Amidst my Google searches for blog fodder last night, I ran across an article in LA celebrity gossip rag Defamer entitled “Big Breasts Huge in 06!” It turned out to be a rundown of “well-endowed actresses” who’d attended the recent Emmy Awards ceremony and postulated that “Hollywood’s stylists [had come] to the unanimous conclusion that the perfect way to accessorize a plunging neckline on an exquisitely tailored gown was with a huge pair of breasts.”
Looking at the cleavage shots accompanying the article, however, left me wondering if the popular media had adopted a different standard of measure than the rest of us. While a C- to D-cup might well be considered big by Hollywood standards, referring to any of these women “huge” in the bust-line department is a seriously dramatic overstatement! Simply give a woman a low-cut dress, reinforce her meagre assets with a push-up bra (and perhaps some duct tape) and she’s suddenly well-endowed?! I think not!!
If they want to see what huge breasts really look like, then perhaps a visit to the one and only JuggMaster is in order! Therein, they’d find a most excellent cross-section of beautiful women, all with endowments well worthy of such a superlative adjective. I mean, even if they put all six of their “busty” actresses together, I doubt they’d cumulatively possess enough adipose tissue to fill even Maria Moore’s GG-cup juggs (and she’s the smallest in today’s blog!)!
And so, in MyBoobSite’s post-Emmy progression from a GG- to a J-cup (in my decidedly futile effort to show those Hollywood types what we really want to see on-screen), we commence with the ever-lovely 36GG Maria Moore from…

…stepping our standards up a notch brings me to HH-cup Sapphire. While this gorgeous redhead is indeed no stranger to MyBoobSite, I must admit that the first time I saw Sapphire totally naked was courtesy of JuggMaster (and I thank you, kind sir)! How is it that he’s the only one who’s been able to coax her pants off so far? Who cares, really?! I just want to see MORE FULLY NUDE PHOTOS of her!! But, for now, here’s a semi-naked Sapphire from a sexy series within which she allows her HH-cup bra to slip seductively from her shoulders in order to reveal her exquisite 36HH assets in all their glory…

…moving along to the elusive I-cup, we have 46I Amazon engaging in a little activity that JuggMaster calls “King-size Coconuts”, wherein participants try to conceal a coconut palm within their colossal cleavage. I have thus far gone through 42 years of my life without having to utter the phrase “boobs big enough to tit-fuck a tree trunk”, but suddenly find that I can hold back no longer. And Amazon – an apropos adjective for this comely Caribbean queen – isn’t the only one capable of performing this phallic feat: So far, 21 of the JuggMaster models have risen to the challenge and succeeded. But, if I had to choose a winner in this particular event, it would definitely be Amazon…

…and, lest ye think I could get through an entire blog without mentioning a blonde, we at long last arrive at 38J Amber in our luxurious cavalcade of large cup sizes (well, perhaps she’d be more accurately considered a strawberry blonde, but that still counts in my book). As the J-cup entry in our burgeoning benchmark of big boobs, JuggMaster’s Amber exemplifies the pendulous proportions I’d like to see appearing on the silver screen.
But, alas, I fear my efforts will be for nought. Despite the “I love big tits” attitude that the media reports as being so prevalent in America, I sincerely doubt we’ll witness anyone meeting our minimum mammary requirements in a mainstream role anytime soon. Why, even our own G-cup supermodel Jana Defi is having a hard time trying to break into the movie market! Will such naturally well-endowed women be forever relegated to mere novelty status in ads and music videos? Freaks of nature served sparingly for nothing more than (and pardon the pun) titillation value?! I sincerely hope not.
Still, I suppose we can take solace in that there are a few kindred spirits out there who know what we want to see (Juggmaster being a prime example). Then, we can also rejoice in the fact that boobs certainly appear to be getting bigger! As braologist Carol Rashleigh reported in an article for Australia’s National Breast Pride Week entitled “Do my breasts look big in this?“, the demand for bra sizes above a G-cup are on the rise, and women above a D-cup are becoming the norm rather than the exception! So maybe we just need to let nature take it’s course, and it will be but a matter of time before the Hollywood moguls run out of under-endowed actresses! :~P
Anyway, off of my soapbox and on to the pics, here’s 38J Amber (just in case you’d forgotten in the midst of all my rambling) from

All our prayers are being answered-thats all. And just a ” Saphire-Hell yeah!” and a “wooo-juggmaster” remain to be said. Wait-who’s Amber? Hmmmm……………..
Maria Moore to me is the ultimate. She exudes so much sexiness that no photo can contain her energy. Check out her recent photos. She has surpassed the lovely Sapphire in lusciousness. and her smile……….
