Ever since the inception of MyBoobSite, I’ve had it in the back of my mind to assemble an alphabet of big breasts covering every conceivable cup size. And, although I do try my best to stick with F-cup & up models here, I occasionally stoop to slightly smaller cup sizes based upon popular demand. Thus, since D-cups are a dime a dozen, I’d always intended to start my alphabet in the E-cup range. Here’s what I’d assembled so far in my quest…
Reese’s Alphabet of Big Boobs
D-cup – Maritza 38D
E-cup – Liz 32EE
F-cup – Maggie Green 36F
G-cup – Samantha 38G
H-cup – Eden Mor 38HH
I-cup – Autumn-Jade 34I
J-cup – Alicia Loren 36JJ
K-cup – Juggmistress 38K
L-cup – Sabrina Meloni 38L
M-cup – Liana 38MM
N-cup – Serenity Davis 48NNN
P-cup – Wonder Monique 46P
…as you’ve no doubt noticed, I haven’t been able to find an O-cup representative for my list. Also, I’ve totally avoided what I consider to be the fictitious cup-sizes – such as the “XXX-cup” silicone queen Chelsea Charms 153XXX who bolstered her already bountiful bosom to unnaturally epic proportions using polypropylene string implants (a dangerous choice, imho) – and thus my list of alphabetical bra sizes previously ended with a P-cup.
Until today, that is, as I came back from my weekend’s adventures to a lovely little e-mail from Jenny Hill! She wanted to tell me about her new website (well, semi-new, as she opened it late last year) and sent me a .zip file containing 12 photos of her gorgeous Q-cup endowments (thanks, Jenny!)! And so my list continues, this time by virtue of black BBW beauty Jenny Hill and her 38Q breasts. Here are the photos she’d sent from BBWJennyHill.com:

While her tits are quite big, she doesn’t look bigger than some of the women who have allegedly smaller chests than her like Juggmistress or Monique. She’s also much shorter than them, so if her breasts were really that large, they would look even bigger proportionally, not just literally. Perhaps a Q cup in England is different than in the States.
Hi Reese
Finally You put the best (Beutiful Erotic Superhanger Tits) in Your site.
This gorgeous woman has it all.
– Beautiful body
– Big nice ass
– Sexy face
– And those HANGERS …..
Ever since i discover this site (wich is the Best in its category) I have waited for Yuo to put Jenny Hill in here.
I hope You have put here in the model directory for future updates.
My opinion is Jenny Hill is the present and past (at least until now) No 1 ultimate BOOBLOVERS dream.
Anyone agree ;)
Harald “the titloving” Viking
Look on myspace.com for girls who suffer from VBH (Virginal Breast Hypertrophy).
I concur with Joey. She is very, very big.. no doubt. One of the biggest…
But , a Q cup? No way..
If Miosotis, who looks to be about as big as Jenny Hill, sports “only” a K cup, there is no way that Jenny is a 38Q.
wow! reeese get some more pics or even a video!
Harald, Jenny is nice and all, but the No 1 ultimate booblovers dream? Hardly. That title belongs to Maria Moore.
Excellent, I have been following Jenny Hill for a while now. Anyways, I think it’s great that you show a woman of colour (PLEASE DONT GET ME WRONG, IM NOT ACCUSING YOU OF ANY RACE ISSUES, AND ON THAT NOTE THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH WHITE MODELS EITHER-I’m a huge fan of Samantha Anderson, and Maria Moore), because there seemed to be a lack of them.
Great Site,
She took my breath away, can I have it back now? An eye-catching lady to be sure, if you’ll excuse an understatement.
hmm Monique is not supposed to be T-cup now?
Well it always makes me feel good to see women with REALLY big breasts. But I have to say one woman that has taken the crown for me is MIOSOTIS from Nadine Jansens website. Miosotis is totally stunning, extremely pretty and the largest breasts a man could want for – Brilliant!!!
Monique? Please link.
