It appears we have a well-hung jury in the debate between short hair or long for the sexy Samantha 38G. When I’d first posted the poll a month ago, I expected the results to be decisive one way or the other. However, after over 2,000 votes, it’s still pretty much 50/50 (marginally leaning toward long locks by a mere 20, last time I checked).
Thanks to all of you who voiced your opinions on the topic, too. Even Samantha herself logged in to express her reasons for lopping off that lovely long blonde hair: “Had long hair for many many years. And then once I worked for Score and Bang Bros, they keep marketing all my pics and videos as new and they weren’t. So I cut my hair to out date all of their material (I am a stinker). So long haired pics and videos are about 6 years old. All short hair pics and videos are at least 3 years old or newer. Score and Bang Bros has no new material of me at all. Very much enjoyed ya’lls take and comments about my hair length. Changing my hair up keeps it fresh and fun for me. Change your hair, change your life…… It is a given that long hair is sexy, and many models where it long for that very reason. Short hair can be Sassy. Always enjoyed the idea of being Sassy. Smooches, Sam”
So Sassy Samantha 38G it is, then. I don’t mind at all, really, as long as she keeps on sharing those big G-cup boobs, voluptuous body and delightful personality with us (although Sam readily admits that her sense of humour, unlike her breasts, is a bit floppy – i.e. “How many Big Boobed Blondes does it take the screw in a lightbulb?”).
And so, a bit more saucy sassiness from…

…it seems that Sam’s been out on the prowl again for new talent to join her on the site, too, the latest arrival being the curiously named “Ellecee” (is that some sort of Francophilial formulation of Elsie?). Although she seems as much a sucker for big tits as anyone should be, I get the impression that newcomer Ellecee might well be a virgin to the lesbian scene – appearing just a wee bit apprehensive as Samantha peels off her panties and prepares to go down on her pussy for a bit of cunnilingus – but, in the end, she takes it like a trooper and seriously begins to enjoy Sam’s oral attention upon her swollen clit.
Here are a few choice clips of Samantha and her newly-converted fuck-friend Ellecee from their lesbian videos at

I prefer the shorter hair myself. Long hair is so overrated.
Prefer the long hair to be honest, but interesting to know her motivation behind the change. I already got the vibe that the Samantha 38G, Devyn Devine and Brandy Talores of this world had got the motivation to set up their own sites because they’d been dicked around (no pun) by the big name sites, and that kind of backs up the theory.
Shame really, cos those plus a few other girls who’ve done the same thing seem to come across a bit jaded now. Meh, I’m still lovin me some Alicia 36JJ anyway :)
I think “Ellecee” is actually Elle Cee.
Man – if those pics don’t convince people about the short hair… I dunno. Sam baby, back that thing up! WOOHOO!!! Got to love her all over.
I like her with or without the short hair but, if i could choose, i’d choose the short haired Samantha, though i would never imagined her reasons for cutting off her hair. Well, as Reese says, as long as she keeps sharing those big G-cup boobs…….
Samantha is VERY hot but I wish she’d stop “airbrushing” her photos to death.
Short hair or not I want to see her doing more boy-girl. Samantha has the kind of rack that needs to be titf–ked over and over.
The pictures are like of an angel sent from heaven, her eyes, her lips, her tits, her nipples- lovely and beautiful.!
I love the short hair. Samantha never looked better.
yeah, The Score Group is a “king of re-marketing” stuff, as a proof, they still have Linsey Dawn McKenzie’s and Tiffany Towers’ websites up and running at the time they had bigger boobs. i’m glad Samantha wanted to outdate all Score’s stuff to say “hey, stop checking out old stuff and check out my personnal website where their’s always new stuff being released!”, thanks a lot Samantha, i really appreciate it, the industry need more models thinking like you :-)
Marvellous pics. Has she gained a little again?
jugger she gains and loses the same 20 pounds all th etime it seems. I think I read reese liked a nice sexy tummy and Sam sure has one of those :)
Hot as always
In my humble opinion the shorter hair has accentuated the soft and sensuous side of Samantha
The longer hair, instills a raw animalistic urge to take her from behind
Speaking freely with no disrespect
she is the sexiest women ive ever seen and ive sen aton of beautiful women if i had one night with her it would be magic ya digg
I love big boobs even though i’m a girl. i really have a big boob fetish, they’re hot. I have some 36DD’s, but the boobs on this site are even bigger. They get me so horny.
Samantha is a gorgeous woman, this is true. I’ve been very happy to see her continued presence ever since I first learned about her. However, her current battle with self-loathing and body image issues is rather unattractive.
Her recent Twitter posts speak of her frustration over not being able to buy fashionable clothing, which is certainly going to be irksome for any plus-sized woman who’s concerned about fashion. But they quickly spiral downward into open hatred for her body, her boobs, and men. Men…whose interest in her provide her with a living.
It’s true that life isn’t fair. It’s true that when life starts to suck a bit, we look for someone to blame. Dealing with other people can really suck, especially in shallow industries such as fashion. Maybe I have the luxury of being a slobby t-shirt and sweatpants kind of guy so I don’t have to worry about ridiculous things like that. But still…try not to let one bad day allow you to say things that could really damage people’s perceptions of you in the long run.
Deep breaths, Sam. Things always get better.
Ur a hot slutty bitch
Samantha is awesome!
My first post ! :)
My first post! :)
[mod edit: no, it’s not :P]