Wij hebben hiero ook hele grote balle!
Are they sure that shot is of Lisa Kudrow??? No pics I could find online have her tits anywhere NEAR that size! The tits n that pic look like a double D, which is fine by me (ever hear of the Poker term “A pair of Jacks or better to open?” I guess mine should be “A pair of D’s or better”.
I know I seem to have given short shrift to the lesser cups of Cristina on DivineBreasts but I think she’s just on the wrong site. She’d fit right in at, or, but in comparison to the huge assets of everyone else (except maybe Jessica, but Jessica is cuter IMHO), she’s outgunned.
On the world of mainstream TV and films though, you’re LUCKY to find a D or a DD. Anything above is just nonexistent or a total joke. Like they’ll have a huge fat woman with big breasts crushing someone in a big hug.
Juggmaster is good though. More Sapphire, Cara, and he also took on Southern Charms’ KoreGoddess, if you like that Earth Mother kinda thing. Wooooo!
I love Maria Moore. I wish she would do some more hardcore but I guess it’s not to be.
I’m not impressed by Juggmaster’s stats for his models. It seems that some of them are just arbitrarily pulled out of the hat. Like Amber, she looks more like a G cup instead of a J cup. And the model called JJ is supposed to have KK cups, but they don’t look all that big to me.
Somewhere I read (maybe Reese’s blog) that Amazon was one really big mama, she’s 6 foot 2, or 1.88m tall. And you can see that by her much larger chest size (46I cup) makes her bra cups much bigger, so that the 34 to 38 J, JJ and K cups would fit inside her bra with room to spare. If you go to Juggmaster’s store and download the DVD preview of Amazon, you will see her measure those huge areolas at five and a half inches, and they are dwarfed by her even huger and heavier boobs. They are much larger than the numerically larger cups on a bra made for the average 34″ chested woman. Once you see her sling those huge melons around, you will see what I mean, and be a true believer!
I’ll have to go now and check out the pics and vids…
“How is it that he’s the only one who’s been able to coax her (Sapphire) pants off so far?” –Reese
Actually, she’s been posing completely nude, AND doing movies for Score for years. In fact, it’s been quite some time now since anyone last saw Sapphire, and Score has put out a fantastic new video with her as the headliner. I have yet to make the purchase, but it is definitely on my wish list! The name of the video is “Bikini Busters”, and the lovely Sapphire does a hell of a lot more than just take off all her clothes! Here’s the link for anyone who is interested in taking a look and/or making the purchase:
Johnny: Maria Moore has done hardcore videos before.
She used to have her own website a long time ago where she advertised homemade videos of her and her boyfriend getting it on. I never went through with that purchase (BTW, the site no longer exists), but I did see that Bang Brothers (who make all of those online videos) put out a video of their own starring her. It is (to my knowledge) the only hardcore, guy/girl scene she’s ever done for a studio.
The name of the video is “Mom’s Anal Adventure“, and while I have not done any extensive research, it seems as if it is harder to find now. I bought it back about 2 years ago when it was new. Bang Brothers does so much online stuff now, that they don’t put out many videos anymore, and I don’t think that they even produce this particular title on DVD anymore either. The following link will lead you to an image of the DVD cover:
This site (Adult DVD Empire) is where I purchased this title from originally, but now it no longer has it in stock. Do a google search of the DVD title, and see what you can find. Maybe you will get lucky and find a place that actually sells it.
[edit: Added this link to clips from the video.]
I know I’ve seen the scene. It’s on the website of the same name(moms anal adventure). I’m bummed I never got to see her amatuer site, actually I never even knew it existed : (. She’s done a hardcore photoshoot for score as well but there’s no accompanying video.
The bangbros scene would be decent if the director knew video taping sex was about the actors. She’s very endearing and natural. She’s got a lot of the same qualities as Chaka T who also dissapointly had very limited releases.
I’m always obsessed with the models with little releases.
“I’m always obsessed with the models with little releases.” — Johnny
Ah yes! We always want what we can’t have. ;o)
Like I said, unlike most of the stuff they put online, that scene was recorded on DVD by Bang Bros. You might still be able to find it if ya wanna actually own it rather than having to go to the web to see it. Might be a tough find though.
I think the scene itself is great. You get some terrific boob shots, and she’s really into it. My biggest problem (and a MAJOR pet peeve of mine) is that the director constantly feels the need to talk through the majority of the film. Really pisses me off, but since it’s the only hardcore DVD you can purchase with her, I had to have it. She’s so hot, I can get over the fact that the director is a moron. But it’s still annoying.
Maria Moore is HUGE!!. I can’t believe the rack on this woman but i see Amazon and i don’t know wtf to think.¿How on earth that woman walks without dropping to her knees for the weight of those babies? i can only wonder….