Well it’s about time!! I noticed you made no mention of your fans who have been calling for a proper Jenny-blog since December of last year! I even e-mailed Jenny’s webmaster with your URL and told them they HAD to contact you. Well alls well that ends well! Jenny is THE ONE. Unreal how famous she has become. She has been modeling since 1998 at least and she is getting sweeter all the time. Most of her fame is from magazine modeling with a few websights here and there buying her photos. She has absolutely NO camera shyness. I have seen some of her movies she is absolutely an adorable inferno of sexual tease in front of a camera. Glad her site is up and running and I can’t wait to see how much MORE appreciation she will get with a strong on-online presence. Her boob-to-body ration is just about the greatest anywhere!
I watched a few vids of her when I read this article. They’re really hypnotic. I don’t think even comparing her with monique is a good example. This girl looks relatively healthy, and her boobs are bigger.
Blimey, you’re right! I’d forgotten that Monique is a T-cup now!!
~Reese! :~)
Hello Joey
I agree that Maria Moore is one delicious lady, but can not match Jenny Hill. Jenny has no one above, no one to the side and no one below!!!
That is of course many below but there is a “gap” between no 1. and no 2.
Actually Jeny Hill is so Sexy looking I dont ever think anyone will concequr her place.
But thank God for the various hot “hanger” ladys around, all with their own specialities. Maria Moore, incredible hot sexy look, Carmen (and Vanessa Blue) best blowjob girls I have seen. Carmen in her “feet behind head” love pos..oh delicious, Saphhire awseome hangers, Eden Mor makes me wanna ….. all day long… and so on…
Top 10 girls is very difficult to point out, because it changes from time to time, but for the no. 1 (Jenny Hill) has been on top since I first spotted her in a D-Cup magazine many years ago.
Top 10
1. Jenny Hill
(the gap)
2. Eden Mor
3. Kerry Marie
4. Chaz
5. Maria Moore
6. Milena Velba
7. Carmen
8. Bozena
9. Cherry Brady
10. Alicia 32 JJ
Harald “the Titloving” Viking
i have been a fan of jenny for a long time, and i am very glad u finally blessed us with some tit popping photos…any chance of vids?
anway i think jenny hill is #1 and then kerry marie 2
fuck fuck fuck id fuck her til my cock fell off holy shit
those pictures gave me the most massive erection ive ever had
i wanna get my dick lost in those tits
i think if i saw her naked i would get hard in less than a second and prolly explode on her tits hopeful after getting inside her hot wet pussy and licking her tits up and down wow she is the most fuckable sexiest definite number 1
Women like Jenny always make a much bigger splash (pun somwhat intended) in the ‘Ebony’ and ‘Booty’ categories of blogs. Sad, but true. Some stereotypes just need to be abolished for the sake of all our pervy pleasures :~D
Many months ago, you asked your faithful folllowers if they wanted to see more beautiful black breasts, and since have blogged maybe 5. What happened? (I don’t mean to be pushy, but I’ld just like to know ‘which way the milk flows’…as it were.)
Speaking of ebony ladies with huuuuge breasts, how about some pix/clips of Miosotis? She is hellaciously hot, even hotter than this Jenny Hill girl ( though she is certainly hot in her own right). I’d love to see Miosotis posted here, she’s been kind of hard to locate thus far. At least I’ve had trouble. Everything I’ve seen of her is really nice but not much to download.
Oh, while I’m on request mode, could you please post more of Maritza? She’s definitely another from the goddess category. Thanks reese!
I was wondering the same thing Jes. Is Reese from the American South?? J/K Truth to be told there are lots of “big-mamma” type black models. Few of them have the stunning sweet looks of Jenny. I think Sammy Black is one. Sierra, and for SURE Juggmaster-favorite Chaka should be here…
i would really be interested in seeing her side by side, next to miosotis. just for comparison’s sake. i know mio is larger but godddamn jenny’s pair are so full and huge
About time, I have been a fan for ages, she’s udderly gorgeous. I wonder if her friend Sammie Black is still modelling, I have not seen anything new from her for ages ;). I hope Jen sends you some full nude pix soon Reese.
