Thanks to all of you who commented or e-mailed regarding my recent “Desperately seeking Maria Moore” blog, especially Seven, whose contact details may well lead to a breakthrough. I’ve already passed along the information to the model in question and, if anything comes of it, you’ll definitely see the results of the proposed girl-girl session here first!
In that same blog entry, Just Kicking commented, “Zina from Siliconefree, we need much more of”. I couldn’t agree more! The 36HHH home-grown Russian lovely is one of my favourites, and I can’t get enough of her. However, when I went to MyBoobSite’s Model Directory to find the last time I’d featured her, I found that I had only blogged Zina once before! I’m just glad I’m not alone in feeling it’s high time that she grace these pages once again.
Sorting through the 500+ photos I have from Zina’s Siliconefree sessions proved to be quite the chore (not!), as I couldn’t decide whether to feature the original girl-next-door redheaded Zina or the new-and-improved blonde version. Since I’m quite partial to both, I though I’d stop waffling about and include a little of each so you could pick for yourselves.
Among my finds whilst perving through her profuse portfolio were candid pics of Zina drinking beer, having tremendous difficulty getting her bra on, and just being generally playful. The most disturbing series I came across, however, involved prawns in her HHH-cup cleavage! Those of you who’ve been following this blog are well aware of my concerns over big breasts being a food magnet. While a little chocolate sauce every now and again doesn’t go amiss, prawns on tits are just plain wrong! Who wants to nestle their nose in prawn-flavoured cleavage?! :~P
Then again, since it’s Zina we’re talking about, I might just have to make an exception. Of course, browsing through a lot of the big boobs forums as I do, I realise that Zina’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I can’t understand that, really, as how could any genuine big breast lover not be instantly attracted to her most generous endowments? For those curious few who find her to be anything less than a radiant beauty, the good news is that Zina is just one of the 92 big breasted models currently appearing on, so there’s a lot of other boobage to choose from.
But, for all of the bountiful bosoms that bedeck the site, Zina remains my favourite (yes, even moreso than Kiki). Thus, I’ll start you off with a few of the photos from her early days as a redhead with…

…then, about half-way through her current selection of 511 photos & 28 videos on Siliconefree, Zina mysteriously switched to a blonde! She also became a bit more adventuresome and elegant in her later shoots. So, in order to complete the Zina Experience, here’s a selection of pics from her “blonde days”:

THANK YOU! What a hottie…
Tits are not 2 bad though
I’ll side with Craig when it comes to Zina’s boobs, however, I wouldn’t call her ugly, just not beautiful, sort of homely with a grin that looks a bit cartoonish. But as for the hair color, I don’t consider that as important as her boobs.
Zina’s breasts are nice and full, but her areolas are too small! For her big, full boobs, they should be about twice as wide and somewhat taller. My areolas are as wide as hers (but not as tall), and I’m a guy! I think about 2 to 2-1/2 inches or 50 to 64mm diameter would be about right. They don’t have to be as huge as Eden Mor’s awesome areolas to appeal to me, just more proportionate to her large breast size.
I feel the same about Princessa AKA Jana Defi AKA Maria Swan, and Anya AKA Merilyn — their areolas and nipples are too small in proportion to their large breasts. Reese just blogged Leah Jayne, and her pics can also be found on, her name’s just Leah, I believe. Now, I think her areolas are very well proportioned for her large breasts. just got pics of a new model, Violeta. If you’re into odd-looking boobs, she’s a good choice; she reminds me of Breya. Her breasts and areolas are above average, but her nipples are small, inward dimples. The child that has to suckle those tits is going to have a hard time finding the nipple! You can see thumbnail pics of these girls and many more for free, in the preview galleries at But if you are obsessed with really big boobs, and if you visit there, take a look at Karola! She ought to be in the “Guinness Boob of World Records” for having those incredibly gigantic boobs! I thought they were morphed pics when I first saw them, but after seeing the videos, holy shit! I became a believer!
I’ll 2nd very free on the size of her Areola but she is still a Munter!
To each his own but I think the “ugly” comment is cruel and unneccessary. Zina has Eastern Indian eyes and beautiful skin. Almost all the women on this blog look good.
Aficionado:you just the nail in the head, those comments are not only cruel AND unnecessary, they shouldn’t even be here in this blog. After all, this is a blog for “the breast obsessed”, right?, to each his own, everybody likes different things and there is the beauty of life
Zina I prefer as a redhead a little but mainly because she was a bit more innocent then. Also her makeup is done with the intentional redeye thing later on which is kinda unattractive.
More importantly her older pics are hotter because she slowly loses weight. her pics now are bad because she slimmed down too much, her tits aren’t that big anymore, they’re now just floppy from stretching when she was bigger, and she’s no longer nice and rounded like she was. What a shame!
Reddd red is better
Her real name is Lena… :-)
if she licks them it will be netter than leave them falling like this
I think that she is very beautiful. I also think she has real guts, and is a cool person to have these pics taken, and displayed. Anyone saying she is ugly is obviously truly the picture of that thereof. Inside, for sure.
she is hoot
totally hot i dont know what everyones talking about im 18 m canada and i think ill be stiff for weeks now i hope she emails me
i lovee tou boob.
OK, so the racoon eyes are a little distracting, but all in all, nice body. So often boobs that big come with a big belly too, but not in this case. She is like your buddies less than perfect sister that after a few beers you can’t resist her most obvious attributes! I could very easily bury myself in those. Cheers to you “Zena” ( or “Lena”), keep the pics coming!
I Love Indian women, exclusivly. but Red Heads are the only execption
beautiful. ide fuk u anyday
muito boa vou te comer puta
I could care less, as long as she’s riding my cock and got those big tits in my face.
Don’t give a shit about her hair colour!!! I wanna fuck those soft, warm tits of hers!!!!