While I try my best to remain tactful on MyBoobSite, I must at long last say that Busty Merilyn Sakova is truly beginning to give me the creeps. It’s sad, really, because I’d always found her to be rather attractive and sensual – innocent, even – in her early days as “Anya” at TopHeavyAmateurs.com, but now she just seems to have become a parody of herself.
Although I have the utmost respect for our comrades at Scoreland (again, the good folks who host her BustyMerilyn.com website), I fear that something dreadful has happened to our beloved Merilyn. Her 32G boobs are showcased as gloriously as ever, but there’s something artificial afoot. Even her now-rare smile, as evidenced in the 8th photograph below, seems diabolically contrived. It’s as if she’s acquiesced to the rigours of being a superstar big boobs model, and lost sight of herself in the process.
Merilyn, if you’re listening, try to let go of the perceived male-domainated expectations of the adult industry and just be yourself. It’s obvious from your earliest photo shoots that you’re a natural and have much to offer us big breast lovers worldwide. You’ve definitely got what it takes, but these repetitive plastic poses aren’t doing you any favours. You have so much more to offer than that, so be a bit more adventuresome, take control and let us all come to know the real person behind those gorgeous G-cups…

I also have seen her mouth posed in really weird unreal poses as well as just a plasic look to her poses. Well said my man.
Boy Reese, you’re right. She doesn’t look like she’s enjoying posing at all. Too bad, because her tits are really nice. Also, I been trying to find a big natural titted babe with a nice small ass and Merilyn appears to have a great ass. I can’t figure out why so many girls with big tits have such flat asses. Check it out, very rare to find a nice small round ass. Ewa Sonnet kind of does…any other suggestions?
yeah, she definitely seems bored, or annoyed with the whole thing. Too bad cause her body is nearly fucking perfect! At least we still have Jana Defi aka Maria Swan or whatever the hell she is calling herself this week
She’s one of the models that look great on photos, but should never make a video. I think the pics aren’t that bad…. compared to the videos she made.
She simply has to get a bit more the hang of it.
Almost nothing to add Reese, you hit that point very well.
I must say that posing for Score seems be kind of responsable for the development. I think her (early) pictorials at THA are far more natural!
But she’s still young…so there’s enough time to improve!
Score photo shoots have got to be the worst professional shoots in any industry. The models always look bored and/or far less attractive than they actually are, and the poses are ho-hum.
She’s alright, Eden Mor is my fav. I love her video clips,
here is a girl you should try to get more info on Reese, 32G Melanie
from swiss.com or something like that.
She has great pictures I like Big Boobs any size I would screw her regardless. I am so hooked on all Big Breasted
She is weird looking and totally plastic, not exciting at all.
BTW – Reese absolutely love the site, I check it every day. Keep up the good work!!
You’re right my friend Reese, I preffer the early times of Merilyn TH era !! she looks artificial now, but Merilyn still have one of the most beautiful pair of tits ever seen !!! and a very very nice ass and pussy as our friend Ayrton says.
Merilyn please don’t give up… ALL of us need you in a natural way
I prefer seeing Merylin Sakova, as “Sabrina 34kk” on overdevelopedamateurs.com (although there isn’t enough of her on that site for my taste). ODA seems more natural and less artifical than Score’s site for Merilyn (probably due to budget or lack thereof but it works). I feel that the artifical quality associated with Bustymerilyn.com has nothing to do with Merilyn and everything to do with Score’s lack of imagination. Why all the make-up and the fancy looking sets? I want to see huge beautiful breasts, not how well you can design a set I’m not even looking at. Cut back on trying to being so darn proffesional and perfect Score because its not working for me.
p.s. I also wish Score would tease us a little bit more in their photo shoots, and capture a few more images of their models in clothes. It seems like there are usually 2 maybe 3 photos of their models clothed and then bam the close are on the floor. What’s the rush…if someone wants to see the model naked right now, they have the option of skipping ahead. So please slow down a bit and let your fans enjoy the ride Scoreland, it truly isn’t a race.
anyone know her name?