I doubt that Miosotis is “allowed” on here as she’s exclusive to N Jansens site, more’s the pity…
PS Reese any new Bea Flora pix..
I’ve been a fan of Jenny for a number of years. She’s a complete package – great ass, beautiful face, and of course those magnificent big hangers
Wow. Jenny Hill is like my fantasy and shero all at once. She is beautiful and if anyone is doubting her size. I wear a 38N bra and she is 2 cup sizes bigger than I am. I am bigger than Miosotis but Mio is smaller so that is not a fair comparison too. Mio, Alicia and Milena are unbelievable in their frame, breast ratio. Jenny and I are much bigger than her even though I am bigger than Jenny frame-wise.
Also comparing her to Monique has a bigger band size so she is going to be bigger than Jenny if they are anything comparable in cup size. Which they are not. Monique is supposedly a T cup which is putting her near Norma Stitz, Karola, Melody level.
This woman is good but what about Africa Sexxx and definetly Sierra
Hello Everyone
….Just thought I’d pop by to say Hi and a huge THANK YOU XX to all of you for your comments! Its not really worth comparing everyone as each model brings her own essence of beauty with her. We are all unique and there is more than enough room for everybody out here to entertain.
I must say it really has been an absolute pleasure to give something back to society and put a smile on so many faces over the past 12 years.
Reese you’ll be hearing from me soon sweetie……..
Bye for now
Jenny Hill xxxx
Jenny Hill is one of the most adorable women I have ever seen! I don’t think that I could hug her without passing out from sheer delight! I particularly love her baby doll-like face, and smooth brown complexion.
Her breasts are to die for! As a matter of fact, if I were to die between them, I would consider it a highly privileged blessing! But alas, to be smothered by them, I can only think of eternity!
Hi Jenny`s a top girl not only is she mega sexy with beautiful brown boobs a gorgeous sexy smile , but i think shes an intelligent ,down to earth girl who would have time for anyone who was kind and a gentlemen to her
also i think she trys hard on her website to answer her emails and please her fans and the price $19.99 is a bargain ,Jennys also a sweet sexy girl with a great personality
Jenny Hill is definitely in a class by herself. I don’t think it’s too farfetched to say that one of those breasts could cover my entire face (and still have some left over) !
First off ,the website bbwjenny hill has been a long time coming.It has been a pleasure to watch Jenny grow up on the pages of Voluptuous from a teen newcomer in1995 to a cover model whose very apperance equals a sold out issue!!!! But like others I must take issue with her size. In the first place in Ms. Hill’s later apperances in Voluptuous she is only listed as a “I” cup, also it should be known that sizes have tendancy to be “streched” countless times I have seen in magazines bbw girls who are by my judgement “C” cuppers listed at double “E”. Having my doubts I asked a female friend about bra sizes & measurements and showed her some pictures to illustrate my point. She explained that the width of a womans back also factors into bra size so while the cups themselves may be C’s she may require ae size for width and will adjust the straps. Please keep this in mind when reading, not that Jenny’s I’s aren’t beautiful they just but until they give us proof they are Q’s . THE I’s have it!!!!!!!!
Jenny Hill is wonderfoul.
WOW, I can’t believe Jenny actually responded. *sigh* LOL.
She is bigger than an I, I know what you are saying though. I can look at women and see their breasts and see their size and go, huh? But I believe it because she is bigger than she was when she was younger and she was a very big girl then too. There is no reason for her to lie. Hell, half the time, us women are downplaying our size. Wearing DDs when they are a J cup. LOL.
I believe this is the same Jenny Hill that was in Juggs I believe it was quite a while back, must have been 10 or more years ago, may have been her debut.
