In her two latest blogs for SexySamantha38G, voluptuous vixen Samantha Anderson addresses the time-honoured topic of “T&A”, asserting that thin is out (thank fuck for that!), curves are back in style and the mass media are finally starting to take notice!
It’s about time, too, as the popular media and fashion industry have been trying to dictate our tastes for far too long. Although we men have always known what we wanted physically in a woman – namely, big tits and nice, round asses – I fear that a fair number of women themselves may have started believing the hype: Those with the voluptuous curves we desire would go on diets or, failing that, conceal their innate beauty in unflattering loose-fitting clothing. Others would simply starve themselves to death in order to achieve the unhealthy, stick-like proportions that the “thin is in” mantra professed. Otherwise stunning girls have been disowning their feminine features for some time now, and it’s seriously got to stop.
Samantha’s starting to see a sea change in this, however, and begins by citing the features that the porn industry finds most desirable in the female form. “[I’ve] never been a Titty Bar with flat chested rail thin females,” asserts an incensed Sam, “Titty Bar means you are going to find healthy weight, hopefully large chested (even if it is not real), nicely rounded bottom chics who are not afriad of their curves or flaunting them. Heck, the clubs I worked at if you did not have at least a D-cup. You were on the day shift until you got your boobs augmented. You had to be exceptionally beautiful to work the night shift with A, B, or small C-cup.” Indeed, the sex industry knows what men want – large breasted girls of a healthy weight with round bottoms.
Samantha then moves on to the more mainstream media citing that, in the ’30s through the 50s, the movies seemed to get it right using full-figured females like Jane Mansfield, Marilyn Monroe, Sofia Loren & Jane Russel to fuel our sexual fantasies. More recently, she observes that Anna Nicole Smith was given a TV show at her heaviest – not her thinnest – and we all watched, riveted (and it’s also curious to note that when Anna Nicole lost the weight, she lost the show). America’s Top Model provided another good example in 22-year-old contestant Toccara Jones who, weighing in at 180lbs and sporting a healthy rack, joined the show to further her aspiations of “becoming the world’s first superstar plus-size model”. As Sam said, “She stood out among the skinny, small breasted girls. She was a women and the others are just girls.”
Let’s just hope that this slowly-building trend continues so that women the world over with the physical attributes we love can finally understand that they are truly the beautiful ones that men desire most! In the meantime, of course, we’ve always got the stunning Samantha 38G. Here are a few photos from her latest solo series (I just love the “view from behind” shot that splendidly showcases her huge tits and round ass in all their glory) from…

…as Samantha quite rightfully says, “T & A will always be a classic. Classics never go out of Style. SEX sells. Always has and always will. When you think of SEX, immediately you think of T & A.” But, since this is MyBoobSite, I’ve chosen to focus upon the “T” variable in that equation in my videos for today’s blog with a few choice and totally breast-centric video clips from her new “Flowers” series at…

…and, whilst we’re here, I also thought I’d give you an update on the budding lesbian relationship between Sam and her girlfriend Ellecee! I’m pleased to report that things are going quite marvellously for them and, in their latest video, we get to see them fuck (okay, so they’re using a vibrator on each other which, without a proper penis, is probably the closest they’ll get to full-penetration sex). Ellecee seems to be quite the ardent tit-woman as well, never resisting the opportunity to grab big handfuls of Samantha’s G-cup tit-flesh during their sexy encounter (perhaps the sexiest bit being the look on the two girls’ faces as Sam licks the dildo clean after having plunged it repeatedly into Ellecee’s pussy and bringing her to a screaming orgasm)! And so, a few more video clips of Samantha 38G & Ellecee having a fucking good time in their latest lesbian videos from