I agree with Johnny, Score may be the problem. Perhaps she’s not feeling comfortable with them, ¿who knows?, It could be that Chloe Vevrier left her Score site because of the same reason. I just know that Merilyn is one of the few (sans implants)”slim’n’stacked” models that are out there and a rare combination of looks and boobs…..
This site is getting better and better, i check it every time i get hte chance. ¡¡Please keep the good work man!!
The sad thing is she really has a pretty face. I think with a good make-up artist she could be stunning. She certainly needs better coaching when it comes to posing, but god, what a body…even with those horrible poses she still makes my dick hard. I love the way her tits hang to her waist, yet still have a nice fullness to them.
To SDG: The pic in the URl you posted looks to me to be “Titanic Toni” Kessering, with her tits morphed or photomanipulated to enormous size. You can recognize the real Toni by her one boob (right?) which is a few cup sizes larger than the other. See http://www.tonikessering.com
A few observations on Anya/Merilyn: I agree with Eric P that she’s somewhat plastic, and I’m not an expert on photo shoots so I can’t offer a judgment on why she’s not smiling. I do know a couple things about her that displease me. One is that she smokes, and I think if she were to quit, she’d gain a bit of weight and look liess like an anorexic and more wholesome. Another thing that I tend to disbelieve is some of her stats. She claims she’s 5 foot 5, but she looks considerably more petite than that, or else she has a very large head. I’ve compared her to the door threshold height in a pic that Reese blogged, and my estimates are somewhere between 5 and 5 foot 3. But that assumes U,.S. standards for doorways; European stds could be different. Still I’d say that I’m not too far off. And her petiteness is what gives her boobs such a boost in size in comparison to the rest of her body. And she’s too skinny to be the weight and waist and hip size claimed by her stats. I’m not trying to be overly picky, but I like the truth to be known.
While I’ve been thinking about this, I went to Wikipedia.org and searched for Her name and it found nothing. So I decided to go back to the Wikipedia big boob URL I posted for Karola’s blog,
and I found a short bio on Merilyn there.
After this, I clicked on Y and Yulia Nova’s name (just can’t get enough of her). At the bottom of her vital stats there’s her website, so I clicked on that. Then I clicked on English at the top. There is some interesting insights into modeling posted by her phtographer, Kizu. It seems he’s saying that Yulia is a control freak when it comes to her modeling. Perhaps Merilyn, who is also Russian, is also a control freak, but in her case the phtographer is not as cooperative as Kizu, and this has caused Merilyn to be exceptionally hostile to her modeling situation. This is just my thoughts and speculation, though.
BTW, Reese, check out the sentence above Princessa’s pic here at the URL – looks like your blog is popular. http://www.bignaturalboobs.org/natural-breasts/category/enormous-natural-breasts/
Interestingly, it seems that Yahoo also has a dirctory of adult big breast stuff.
TO Very Free:
NO,the girl is not “Titanic Toni”
After posting my reply, I looked at the pic from your URL and found that it has some scarlet letters in the upper right corner, along with the morpher’s logo. So I did some foirensics. I cropped the pic to just that area, and enlarged it about 8 times. Then I sharpened it twice (you can also do all this with a free prog called irfanview). What I read in the scarlet letters is “Scan from titanictoni.com”. I went to that site and checked the free tour, but I didn’t find the unmorphed version of your pic, but I’m not a member. I’m sure that if you’re a member and look for it there, you’ll find the unmorphed version of your pic. Sorry, but I’ll still say with even more certainty that it’s a morphed pic of Toni Kessering.
I have to agree with VFS — that sure IS Titanic Toni, you can recognize her face without a doubt…! Don’t be fooled by the ridiculously huge morphed breasts…
There are two big threats in this world:
1. For the “real” world its Osama Bin Laden & Al Qaida
2. For the big boob world its the SCORE group.
They can turn pure Gold into crappy shit. Best example is Merylin.