Anyway if I recall correctly the Jenny in Juggs had a tattoo on her left tit at the top that said “Dark & Lovely” or something like that. This sure looks like the same Jenny but I no longer see the tattoo. Anyone else remember this?
jenny has always been one of my all time faves,lovely smile and awesome boobs-a true goddess xx
Jenny has been my favorite since I first saw her on a cover of a magazine long long long time ago!! She was wearing a white tank top and a pair of yellow short shorts…Her breasts were amazing back then and they have just gotten better and better…people who question the size should check out some of the videos…I am not sure if she is really a American ‘Q’ or not but all I know is in pictures it is kind of hard to sometimes get the full idea of how big things really are…but in the videos on her site she might do some comparisons like ebony-princess does (http://www.chocolatejuggs.com) she compares her breasts to a gallon of milk and a big container like a protein container that you might get from GNC….I always thought ebony-princess had some really nice breasts but couldn’t really grasp exactly how big they were until she wrapped the tape measure around them and took all sorts of other measurements….then when you get your own tape measure and stretch out those measurements you will see exactly what type of sizes some of these woman are talking about…I am really hoping Jenny will do something like that on her site…I am planning to join it just to see if she has that old photo shot up there with that white t shirt and yellow shorts!!
There’s just one problem with your alphabetical listing. It’s not strictly correct. An EE cup is the same as an F cup. An II cup is the same as a J cup. A JJ cup is the same as a K cup. And so on. Each letter is one inch larger than the last, and indicates the difference between the measurement around the torso vs. around the torso plus breasts. The practice of double-letter or triple-letter cup sizes seems to be an invention of the undergarment industry, perhaps done so that women with sizes over D-cup wouldn’t feel quite so big.
i will pay for sex with you i wanna come all over those babey
The problem is that there is no systematic measuring system in place that works very well and there is no establishment that makes certified measurements that can be relied on. Tape measures kind of work, but a flatter boob is going to have more circumference than a firm boob of the same volume. We really are in need of a systematic measuring system that can GUARANTEE cup sizes. The only system that is fair as far a size goes is one that measures volume, not circumference. I think we should have the models put a boob into pre-molded cups of increasing size. As soon as it fits into one, that’s their size. We could have volume-defined cup sizes. Models can become certified and get our stamp of approval. Soon it will become the norm and all models will do it. I volunteer myself to do the measuring. :)
lord all mighty girl you is one sexy babe.i would love to see you in a video with a white dude with a massive pink cock to fill all your horny holes.god damn you are way to beautiful to be gracing the pages.i need to see you in a video with tongue worshipping a pink cum filled cock for your pleasure.you cant tell me that you havent had white.
i dont care wat anybody says you are a great lookin woman overall
i think you are great and beautiful so e mail me and we can have some fun together
milk titis mamy
Excuse me where can i free download movies with these stars
Simone Fox
Jenny Hill 38G
Miosotis Claribel
Summer Lashay
Samantha 38G
Thank you!
[mod note: No!! We want to ensure these lovely girls willing so share their boobs and bodies with us remain well-rewarded in their erotic efforts and what you’re asking would effectively strip these luscious ladies of their livelihoods! We need to support these big boobs babes or, otherwise, big tits porn from such well-endowed women will become all but extinct for the rest of us conscientious carnal consumers. Don’t be selfish and ruin it for the rest of us by effectively stealing from these beautiful busty girls’ pockets. After all, why should we expect them to keep giving us more porn if there’s nothing in it for them? YKIMS]
Some day before Jenny retires or I pass, I would like to see Jenny and Miosotis do a matchup together. While Jenny has not been shy about engaging other big or bigger boobed models, I believe she is shy about engaging Miosotis. Were such a matchup to occur, I am certain that Miosotis would dominate Jenny the same way that Jenny dominated Sammie Black.
bullshit this bitch is no Q MAXI & COLLIE have the bigest tits in town.
im sorry jenny u do not have bigger tits than Anorei collins if ur a Q Anorei is a XX get a life brown bitch.
were in the hell do u find all these big tit girles dame i want one with big tits like maxi.