. The system is confusing and flawed, (unless you are a perfect 34C). It is just a man-made generalization and a poor one at that.
They barely look like D cups?! C’mon guys, she is definitely a 30GG. She’s divine.
Zeke (and everyone doubting) – what you’ve got to remember is that there is no such thing as a standard/universal DD cup or GG cup – it depends on the back/band size. A 28DD is very small (the equivalent of a 36A), whereas a 38DD is big.
When you’ve got huge boobs but a small rib cage/back, you’d need a bigger cup size (as a 30DD is small), hence the GG on her size 30 back. A 30GG is the equivalent in cup size volume as a 38E – so she’d technically fit into a 38DD or E (but the bra wouldn’t fit properly). I’m personally a HH/J cup but because I wear a small band size (28 or 30), my breasts are a few sizes smaller than say, Leanne Crow’s, even though we both wear a HH or J – because she wears a back size 2 – 3 sizes bigger than myself.
English cup sizes aren’t smaller than US sizes. Infact, she’d be a US J -www.breasttalk.co.uk/size_charts.aspx
Some of the camera angles are a bit deceptive, I agree, but in the video posted of her in the grey bra, you can see exactly how massive they are!!