I’ve always loved Samantha. She was once named “Plumper of the Decade” by Voluptuous magazine and I have never disagreed. This flower series is really hot. Her a$$ looks fine from behind!
As for her rant on T & A I must say there is a bit of hypocrisy since she herself has lost a few pounds. But I think you are right that thin is on the way out. Porn gives guys what they want. But if you want to talk about whether it’s REALLY on the way out look at TV culture. Thin is still in on TV. Paris Hilton, Christina Aguilera, Angelina Jolie…. thin. Let’s not kid ourselves. HOWEVER, has anyone noticed The View? Star Jones lost so much weight they got rid of her. Now in her place is Sherrie Sheperd! Gawd Sherrie has big tits! One of her boobs is bigger than Barbara Walters’ head! And then there is this new sensation from Dreamgirls. What’s this black woman’s name? I can’t recall but I know she is making a big stir. She is definitely BIG in the body.
While I agree that to me a hot woman is thick, has curves, huge tits (at LEAST a DD wich is more like an A to me!) and that what men want in titty bars and in porn are big tits, round buts and curves- I would say (at the risk of being yelled at here!) that for the MOST part, men like big tit women that have bodies like Pam Anderson and not Samantha. I AM NOT ONE OF THESE MEN… but still. People actually say that Pam has CURVES. But will say that Sam is fat. I know, crazy but sadly true.
Not sure if thin is “out” exactly- just that classic curves with tits larger than a B cup are in. Like Scarlette Johansan. People talk about her like she has these HUGE tits and is SO curvy and un-thin. That girl is still probably a size 4 (instead of a 1) and D cups. So perhaps thin is not in, but in pupular culture a woman like Sam or Eden Mor is considered “fat”. Shame, too.
I saw that blog on Sam’s site the other day and figured you would be posting on it Reese — as I was reading it I couldn’t help but say “Right on Sam!”
While Sam has lost a lil weight, she will always be a full-figured gal. It’s funny to watch the trends in Hollywood and our society’s fascination with stars and their diets, weight fluctuations. You have the Anna Nicole show, then there was the Kirstie Alley show “Fat Actress”, which I never watched but supposedly dealt with her weight gain and difficulties in getting roles because of that. For a while in the 90’s porn scene, there seemed to be a glut of thin models with ridiculously large implants — after the initial curiosity, that whole scene has seemed to lost momentum, though there are obviously still some of those actresses around. Maybe it has to do with the growth of the internet and exposure of more models, but it seems there are more naturally busty women out there getting attention (and thank you Reese for your contributions in that) — it’s something I am grateful for. I’m not turned off by thin beautiful women, but then again, nothing turns me *on* like seeing curves.
Jipieeeeee. Sam again. Shes awesome.
Sam keeps gaining and losing the same little bit. Which is ok with me, she looks great either way. She isnt built to be a stick, thank god. While I do like the stick chicks with boobs (real ones please) they are real rare and more of a curiousity. Women built like Sam are the way god intended them, full round and soft. My wifes sister was very attractive but she managed to diet and exercise her way to being a stick. And it just isnt nearly as attractive in my opinion. Thank god my wife has n o interest in doing that even though her sister has encouraged her to do so. As she says if ya want the big boobs, you tend to get extra in other places too………Im not complaining one little bit.
I have to, respectfully, disagree about the hipocrisy comment. I believe there is good plump and bad plump. If a woman can be big and healthy at the same time, that’s great. But, too many women let themselves go to the point where they just look ill, then hide behind “big is beautiful”.
I think Sam looks phenominal…NOW. A few years ago, I just found her to be cute and interesting. Her choices work for her.
I agree with Jes. There is sexy and then there is just plain fat.
DantheMan — excellent to bring up Kirstie Alley. Woah she’s a whole lotta woman! I saw one episode where she was dancing around with these dwarves like she was their queen or something. The plot did not quite impress me but as for her body she was just about the plumpest, sexiest, goddess-of-fertility I think I’ve ever seen on TV. Between her and Sherrie Shepherd (and the whole ‘Less Than Perfect’ series), Camryn Mannheim (whatever happened to The Practice), Anna Nicole and others I think it’s safe to say ‘big’ girls are getting appreciation.
Jes – respectfully disagree. I voted for the longer haired Sam. I think she looked far sexier before…
I wasn’t talking about her hair…
But while we are on the subject, I thought the long hair was an attempt to make her body look more elongated and actually CLASHED with her natural, more supple beauty. And the shorter hair is more revealing to those captivating eyes.
When I speak of T & A, I do not mean girls of my size. I meant fit healthy chicks who are not a size 0 to 2, but a size 7-8.
And that was my size when I stripped.
NO, I DO NOT WORK AS AN ESCORT. And anyone who says so is trying to get me into trouble with the law. Hence, I have to wonder if those who post such things are my competition or guys who hate me. In case, you guys forgot trading sex for money is illegal. And Reese I am extremely disappointed in you for not deleting such post.
My only interest, my only job is my site, my image. And being the hottest bbw on the web. This way I can turn you all on and not get personally involved. I can fullfill your fantasies and not put myself into any danger for being a bit of a exhibitionist. I just love performing infront of the camera, where I am safe. I do orgasm in my films, if I don’t I refuse to fake it. I won’t short change my fans, or more importantly myself. Orgasm are way to important.
As far as my weight going up and down. Well, life is not stagnant. No one can look the same month after month, or year after year. I strive to be healthy to be more fit. Sometimes I am successful and sometimes I am not.
Sorry about that but, escorting not being illegal in the country in which I live, I’d let the comment stand. I’ve deleted it now, so I hope that can make up for my oversight…
~Reese! :~)
I think Samantha is an amazingly sexy woman. Forget Paris Hilton, and all of those ridiculously skinny women. I just love Sam’s sexy eyes….and her inviting cleavage….now that’s a WOMAN!! I also love the short hair….cute look!!
I think of Samantha as a modern-day Chessie Moore!! I have no trouble putting her in the same class….I think their BOTH legends!! As far as her fluctuating weight, she’s hot….no matter what she does!!
Samantha is worth fucking and licking
Yo Samantha if u eva make it ta da FL hit me up. I’l fuck da shit outta ya an if I ain’t in Yo top 3 best/greatest fucks u can punch me in da balls. maybe we can make some flix wit yo clit fat tits nice bod an my Fat ass dick.LOL. holla at yo man fa some big fun Samantha
ive wanted to fuck samantha since i seen her on big naturals!! she is the hottest woman on the net!!!
I love that you are showing beaty comes in all sizes, you are a very voluptuous beatiful women and I’m glad to see people steering away from the anorexics we see on TV. I am your polar opposite I’m the queen of the itty bitty comittee and very thin, but a healthy thin and even at my size have a womanly shape. I have found that beauty really is in the eyes of the beholder and that having that confidence of knowing you are all woman and sexy at whatever size is what makes a woman so appealing. Woman will always be the sexier sex. Sam you are beautiful keep it up.
Hi Samantha..
I saw your picture and your sexy movies and I wish I beside you , I love you very much and I need to see you , can you sent me your email addrees please
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