And yeah, Maria Moore has done hardcore for score and for bangbros (didn’t know about her website though),Shappire also was/is on score but i don’t know if she has done hardcore.
One thing I don’t BS about at is breast size mon frere. After all… why would I have to? My Lord! Look at these juggs! JJ actually wears a 36KK bra amigo… I’ve seen it. KK cups in a 36 are not as large as KK cups in let’s say a 40KK. I believe she wears the wrong size because she appears larger than a 36 in the back and smaller in cup size than a KK but she insists that the 36KK fits her best. And who am I to argue with a beautiful woman bearing her big ones for the world to enjoy…? It’s aaaaallllllll good.
Yeah! Stop the nitpicking, Very Free.
Big, fat, beautiful, marshmallow soft boobies for everyone!
Woo-Hoo! :)
The very first photo of Maria pushing that sexy smooth bra to its limit is HOT. And the third shot featured of her is almost as good. Otherwise, I keep wanting to see Sapphire in shots that never seem to materialize–like that first shot of Maria. Amber’s breasts seem pretty amazing in the third of her photo set here but it’s hard to tell in this offering whether or not she’s got that magic something or not…I’d like to see more of the rest of her to see if it follows suit.
“My biggest problem (and a MAJOR pet peeve of mine) is that the director constantly feels the need to talk through the majority of the film. Really pisses me off, but since it’s the only hardcore DVD you can purchase with her, I had to have it. She’s so hot, I can get over the fact that the director is a moron. But it’s still annoying”
TOTALLY agreed. And actually we must not be alone, because I notice the BTRA shoots have less talking now since the cameraman/director has changed.
That MM scene is good but the vid looks poor quality anyway, at least the online clips were badly lit and are low-res. MM herself is stunning, a MILF with huge fucking tits who sucks cock like a maniac. In the end she jacks him off incredibly fast, the guy totally loses it and explodes all over her and everywhere for a long time. Unfortunately, again this is fucked up by the director making stupid growling sounds over the cumshot. That’s why I hate all the Bangbus stuff. IT’S ABOUT THE CHICKS, STUPID!
It’s funny to me that “Hollywood” thinks that THOSE are big tits. Then again, I guess tit-size is all relative. In fact, I used to drool over women like Alley Baggett and Petra Verkiak thinking they had really big tits (to be fair, they do have larger than average tits, and I still do drool over them on occasion!), then I started to expand my horizons and discovered Ines Cunda and Ewa Sonnet (possibly the two hottest women on the damn planet)… then Eden Mor.. then… then…
SO my point is- it depends on what one is exposed to. I look at pictures of someone like Alley now and thing “wow, look how small her tits are! She should really make them bigger.”
Say, Reese, what happened to the last post on Sapphire? Did the website have a change of heart and order you to remove it? :(
Mad Dog~
Kind of. Don’t worry, though, I’ll be revising & re-posting it with an explanation soon…
~Reese! :~)
I think Sapphire is on of the sexiest redheads I have ever seen, does anyone know if she has a fan club site or a site all her own?
Like you I have been following Sapphire for a while. I was really excited when she decided to do hardcore. I know she has done at least one video. Does anyone know where I can find it? If its online, what site?
I found a family of sites that advertised it but they they are known for bait and switch. Subscribing to the sites fail to turn it up.
[mod edit: links removed]
Does anyone know where I can find the original hardcore of Sapphire? I found clips but I can not tell where they originate from. I found a few sites that claimed to have it but didn’t. The clips appeared to come from Score publishing but I can not confirm. Somebody help.
Sapphire Fan~
Sadly, Sapphire doesn’t appear to have a site of her own at the moment, but you can find a few of the sites she appears on by following the links for her entry in MyBoobSite’s Model Directory:
Sorry about removing the links you’d posted, but you’re completely right about the “bait & switch” routine. It’s not the sites fault, but an indepedent 3rd-party webmaster affiliate who’s responsible for this devious, unforgivable behaviour (thus, I didn’t want them misleading anyone else with their links).
As far as I know, the only hardcore Sapphire vid presently available is the one I blogged in this entry…
…having been initially misled by a smiliar gallery to those you’d posted before making my contrite corrections.
~Reese! :~)
P.S. If anyone else knows of any other legitimate Sapphire hardcore vids, please let me know and I’ll check ’em out!
Thank you very much for clarifying Sapphire’s hardcore. Now I know where to look for it.
Thnx alot
I love these tits, I want to suck, milk …………
i ve gone all around and i ve come to the conclusion you are da bomb wow will be an honor to be your very friend do please reply gorgeous sexy Sapphire