So, lets fight against them. All together.
OF COURSE SHE LOOKS BORED!!! The “HOLE” industry is bored, contrived,and packed to the wall with wannabe starlets who really have nothing to offer except one more set of tits, one more “PLUG” for a website.
Merylin is probably more intelligent than you realize, and she realizes that she’s compromising herself for a bunch of faceless dudes! C’mon….is this exciting anymore. OF COURSE she’s bored…she knows that she has a shelf-life of about 3-5 years if she’s lucky.
Aw, c’mon now. I know plenty of models who thoroughly enjoy what they’re doing. Chloe Vevrier is a great example of this: Ever since she broke away from the “mainstream” porn sites and struck out on her own, she’s become quite inventive in finding ways to tease, teach and delight her fans.
As for the longevity of a model, there’s no reason to stop after three to five years. There’s a market for everyone. You can start out as a “teen”, dabble in mainstream, move on to MILF, and, eventually, end up as “mature”. If someone wants to make a life-long career out of it, there’s really no limits – it’s just a matter of loving what you’re doing.
Granted, it’s hard work, too…but most of the models I know say that it’s the feedback from their fans that keeps ’em going. Maxi’s another fine example: Her fans have been so supportive that she’s decided to share the progress of her pregnancy with them! It’s all a matter of being able to touch the audience on a personal level – to allow them into your life, and thus make a livelihood for yourself out of it (and, most importantly, have fun in the process).
Merilyn’s still a bit young, though, and I suppose she’s got a way to go before she discovers how to make this business her own. It’s really no different than any form of celebrity – you need to develop the confidence to take control of the industry, rather than allowing it to control you.
~Reese! :~)
The reason that Merilyn does those awful looks with her mouth is that her upper teeth are BROWN AND DECAYING (if you look closely in a few of her vids you can see her upper teeth) Typical of “lower class” Russian cunts who can’t afford dental care.
She has great tits. But still Zena Fulsom is my favourite :)
I have to say scoreland are probably the worst big boob magazine out there. It takes talent to make large breasted attractive women seem the contrary but scoreland do it every time.
They turn up the lights get them to do the unsexiest poses and a trained monkey takes the camera. Then they choose the worst shots and put them up. Take a look at Bea Flora at score and then some of her pictorials anywhere else. Anyone would think she’s aged considerably and put on a lot of weight. Chloe Vevrier is another good example.
The guys at scoreland have no idea. Their only saving grace is the models they have but that has little to do with their skills if anything at all.
I think she’s dealing with a back problem due to her monumental mountains. You see, even the earth gives way at times due to all this load. Merilyn’s just a woman. Hehehe…..
best busty model ever!!!
i love her look,smile,outfits,make-up! it is in every way porn for me
What happens between
me and this is only
what we make of it
a love of somthing
thats not but is
Re: What happened to Anya (Merilyn):
I just came across your site Reese so I’m a little out of the loop but it comes down in the end to money. When she started as Anya she got so much for a shoot. In the trade, the raunchier your shoots are the more you get paid for them. Lesbian pays more than solo. And m/f pays more than Les. It may well be that she’s not comfortable with what she’s doing but is compromising for the sake of the paycheck
Leo… what are you on about? The biggest threat is smug fucks like you (and you love how you sound huh?) whose lazy, complacent, car/supermarket-obsessed ways have, since the last war, created a growing and unprecedented demand for, amongst other things, oil. Fossil fuels. Petrol. For cars, for trucks to transport cheap and bad food to supermarkets putting local shops out of business and creating a fat, dumb, compliant market that keeps it all going.
Wake up, fuckhead.
>There are two big threats in this world:
1. For the “real” world its Osama Bin Laden & Al Qaida
2. For the big boob world its the SCORE group.
They can turn pure Gold into crappy shit. Best example is Merylin.
So, lets fight against them. All together.
I think Merilyn is a babe I just wish she didn’t have that music in the videos so I could hear her moan with pleasure.
zengoth say > merilyn izz still a.w.e.z.o.m.e. _ but something has happened _ maybii 2much of everything _ and 2little luv´n´affection _ could bii a message 2 the 1 and only denise milani _ no nude pleeze _ and 2 merilyn : bii careful with urself _ good luxx _ subatomaric paraloadin vz. brainpeeelin ___-:)
Merilyn is GOD!
Busty Merylin is not a professional model, yes she makes her living doing it but she’s had no formal training. She smiled at that photo just like your kid smiles during school photos.
Yes scoreland is the devil, it is it is! but you can always tell when they take over a site they have the same models! Maria MOORE, Ana P. PARKER, Gianna MICHAELS, Brandy TAYLOR etc.etc.
I think Merylin just wants what nadine JANSEN, and Mila VELBA to be able to call their own shots! Where’s her harly and posing with other models. Not to have to the dance for every guy with a camcorder and a check! the only big money she’s offered is for porn!
Besides like I’ve said 100 times before the best photos of her are for xx.cel she looks like she judt woke up nest to toy and did the photos, very natural.
hokay maybe she’s being held captive by russian gangsters and thats where all her moneys going and everything else. why she can’t get good dental care. has anyone seen her walking free and out there like nadan and milva just walking the street without her entourage.
i hate to go here but you know why elvis killed himself. the colonol wouldn’t let him do “A star is born!” he wanted to do the movie to prove his acting chops and poke fun at himslf. his handlers said no and he was dead 48hours later. i wonder whta merylin wants to do but her handlers won’t let her!!
maybe she aint happy, n needs to get seduced by a hot guy to make here extremely hot and wet, shell prolly be smiling then .. maybee, I duno, HI merilyn
I get crazy,Merylin is wonderful
I think the exact opposite is the case!
Merilyn is great in videos, and UNBEARABLE on photos. i have yet to find a single picture where her look is not kind of strange or simply ugly.its like she´s constantly biting into a lemon!
she is really not photogenic.
even when I am bored and horny and just surfing for big tits, I go ugggh when I see these pictures.
On videos she looks a lot better, maybe becaue she feels more natural with it.
Jana , on the other hand has TONS of beautiful, very good ,even classy photos.she doesnt even have to undress to look sexy.to be honest I like the dressed ones better!she really knows how to take a good picture.
But Merilyn´s body is even a little more utopian sexy than janas (even though both are toptoptop).its just pure madness.Also I find merilyn more personable than jana.somehow nicer.
Personally I am a Boobs&Hips person.I think for the whole package u need more than JUST boobs.BUT u HAVE to give jana and merilyn credit, cause, I mean,what are the odds that the body fat decides to ONLY reside in the breasts?I mean that alone is sexy as hell and very entertaining:D
merilyn has a nice walking in place video off of divinebreasts videos.she also does a lap dance video where she removes a orange net shirt.she is 5foot 6 weighs about 124. her boobs probably weigh 8-10 pounds apiece.she has very big boobs. they appear to be zeppelin shaped with decent aeorola..she has a skinny ass. ive heard her speak…….. she speaks 3 or 4 languages. unfortunately in one of her videos she is smoking a cigarette. i would hate to see her get breast cancer from smoking as it would most definetely ruin her career.she has incredible tits and i have a lot of respect for her because she has stayed away from the porn industry.sh is decent looking in the face but not in the same ballpark as say chloe vevrier. but chloe vevrier is 41 and merilyn is in her mid twenties.meriyln sekova is ranked #6 by ddf busty.she has the potential to be a legend like chloe vevier, or way back in the day with roberta pedon. lorna morgan has massive boobs also…………
I know from personal experience that 38DDD (F-cup) breasts weigh about +_ 5 lbs. Anya’s G cups would weigh no more than 6 lbs., especially with her smaller rib cage measurement. The 8-10 lb. estimate made by “Goober” is too high.